Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2128 2128 [Case closed]

Tomizawa Taichi: "Actually, I have no inspiration for writing novels recently. In order to relax, I often go to play Pachinko. I also went there last night, and then I heard the game broadcast on the radio in the store - I usually live in Osaka, There was no TV broadcast of that game in Osaka, so I had to listen to it on the radio.

"And when the incident occurred yesterday, I left a message on the landline - according to Yuzo, I couldn't possibly hit my dad and make a phone call at the same time."


Henggou Police Department was gradually convinced.

Then he became confused: "So who is lying? Why don't you three follow me back to the police station first, and we will investigate slowly."

The three brothers were startled and suddenly became anxious: How could they pack them all up and take them away without finding the murderer? Will the police solve the case?

Tomizawa Yuzo suddenly remembered something and bypassed the police and rushed to Jiang Xia: "I saw your crime scene when I attended the cocktail party before. You will definitely be able to find the real murderer, right?"

Jiang Xia: "..." The previous cocktail party? No impression at all.

But everything that needs to be heard has been heard, and it's time to solve the case. He looked at this repeat customer who might have received his business card twice, and nodded: "The murderer should be your eldest brother."

Henggou Police Department: "!"

There were not many detectives in Shizuoka Prefecture, and he had almost forgotten that there was an option to poke the detective and drop the answer with one click.

Fortunately, it's not too late to make up for it now. Henggou Police Department's eyes lit up: "Tell me in detail."

Tomizawa Taichi finally came to his senses: "Don't spit on others!"

Jiang Xia looked at him: "Did you really hear the radio report at 11:30 last night at the pachinko shop?"

Tomizawa Taichi snorted: "Of course."

Jiang Xia: "But according to regulations, all pachinko houses cannot be opened after 11 o'clock at night - I can see that you don't play there often, at least you haven't come into contact with it late at night, and you have no experience of being cleared by the staff during closing time. "

The Henggou Police Department was startled and looked at Jiang Xia quietly: "..." Wait, so how did you know?

But now that everyone is working together to catch the lawbreakers, let’s pretend we haven’t heard about this little thing. The Henggou Police Department quickly cleared his throat, and before anyone else could react, he turned his attention completely to the murderer: "There is indeed such a rule, and your alibi is simply not valid."

Tomizawa Taichi really didn't have time to catch other people's loopholes. He panicked and patched up his own holes: "Well, I made a mistake! In fact, I left the pachinko house at almost 11 o'clock. That broadcast was from me. Heard it in the taxi on the way home.

"Haha, I just don't have a good memory and I accidentally mixed things up. Don't you think I am the murderer just because of this?" Taichi Tomizawa said awkwardly, "And don't forget, I still have An alibi, I left a recording on my phone when the crime happened!”

Jiang Xia: "I was about to say this - at 11:30 last night, there was a power outage in this area due to heavy rain. During the power outage, the built-in battery of the landline can guarantee the time and call functions, but the answering machine will not work at all.

"In other words, your message was not left at 11:34 pm, but earlier.

"You broke your TV in advance, and then last night, after learning the result of the game, you sneaked into the Tomize family's villa, adjusted the landline time to 11:34, and left a message inside. Then you Lie in ambush nearby, wait for your father to go out, rush out and kill him.

"The body of the deceased was spattered with blood from being beaten, but only the circle on his left wrist was empty. There used to be a watch there, but it was taken away by the murderer - because the watch contained the eavesdropping you had hidden in advance. device.

"Whether it's the result of the game or the time your father left the Suzuki family villa, you know it through this watch. Taking it away is also worried that the police will find the device inside and suspect you."

Tomizawa Taichi: "..."

After saying that sentence just now, he had prepared many things to say - such as "How did I know that my dad would suddenly run to Suzuki's house", "How did I know the result if I didn't watch the game?", "I again How could I accurately intercept my father without opening my inner eye?"...and a series of words of resistance.

However, before he could throw out the combo, the opponent had already predicted all his problems and blocked all his moves.

Tomizawa Taichi felt his eyes going dark, but his pride as a murderer still allowed him to hold on and said: "You, you..."

"I have no evidence, these are just third-rate mystery novels I wrote?" The hateful detective once again predicted his prediction:

"The bloody clothes you wore when you committed the crime, your father's watch, and the record of buying a listening device should all still be there. The waves on the beach here are very gentle, and even if you throw your clothes into the sea, they will probably be washed away. Return to the shore, and if your car is wet with blood on your clothes, it will be difficult to explain if someone finds you. So you should just stuff them on the side of the road. Just test the ingredients on them and trace your purchase records. …”


Tomizawa Taichi sat down on the sofa and laughed tiredly: "Okay, stop talking, I am the one who wrote the third-rate crime script - my biggest mistake was that I ignored the ten minutes of the power outage. .”

The two younger brothers looked at him in shock: "It's really you, why are you..."

Tomizawa Taichi said indifferently: "Of course it's because I want to get his inheritance as soon as possible and then be my novelist without any worries."

Tomizawa Tatsuji was stunned: "But as long as you want, you can join the company at any time. The entire consortium will be yours, why do you..."

Tomizawa Taichi: “Because I’ve been having such a hard time recently. Originally, my manuscript fees were enough to live on, but recently I’ve been rejected one after another, and all my savings have been exhausted.

"I went to my father and asked him to help me with some emergency funding. Unexpectedly, when I mentioned this matter, he showed a proud smile - only then did I know that it was because of his pressure on the publishing house. , the publisher rejected my manuscript!

"Maybe the old man wants to use this method to force me to take over the consortium. Hehe, we are taking over the consortium anyway, why don't I operate it in my own way - as long as I kill him, I will inherit the consortium. If I continue If a brother goes in because of this, I can also get more inheritance.”

Maya Hashimoto looked at the broken eldest brother, and then at the second and third brothers of the Tomizawa family standing beside him, and suddenly felt that he understood Usa's intention.

"Perhaps this is not a knock on Suzuki Ayako, but a way to pave the way for this subordinate." Maya Hashimoto hid in the corner, doing reading comprehension secretly, "After the death of a picky father-in-law, and because the eldest brother was imprisoned, she His fiancé instantly had the opportunity to compete for the financial group, and his family property doubled... Hey, I don't know how much effort Suzuki Ayako had in this, Uzuo really didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp under his command."

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