Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2131 2131 [Trap]

Masumi Takamori was tired from carrying the load and asked in a low voice: "Are there really that many people who are capable of killing at any time and at any time?"

Hearing this, Naoko Tormaru couldn't help but frown: "You didn't memorize the cases I asked you to memorize and recite in full?"

Takamori Masumi suddenly looked guilty: "I, I carried it, but I forgot it."

She also wanted to carry it. But most of what Naoko Tormaru pushed to her were cases that Jiang Xia had solved.

Masumi Takamori had been a murderer in front of Jiang Xia for a period of time, and she was frightened when she saw the keen detective. To this day, she still remembers the despair she felt when Jiang Xia stared at her.

So every time she saw the cases Naoko Tormaru gave her, when she saw how Eka solved the case in seconds, how the criminal fell to his knees in seconds, and how he was dragged into the police car with tears in his eyes... she felt the same and her legs weakened.

Torimaru Naoko is a rational person. Although she is dissatisfied with her teammates' laziness, she will not hold on to past mistakes. She will only think about how to make up for it as soon as possible: "...Forget it, you will be the same as Ye Ha when I go back tonight." Make up for it. No, staying up late can easily consume energy and make people’s reactions slower. Let’s start from the afternoon and tomorrow.”

As she said that, she thought of another thing: "You should remember this dangerous area in the house, right?"

Without Jiang Xia's influence in this house, Takamori Masumi's performance was normal. She nodded quickly:

"Of course you remember! - The armor on the first floor, the long ax in the hand is sharpened. You should always pay attention to avoid the falling range of it, and pay attention to whether there is anyone hiding inside, lest he suddenly wears it. Armor attacks.

"There is an antique pot at home that can separate liquids. If you see anyone using it, stop eating immediately and stop drinking all water to avoid accidentally injuring the maid when someone poisons it.

"The decorative masks in the dining room, study room and a lounge on the third floor are heavy and angular. If they fall, they may kill someone. They need to be avoided when cleaning.

"There is gasoline stored in the garage in the southwest corner. Try to stay away from there to prevent an explosion. If a fire breaks out, escape from the opposite direction immediately..."

Takamori Masumi recounted the safety hazards Naoko Tormaru told him one by one - before the fake sister said it, she really didn't expect that there could be so many messy ways to die in this safe house.

Like a stern mentor, Toriyama Naoko listened to everything and finally added: "The conditions are fixed, but people have various tricks. If there are guests in the house in the future, you must always pay attention to them." habits and personality, and pay attention to any changes in the environment - that may be a trap set by others."

Takamori Masumi listened carefully: "Yeah!"

Naoko Tormaru fell into silence as she spoke.

The arrival of Uzo's minions may mean that the peaceful life here is about to end.

However, unexpectedly, she found that after the initial worry and fear, she actually felt a little relieved that "it's finally here" and an indescribable excitement.

"I'm really not a woman who pursues stability at heart."

Torimaru Naoko thought of the first half of her life when she was rolled into a ball of steel wire, and sighed secretly:

"Forget it, come on. A comfortable life is indeed good, but it gets a bit boring after a long time. Since Uzo plans to let me start doing 'business', I will just take this opportunity to get more information."

Then he selected useful information and gave it to Jiang Xia to help the detective defeat the devil as soon as possible - when Wu Zuo is knocked down under the detective's school uniform pants, his expression will definitely be wonderful.

Toriyama Naoko: "..." No, Jiangxia doesn't wear school uniform at all, and he doesn't go to class at all.

...But those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. How can we fight against the villains when we go to class every day? Anyway, Jiang Xia's grades are very good, so don't worry about this little flaw.

Naoko Tormaru quickly put this trivial matter behind her and concentrated on dealing with the upcoming test.

On the other side, Maya Hashimoto always felt that the maid was interesting.

But now he doesn't want to cause more trouble, he just wants to get to work quickly. So after talking to Mrs. Su Fang, when he went out to leave, he saw that the maid was busy with other things and did not come to see her off. Instead, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to go find Jiang Xia again..." Maya Hashimoto sighed secretly when leaving Mrs. Su Fang's old house, "For someone like me, I didn't solve any cases after joining the job, but instead caused a lot of trouble for my boss. Assistant, Jiang Xia probably won’t be blamed."

Half a day later, in Amuro Detective Agency.

Jiang Xia was inspecting the cat picked up by her brothers when she suddenly felt something.

He stuffed the cat back into the cage, took out the rollers from the drawer next to it and glued off the eye-catching cat hair on his clothes, then quickly sat back on the sofa, picked up the cold black tea on the coffee table and took an elegant sip.

As soon as Maya Hashimoto entered the door, he saw Jiang Xia holding black tea in one hand and a commission book in the other, busy attentively.

...Elegance, so elegant. No wonder some newspapers always praise Jiang Xia as Sherlock Holmes in Tokyo.

Maya Hashimoto walked lightly like a sensible Watson, but hesitated to speak: "Are you free these days? I have an invitation letter to attend a charity dinner here, I don't know..."

"Of course I'm free." When Jiang Xia heard that he was busy again, his mood improved. He didn't expect that in addition to iced black tea, the new younger brother seemed to have the potential to produce cases. He said seriously, "No matter how busy you are with charity, you have to find time to participate - send the invitation Show me the letter."

Maya Hashimoto was impressed by the social consciousness of this high school student, and sent him the invitation letter specially made by Mrs. Su Fang, then sat across from him and explained:

"I don't know if you still remember Mrs. Su Fang. She was a popular singer in her early years. Now she has stepped behind the scenes and opened a brokerage company. All the proceeds are used for charity - she hosted this charity dinner.

"The theme of the dinner is to support orphans who lost their parents in car accidents. Mrs. Su Fang invited several influential celebrities in different fields to sit down, and you are also on the list she wants to invite. If you agree, She wants to ask you to go to her residence with others to discuss specific matters a few days before the dinner."

Jiang Xia looked at the negotiated date, then at his own schedule, and decisively moved the matter forward: "Okay, I will go there on time." He glanced at Maya Hashimoto, "Is it for your theater?"

Maya Hashimoto blushed: "..." In order to help a devil boss with no conscience complete the task, he came to increase the workload of this good boss. Thinking about it, he felt a sharp pain in his conscience.

Fortunately, after staying with Uzuo for a long time, his conscience was gone. Maya Hashimoto comforted herself: Jiang Xia must be very happy to be able to contribute to charity - you see, his mood has improved visibly. This is not a waste of Jiang Xia's time, this is a win-win situation.

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