Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2133 2133 [Undercover]

Jiang Xia opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as he looked around the yard, he saw that someone had arrived early.

The man looked at the mansion in front of him with admiration, took out his camera and started taking pictures.

Mao Lilan, who loves to chase stars, soon found that this person looked familiar. She looked at it carefully for a moment and said to her two classmates in surprise: "Isn't this the famous photographer? His name seems to be Masaki Katagiri - I heard that he travels around the world , I took a lot of exotic scenery, and I didn’t expect that I would be back in China now.”

Just as he was talking, as if a rally horn was blown, another black car drove along the road and stopped in the courtyard.

When the people in the car got out of the car, Mao Lilan's eyes lit up again, and he instinctively took out his autograph book: "This is Mamoru Matsudaira, known as the King of Home Runs. He will also contribute to this charity dinner. To help out, Mrs. Su Fang must have too many connections."

Perhaps the scene of a few people gathering together and muttering was too conspicuous, so the photographer and the baseball player looked at them and were slightly startled.

The two of them looked at Jiang Xia and came forward to exchange greetings: "Are you the one who is troubled by cases... uh, are you the famous detective who solves cases quickly? We have admired him for a long time. It is true that a hero comes out of a boy."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." He changed his tune pretty quickly.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to hear anything. He took out his business card and exchanged it. By the way, he also asked Mao Lilan for two autographs.

Mao Lilan was very happy, and then something even more joyful for the star-chasers soon happened - a taxi drove out of the door, and a young lady wearing a long trench coat got out. She rubbed her hands together and breathed out a puff of hot air. She raised her head and looked at the mansion in front of her, her eyes showing a depth that was inconsistent with her age.

Compared to the photographer and baseball player just now, this new lady's appearance was in a crushing state, and even Suzuki Sonoko was happy.

Two female high school students introduced Jiang Xia in a low voice: "This is Nagara Haruka, the tarot fortune teller who has become popular recently! She is very accurate in calculations. During the previous exam, we matched our clothes according to her instructions, and our scores were higher than before. A bit taller!"

"Me too, me too!" A rough and shy voice cut in from the side, and the baseball player actually joined the discussion of the female high school students very harmoniously. "I watch her divination program every morning, and then choose based on her suggestions. The color of my glove that I’m wearing that day, and I get to hit home runs more often thanks to her!”

Maya Hashimoto also looked at the fortune teller walking towards the courtyard attentively, secretly wary.

"Although there are also strange characters like Saburo Inozuka under Uzo, according to my experience, excluding this special case, Uzo usually chooses good-looking people, and any one he picks out will be handsome guys and beauties. Even that annoying little brat with glasses is impeccable in terms of looks.”

Maya Hashimoto quietly speculated on her boss's preferences: "In short, young directors choose people more based on looks. Although this woman looks fragile, I must be more careful."

The fortune teller was wearing a trench coat and a long scarf that hung down to the hem of the trench coat. This lazy and mature look changed in Maya Hashimoto's eyes: whether it was hiding knives, guns, poisons, or needles, this outfit was very convenient, and even the long scarf looked similar. Tools of crime.

With this in mind, he secretly checked the position of his pocket knife so that he could cut off any murder weapon such as a scarf in time if his neck was suddenly strangled.

Just as they were alert, they saw the fortune teller in front of them.

Then the beautiful lady glanced at everyone, her red lips were slightly opened, and she said in a magic voice: "Don't you think something is wrong here?"

Mao Lilan, who was about to sign an autograph, was startled: "Huh?"

The fortune teller sighed softly and raised his hand to his chest: "This house has an ominous atmosphere. Disaster is not far away from here."

Mao Lilan: "!"

Baseball player: "!"

Although they didn't know what the fortune teller was referring to, the two of them had quietly begun to think about quitting.

Maya Hashimoto glanced at the fortune teller, and the woman's words automatically changed in his mind: "This house is filled with Uzo's breath, and the drama is not far from the end."

Next to him, the photographer was a little disdainful of such mysterious things as divination, but he politely didn't show it and just changed the topic: "It's so cold outside, let's go inside first."

Jiang Xia nodded, turned around and looked at the mansion behind him. The size of this house is almost as big as their teaching building, and in the middle of the house is a tunnel-like cavity that connects to the backyard. There is a symmetrical arch on both sides of the cavity, making it difficult for people to know where to approach the house.

Maya Hashimoto was about to go to the left based on her experience last time. However, at this time, the two doors suddenly opened at the same time.

A pair of young and beautiful maids with identical clothes and faces walked out of the door at the same time. They both maintained mysterious and elegant smiles and said, "Welcome everyone."

Several guests who came here for the first time were stunned. This mirror-like scene made them think that there was a supernatural event at first, but it took them two seconds to realize: these seemed to be a pair of twins.

Jiang Xia also glanced at the twins twice. One of the maids was swept by his gaze, her smile froze inconspicuously, and she moved her feet uneasily, as if she wanted to quietly shrink into the door.

But she endured it in the end and imitated the fake sister opposite her, standing still like a statue.

"Shitagasa Honami", who was originally supposed to be played by Takamori Masumi, spoke first, but Toriyama Naoko waited and found that the unsatisfactory sister did not move.

The corners of her eyes twitched, so she had to say first: "Mr. Katagiri, Mr. Matsudaira, Miss Nagara, please enter the house through the west entrance here and rest."

Takamori Masumi came to his senses and quickly answered: "Mr. Jiang Xia, please go into the house to rest with your friends through the east entrance here."

While reading the lines, I secretly complained in my heart: Why is she here to receive Jiang Xia? Being in close contact with a detective is too heavy for a wanted criminal on the run...especially a terrifying detective like Jiang Xia.

Seeing her look like that, Toriyama Naoko vaguely guessed what she was thinking, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Of course, letting her be with Jiang Xia was to protect her, lest something happen to her pig teammate, and she would be in trouble too. over.

Naoko Tormaru: "..." After all, judging from what happened in the park last time, Jiang Xia is not the kind of detective who is too pedantic. He is even willing to cooperate with her and accept an undercover agent with a bad record.

"He can even accept people like me, and Masumi Takamori, the unlucky criminal who was used as a knife, should also be able to accept it." Naoko Toriyama sighed inwardly, secretly analyzing, "Those friends of Jiang Xia are not like Evil man, the biggest problem with Masumi is Maya Hashimoto."

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