Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2130 2130 [Twins]

Sure enough, the next moment, Mrs. Su Fang revealed her plan: "Bring Jiang Xia over and talk to me. That island will be yours."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Didn't you rich ladies really get through this in advance? Why do you even have the same words?

He numbly said: "Well, I am a law-abiding citizen..."

Mrs. Su Fang interrupted with a smile: "I know. I just plan to hold a charity dinner and want to ask Jiang Xia to help with some publicity. In addition, I hope you can persuade him to join my agency. He is really suitable to be a star. , but unfortunately we have contacted him several times before, and he seems to have no intention of signing the contract. In fact, among similar companies, our treatment is very good."

Maya Hashimoto secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it, then I'll try my best." Anyway, it's just persuasion, and it doesn't say that it must be persuasion - I mean, isn't it easy to just say a few words of persuasion?

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a tall woman with short hair wearing a maid uniform walked into the room and refilled their tea.

When the maid left, Maya Hashimoto looked at her back thoughtfully: It felt like this woman was quietly sizing him up just now. It was obviously the first time for him to see this face, but he still felt a little familiar.

Under his gaze, the maid retreated to the door, bowed and closed the door.

Mrs. Su Fang laughed ambiguously and said to him: "This is Shimogasa Minaho, the maid who came to my place not long ago to apply for a job. She is quick at work and sensible. She is still single. If you like it, I can introduce you to her." .”

Maya Hashimoto is so busy with her career these days that she has no time to fall in love. What if she happens to be talking about a colleague and gets stabbed in the middle of the night?

He shook his head: "No, let's talk about the island and Jiang Xia."

Shitakasa Minaho exited the door and silently leaned against the door to listen.

Then he turned around and saw a face that looked exactly like hers.

Her "twin sister", Shimogasa Honami, winked at her, and the two of them moved away from the door. Her sister asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with that person?"

Shitakasa Minaho: "I'm afraid that's our colleague."

"Colleague?" My sister was stunned for a moment, then suddenly jumped up as if her tail had been stepped on, "You mean that demon... that person's subordinates?"

Minaho Shimotsaka, or Naoko Tormaru nodded, and then scolded: "How many times have I told you not to talk about this kind of thing outside? You really never learn a lesson."

Takamori Masumi covered his mouth and was stunned for a moment, still in shock: "Why did he come to the door? Does that adult have something to arrange?"

She quickly reached into her maid's skirt and found her cell phone. However, when she opened it, she saw that there was no email in it.

Torimaru Naoko thought for a moment: "He doesn't seem to recognize me as I am now. Maybe he didn't come here for us."

...So why did this evil minion suddenly come to the door?

She touched her chin, briefly lost in thought.

Since the last silver coin case, both of them have become wanted criminals.

I thought that my young life was about to end in a long prison. Unexpectedly, on the way to the police, a burly man in sunglasses suddenly came to hijack the car.

Then they took the opportunity to run away, and then they were spotted by the person behind all this and joined a mysterious and huge organization.

In order to avoid possible pursuit, the two changed their identities and became a pair of twins. The strange doctor of the organization was right. Young and beautiful twins are indeed very popular, even if their false identities are very thin and they have no eye-catching academic qualifications or work experience. , the two of them can easily find jobs with this pair of pretty faces copied and pasted.

So they followed the "Uzo"'s guidelines and selected some well-to-do wealthy people to apply as maids.

At that time, Uzuo did not give too detailed requirements and only let them choose the wealthy families that they liked.

Toriyama Naoko is not willing to be the canary in the palm of this devil, but now that they are still fledgling, it is far from the time to resist.

So Toriyama Naoko used her clever little brain to carefully select a mansion that was the most harmonious and most likely to leave Usa helpless within the limits of the rules.

——Su Fang Hongzi’s family.

"Based on what I know about Uzo, this boss likes to use complex interpersonal relationships to kill people and plan some bizarre and tortuous human tragedies."

At that time, Naoko Tormaru confidently speculated:

"Ms. Su Fang has no family members, is alone, is kind, and never conflicts with anyone. What she does is charity, and she has almost no competitors...she needs motives but not motivations, actors but not actors, and all-round defense.

"It seems that Mrs. Su Fang like this can survive for a long time. If Masumi and I stay here together, we will definitely be able to have a long rest and recuperation time - this is not slacking off, we are completely following the request of Mr. Uzuo Picking jobs.”

As for Toriyama Naoko's troubled sister, Takamori Masumi, she doesn't have so many thoughts.

Takamori Masumi thought: Anyway, the fate of the two people is now firmly tied together, and there is no reason for Toriyama Naoko to cheat her. Since the fake sister is smarter than her, just listen to this "sister".

So after the two of them recovered, they came to Mrs. Su Fang to apply for a maid job.

Then they successfully joined the company - as expected, no one can reject a pair of young, beautiful, well-behaved twin sisters who obey their employer's instructions, not even the old lady.

In this huge house, there is only one owner, Su Fanghongzi.

Takamori Masumi and Toriyama Naoko stayed with Mrs. Su Fang every day, cleaned the house, and lived a quiet and ordinary life.

For them, this kind of comfortable life is like a dream. However, it turns out that after joining that organization, you can't be idle. Although it is not clear what happened yet, this kind of time may soon be gone. It's about to end.

The more Takamori Masumi thought about it, the more anxious he became. He almost wanted to go back and shake Hashimoto Maya's collar to ask him what he wanted to do.

Of course, Tormaru Naoko couldn't let her act recklessly. She suppressed the impulsive fake sister who got into trouble and thought for a while: "Let's maintain our identity as a maid first, not do anything unnecessary, and then adapt to the situation - before Do you remember what I taught you?"

Masumi Takamori nodded quickly and repeated in familiar words: "You must never have murderous intentions towards anyone at any time. You must never be alone with anyone, lest that person becomes murderous towards me inexplicably. You must never show your face to anyone, In order to prevent the other party from feeling slighted and becoming murderous. I have to do things just right, neither more nor less. I can’t let my employer think I’m lazy, and I can’t be too good to attract attention..."

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