Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2129 2129 [Do you also like Jiang Xia? 】Ask for monthly ticket

As Taichi Tomizawa gave up resistance, the police stepped forward and handcuffed his wrists.

"I didn't expect that there would be a power outage at that time, causing the murder script I carefully wrote to become a joke." Tai Tomizawa smiled bitterly as he was led out the door, "Reality is far more bizarre and tortuous than fiction. Maybe I You really don’t have the talent to be a novelist.”

Maya Hashimoto looked at his back sympathetically: "..." Whether you have talent or not depends on who you compete with. Who told you that you were playing games with Uzo behind your back? ——Whether the story is written carelessly or not, at least Uzo is the most professional in practice. In the field of murder, all scripts can only become part of his script.

Tomizawa Taichi quickly got into a police car and was taken away by the police. His two younger brothers watched this scene with mixed emotions.

Ayako Suzuki comforts her dejected fiancé. Maya Hashimoto lingered around for a long time, and finally when he was free, he stepped forward to ask about the land. Although the timing seemed inappropriate, we were all colleagues, so it shouldn't be a big problem. And if I miss this time, I don’t know how long it will take.

As expected, Suzuki Ayako did not refuse to talk. She patiently listened to Maya Hashimoto's words and sighed: "You're late. Just a few days ago, I donated that island to someone else."

Maya Hashimoto: "???" How dare you give away the land your boss wants!

...But only in this way can we better clarify the relationship and avoid hidden dangers.

Hiss, as expected of an old employee, he is really cautious.

Maya Hashimoto took notes in his mind and quickly adjusted his mentality. He acted in cooperation: "In that case, can you give me the contact information of the current landlord? That theater is really very memorable to me. It’s like the starting point of my new life, so..."

Suzuki Ayako nodded knowingly, found a business card and handed it to him: "This is the business card of Ms. Su Fanghongzi. She is a famous philanthropist. She usually likes to collect things with weird legends, especially all kinds of things. Mask - you can learn more about this and go with it, she has a good temper, and as long as you get along, she shouldn't mind transferring it."

Maya Hashimoto thanked her and thought that it was true: Suzuki Ayako didn't really want to give away the land, she just wanted to take a roundabout way and deliver the land to Usa, so she would definitely choose someone who was willing to transfer the land easily.

It seems that this time, I can finally get the things easily and smoothly!

Since joining Usa's staff, Hashimoto Maya has met many annoying colleagues. Now, in comparison, even Suzuki Ayako seems to be pleasing to the eye.

He said a few more polite words, stood up and left.

On the way back to Tokyo, several people shared a car.

Jiang Xia glanced at the business card collected by Maya Hashimoto: "I suddenly asked Suzuki Ayako to buy an island. Are you interested in the theater on the island? - I also think that century-old theater is very historical and commemorative. Waiting for you The Theater in the Sea has opened, if you don’t mind if I come over and take a look.”

Maya Hashimoto responded repeatedly: "Of course!"

"According to Usa's character who likes to find a stage for exchanges with old enemies, the next step after the theater is built is to give me an order to take Jiang Xia there." Maya Hashimoto thought secretly, "In the end, I haven't thought of an excuse yet, Jiang Xia He even took the initiative to deliver it to your door.”

"What a good person." Maya Hashimoto thought about Jiang Xia, and then compared her terrible boss with a group of colleagues who were about to be rolled into knots, and sighed from the bottom of her heart, "It would be great if there were all people like Jiang Xia around me. ”

When they arrived in Tokyo, the group said goodbye and went about their own business.

Maya Hashimoto sent a message to the new island owner according to the email address on her business card and made an appointment to meet.

With Suzuki Ayako as the intermediary, the philanthropist named Su Fanghongzi agreed to meet.

Maya Hashimoto checked the other party's information, chose formal attire overnight, made up many masks and weird knowledge, and prepared to make people happy as Suzuki Ayako said, and then get the land.

He went to the meeting place with a head full of knowledge, then opened the door and met a newly rich woman.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." No, compared to the rich Mrs. Asahi who just reached middle age last time, this time she should be called Grandma Rich.

Su Fang Hongzi was once a famous singer, nicknamed the Oriental Canary. Later, when she got older, she moved behind the scenes and opened a brokerage company. She dealt with her acting career every day, and she also produced many popular stars under her command.

All Hashimoto Maya found were photos of her when she was young, and Su Fanghongzi is now sixty or seventy years old, with neatly styled silver hair and wearing a luxurious custom suit.

When she saw Maya Hashimoto, she looked at the goods as if they were looking at the goods, and smiled appropriately: "Your conditions are pretty good. If you have a good voice or a skill, you might as well come to my place and become a star."

Maya Hashimoto thought of the terrible number of scenes that celebrities have to face: "..." Spare me.

Maya Hashimoto also dismissed the topic with a smile, and then mentioned the island euphemistically.

Mrs. Su Fang sighed. She raised her hand and pointed at the various decorations hanging on the wall. They were all masks with various weird shapes:

"As you can see, I usually don't have any other hobbies. The only thing I like to do is collecting these masks - and I like the story of the Phantom of the Opera very much. The theater on that island is just what I want. In fact, I plan to put it Transformed into a mask museum.”

He even thought of the specific use. Maya Hashimoto's heart suddenly thumped: "..." Suzuki Ayako! Look who you chose, this old lady is holding the island and has no intention of letting go!

Mrs. Su Fang glanced at the subtle twitching of the corners of his eyes, laughed, and changed the subject:

"But this island was given to me by Ayako after all. Since you are also her friend, I naturally have no reason to refuse - well, if you do me a small favor, this island will be yours."

Listening to these words, Maya Hashimoto felt more and more familiar. It seemed that he had heard it from Mrs. Asahi not long ago. He said cautiously: "You tell me."

Mrs. Su Fang blinked her eyes, and she could vaguely see the charm of her youth: "Before you came, I learned more about you. If I remember correctly, you recently joined Jiangxia Detective Agency and are working on Jiang Xia will be an assistant—you should have a good relationship with that little detective."

Maya Hashimoto: "???"

Maya Hashimoto's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at her: "..." Are you also planning to get close to Jiang Xia? Are you my colleague too? !

Or is this rich woman just looking for sex?

...No matter what it was, Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but become wary.

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