Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2116 2116 [Hashimoto Maya’s N boats]

On the other hand, to a certain extent, Suzuki Sonoko's brain circuits were actually synchronized with Conan's.

The female high school student's almond-shaped eyes widened in shock. She couldn't help blurting out and asked Hashimoto Maya: "Who do you like?"

Maya Hashimoto was forced to regain consciousness by her irrelevant question: "Huh?"

What does this have to do with him. And even if there is, it’s not important. What’s important is...


Maya Hashimoto gradually came back to her senses and thought of a new idea: Maybe the mastermind behind the scenes didn't refer to the "mastermind behind the scenes" he thought?

He barely suppressed his panic and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect the truth to be so shocking. Well, Mr. Jiang Xia, please continue."

Jiang Xia nodded. For some reason Maya Hashimoto always felt that his eyes were cold.

But if you look closely, you can see that the detective still looks like he is eager to help solve the case.

This time, Jiang Xia changed his explanation: "Actually, from another perspective, the 'intersection' between Senda Saruhiko and the mastermind behind the scenes can also be said to be the huge wealth of the Xun family. They want the position of the head of the family and this money. In the hands of a particular person.”

Hearing this, although Yamamura Cao didn't fully understand it, he felt that things had entered his area of ​​expertise.

"The only ones who can succeed the head of the family now are the three children of the previous head of the Xun family." Yamamura Cao looked sharply at Tatsumi Ryuunosuke, Xun Menghuang, and the second son of the Xun family who could only lie on the ground and play marbles. "The murderer is among the three of you!"

Xun Menghuang tilted her head and glanced at him, then picked up the black cat that ran to her feet at some point: "I can't kill, and neither can my second brother. Do you want to say that the eldest brother is the murderer?"

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke: "Don't spit on others!"

Yamamura Soo originally thought that Tatsumi Ryunosuke was the murderer, but after thinking about it, he felt that this puzzle was too simple.

Remembering that he had guessed wrong not long ago, Yamamura was a little more cautious this time: "That's not necessarily true. Cases of women killing people are not uncommon. There is also your second brother, Sunda Hayato - although he has been stupid for many years, but He might be pretending to be stupid! Don't you often see it in TV dramas, in order to prevent persecution, children from big families deliberately pretend to be stupid to make themselves look uncompetitive."

"..." Sunda Falcon's fingertips trembled, and the marbles bounced and rolled to Jiang Xia's feet.

Sunda Menghuang obviously has a better relationship with her second brother, and she defended her: "But in this case, one thing doesn't make sense - Sunda Seimaru aside, the Mr. 'Akanuma' who claims to be his brother, even if it is true He is the twin of Sunda Seimaru, and he is not qualified to inherit the family head, so why should we spend so much effort to kill him."

Jiang Xia gently kicked the marble at his feet back: "'Akanuma Saburo' was not killed - or in other words, this person did not exist from the beginning. He was just a fictional character created by Senda Saruhiko and the real murderer behind the scenes.

"On the night of 'Akanuma''s visit, the 'cursed warrior' who attacked Mrs. Tatsumi and cut open the paper door was actually Senda Saruhiko in disguise.

"After appearing in front of everyone as the 'Cursed Samurai', he quickly rushed into the next room, took off his armor and changed into a 'Kuroko' costume, transformed into 'Akanuma', and appeared in front of us after counting the time."

When Mao Lilan heard this, she was suddenly startled.

She pulled Jiang Xia over and whispered in a low voice: "But I remember the night we first arrived, when Mr. Senda took us to wander around, we met Kuroko at the Samurai Shrine - they appeared at the same time, they must not be the same person. ." At that time, "Heizi" was as scary as a ghost, and she remembered it very clearly.

Jiang Xia: "That was not a 'chance encounter', but a deliberately designed encounter. The 'Heizi' we saw at that time was actually the real culprit behind the scenes dressed as Heizi.

"'Kuroko's' costume will cover the whole body, including the face and eyes. If it is played by only one person, then once others discover that 'Kuroko' and Senda Saruhiko will never appear at the same time, the true identity of 'Akanuma' will immediately It will arouse suspicion.

"So on the night when we first arrived here, the real culprit behind the scenes and Senda Saruhiko appeared in front of us at the same time, so that we could not think of this - at that time, 'Kuroko' was standing on the high steps of the shrine, far away , the sky is so dark, it is difficult for us to notice the difference between the two 'spots'."

The more Tatsumi Ryunosuke listened, the more outrageous he felt: "It sounds like the truth, but don't forget, the body of 'Akanuma' is still lying in the police station - is it possible to pretend to be an extra corpse? ? Or do you want to say that the real murderer behind the scenes killed himself in order to find the body? "

Jiang Xia: "That's not the body of 'Akanuma', but the body of Sunsheng Maru."

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke choked: "How is this possible? Tatsuma Seimaru was not killed in the cave..." Halfway through his words, he realized something.

Jiang Xia: "That night, the real culprit behind the scenes and Senda Saruhiko called Tatsumaru to the guest room where 'Akanuma' was. The two of them collaborated to kill him, put him in 'Akanuma' clothes, and then cut him off Off his head."

A group of people from the Xun family who had never seen a murder case silently had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Yamamura Cao's mailbox has been buzzing since just now. All of them are information that the police subordinates found temporarily. According to Yamamura Cao's request, whatever they find is sent immediately.

He opened it and took a look, and was dazzled. He simply gave the phone to Jiang Xia and said enthusiastically: "Look, what else is missing? I'll get it right away!"

——Jiang Xia is simply his lucky star.

Not to mention his previous promotions, this time Jiang Xia helped him see through the false murder case.

The two situations, "Senda Saruhiko was murdered by an accomplice" and "Senda Saruhiko fled home due to the negligence of a certain police department and accidentally died while attacking a police officer on the way" were completely different to him.

Jiang Xia was not polite. She took her phone and looked through it: "The autopsy report of 'Akanuma' shows that he has type AB blood."

Others didn't know why he suddenly mentioned this, but Dr. Fuyuki's expression changed slightly.

Xun Menghuang also remembered something and looked at Mrs. Xun: "I remember that my stepmother has type O blood."

For a person with type O blood, the possibility of giving birth to a child with type AB is not impossible, but very small.

Jiang Xia: "If Mrs. Xun is willing to provide some samples for DNA testing, it should be possible to confirm that there is no mother-child relationship between her and the body of 'Akanuma'."

Tatsumi Ryunosuke was stunned by him: "Didn't you just say that the body was Tatsuma Seimaru? Why don't you have a mother-child relationship with her?"

Xun Menghuang vaguely understood something: "There is no blood relationship between Xun Zhengwan and Mrs. Xun?"

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