Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2115 2115 [Uzo’s Child]

Yamamura So happened to answer a phone call just now. When he heard this, he immediately became excited: "Of course there is evidence! According to our urgent investigation, Senda Saruhiko had an accident when he was in the acrobatic troupe and fell while walking on the tightrope. Come down – that’s when he became afraid of heights, as anyone in the circus can attest!”

Tatsumi Ryunosuke said impatiently: "There are still arrow marks on the tree across the river. If he hadn't walked that road, could it be that someone had no time to shoot arrows into the tree?"

Jiang Xia: "That arrow mark was deliberately left by the real murderer behind the scenes. The purpose was to mislead the investigators, so that others would think that Senda Saruhiko built a rope bridge and escaped through the window."

Yamamura Cao lowered his head silently, trying to reduce his sense of presence, pretending that the unlucky guy who was misled before was not him.

Fortunately, no one cares about him at the moment.

Jiang Xia continued: "Senda Saruhiko was indeed involved in the case, but he was more like a manipulated puppet than the 'real murderer' - this case was actually two people who joined forces to commit the crime. Senda Saruhiko' died in a fire accident ', it was not an accident, but he was silenced by his accomplices."

Maya Hashimoto was frightened when she heard this. The word "manipulated puppet" really made people familiar with the matter think of Uzo.

Did Jiang Xia really find enough evidence to uncover the mastermind?

Could it be that Uzo suddenly ordered him to silence the detective?

After a moment, Maya Hashimoto suddenly realized something and looked at Curacao quietly: "..." Wait, if that's the case, this woman will definitely take action. She might as well act according to the situation and involve her when necessary. Come in.

Curacao felt his gaze, bewildered.

But soon, she understood, and her mood became a little subtle for a moment: This stupid guy didn't think that Uzo was going to expose Uzo. Hey, naive peripheral member, you probably still don’t know what your cheerful detective boss is.

Thinking of Maya Hashimoto's vague hostility towards him and his admiration and support for Jiang Xia along the way, Curaçao couldn't help but feel a little distracted: If Maya Hashimoto knew the truth one day, his expression would probably be very interesting... No, no, no, it can't be Be curious about everything around Uzo! Otherwise, this is very likely to be a trap that will lead you into a trap.

Curacao took a deep breath, looked away, and pretended that he hadn't thought about anything just now.

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko looked at this and that, and quietly touched her chin: "..." Could it be that Ms. Shirai is in love with someone else? Why are you suddenly flirting with Mr. Hashimoto again? ——Hmph, if she was asked to choose, she would definitely choose Jiang Xia. Although Mr. Hashimoto is good-looking, he is still a bit uninteresting.

Jiang Xia didn't know that while she was busy pushing the progress bar, there were three disobedient people beside her who were quietly distracted.

He still spoke unhurriedly: "The murderer knew that the shotgun stolen by Senda Saruhiko was stuffed with lead, and he also knew that once the trigger was pulled, the bullet would be fired from the rear, killing the shooter - exactly It was by taking advantage of this that the murderer was able to get rid of his accomplice without leaving any trace.

"Whether it is the self-proclaimed 'cursed samurai' in the threatening letter or the samurai sword with the 'Hiiragi' family crest, it is the murderer who fabricated the 'descendants of the samurai who was killed four hundred years ago' for Senda Saruhiko." The identity was specially prepared. Only in this way can Senda Saruhiko be provided with a suitable false motive to draw the investigators' attention away.

"In other words, the murderer's motive was not to 'take advantage of the dispute between the heads of the Xun family to take revenge on the Xun family for killing his ancestors', but the opposite - the murderer pretended to be a 'cursed warrior' to retaliate against the Xun family, but in fact he was taking advantage of the dispute between the heads of the Xun family. This is an opportunity to intervene in the dispute between the heads of the Xun family.

"Their real goal is to kill Tatsuma Seimaru and allow Tatsumi Ryuunosuke to succeed to the throne."

There was deathly silence in the hall. This incident completely overturned the version of reasoning they had heard before.

After a while, Dr. Fuyuki came back to his senses and spoke carefully: "It does sound possible. But I remember that Senda Saruhiko is a very smart and cunning human spirit. How can such a person be manipulated by others—— Maybe you're overthinking it, all of this was indeed due to Xianda's own will, and the fire was indeed just an accident."

Jiang Xia glanced at him and felt that this doctor who had been greener than others was now bursting with green light: "Because there is an indelible 'intersection' between Senda Saruhiko and the real murderer behind the scenes. It is precisely because of this intersection that they will join forces in a tacit understanding.”

Dr. Fuyuki always felt that he was looking at her strangely, and couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean? What is the 'intersection point'?"

Jiang Xia: "To put it simply, they have a child."

Everyone: "?!"

The group of people in the hall were all stunned, but Senda Saruhiko was not too young. Although he was single, it was not too shocking to have a child in private. Therefore, everyone in the Xun family was only slightly shocked and soon calmed down.

However, one person had a huge reaction. Maya Hashimoto took a step back as if she was shocked, and hit the door frame with the back of her head. The force was so strong that she almost knocked herself unconscious.

A group of people were attracted by his movements and looked over in surprise and confusion.

Maya Hashimoto's face was messy and she hadn't recovered yet: "They, they have a child?!"

How can two men have a child!

...Wait a minute, didn't he guess wrong before that Uzo's real body is actually a woman? !

Curacao: "..." You must never let Uzo know what is thinking in your mind.

However, it seemed that it was already too late. She looked at Jiang Xia and saw a fake detective who was at a loss for a moment. The corners of his eyes suddenly twitched, and he obviously understood this guy's brain circuit.

However, other people were obviously more curious about Maya Hashimoto's reaction than Jiang Xia's undetectable anomaly.

Conan has been paying attention to this suspicious person for a long time. After so many days, this is the first time he has seen Maya Hashimoto look like this.

Seeing this, Conan's expression turned strange: "..." Could it be that Maya Hashimoto and Saruhiko Senda's... uh, child's mother are related?

Senda Saruhiko looks a full round or two older than Hashimoto Maya. Is it because the taste of the late Mr. Senda is too young, or is Hashimoto Maya's taste too unique?

However, after carefully analyzing Maya Hashimoto's reaction, Conan felt that he might have been mistaken: it was not like the anger and sadness after suddenly learning that his sweetheart had a child, but more like... eating something he shouldn't have. The shock after the big melon.

Conan touched his chin, trying to sort out all the known information, and fell into deep thought.

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