Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2134 2134 [Brothers, Friends and Sisters Gong] Please vote for me monthly oo

Chapter 2134 2134 [Brothers, Friends and Sisters Gong] Please give me monthly votes o(〃'▽'〃)o

Toriyama Naoko: "..." Hashimoto Maya, this abominable minion, actually became Jiang Xia's assistant. Uzo must have sent him there as an undercover agent. She had to find an opportunity to quietly remind Jiang Xia.

Sending messages using electronic devices can easily be monitored, so it is better to find an opportunity to speak directly. In addition, before that, be aware that there are monitoring devices near you or Jiangxia.

Naoko Tormaru was thinking when she heard the baseball player wonder: "Aren't we all discussing the dinner together today? Why do we have to go in separately?"

Toriyama Naoko came back to her senses and explained softly: "The interior of this mansion is divided into east and west parts. Your guest rooms are also on the east and west sides respectively. Guests who live in the east must enter through the east door. Guests who live on the west side should enter through the west gate, which has always been the rule of this mansion."

She recalled the manual that Mrs. Su Fang gave them on the day she joined the company, and said, "In this house, if you don't follow the rules, you may get bad luck - after all, this is the house where the cursed mask lives. Mansion."

The maid's words were gloomy and strange. The baseball player and Mao Lilan felt a thump in their hearts at the same time and wanted to run away again.

Torimaru Naoko secretly shook her head: It's just a superstition passed down by the elderly, why do young people believe so? Speaking of which, if these people leave because of fear and leave the stage incomplete, Usa's expression will probably be... very interesting.

After a moment, Naoko Tormaru froze again: "..." Wait, in that case, will Uzo force other actors to fill the gap? ——Like some innocent twin sisters or something.

This thought flashed across her mind, and she took a step back as if nothing had happened, bending down and making a standard invitation gesture: it was better to trick these people in first, so as not to have a long night with too many dreams.

Two superstitious and timid guests really wanted to give up, but then they thought about it: the charity dinner that was about to be held was a big event, and this place was in the wilderness, and it was even more scary to go back alone, so they might as well go together with everyone. Walk.

So in the end, all the guests said nothing more. They separated according to the east-west direction assigned by the twin sisters, and each entered the house through the door in the corresponding direction.

The last guest walked in. Naoko Tormaru looked towards Masumi Takamori from a distance, nodded to her, then retreated into the room and closed the door.

She turned her attention to the guests on her side.

Toriyama Naoko smiled as she led the guests into the house, while observing them secretly - Maya Hashimoto, as a subordinate of Usa, would not kill people directly. So if Uzo really sets the stage here, then among the three people behind him, there is likely to be a villain who is ready to kill at any time.

...When the man made a move, she had to move away in time to avoid blood splattering on her skirt that would be difficult to wash off.

On the other side, Takamori Masumi also led Jiang Xia and his friends into the hall.

This mansion is very unique and exudes a museum-like atmosphere in everyone's eyes. So when they came in, they couldn't help but look around, and their eyes were quickly attracted to the decorations on the wall.

——Other people like to hang paintings on their walls, but on the wall of Mrs. Su Fang’s house, there are masks of various shapes hanging on them. It really looks like a mask museum.

Maya Hashimoto came here last time and was not very interested in masks. His eyes quickly fell on Masumi Takamori, and he quickly discovered that the maid's attention was entirely on Jiang Xia.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." According to the aesthetics of a young woman of this age, it is normal for her to look at Jiang Xia more than once, but the problem is that he always feels that Miss Shimogasa Honami's feelings for Jiang Xia are not appreciation or love. On the contrary, it's more like...

Maya Hashimoto searched in his mind for a long time and finally found the most appropriate description: like a mouse meeting a cat.

Maya Hashimoto touched her chin like Jiang Xia, and thought like a detective: "..." There is a problem, a big problem.

How could a serious person be afraid of Jiang Xia? Could this woman be a wanted criminal on the run, or could it be that her relatives and friends were criminals who had been sent in by Jiang Xia, so that was why she was like this?

After all, abnormality means danger.

Maya Hashimoto didn't say anything, just like the fortune teller just now, she added the young maid and her twin sister to the alert list.

Takamori Masumi noticed his subtle look. She realized something was wrong and quickly introduced it to the guests like a serious maid: "Mrs. Su Fang has a hobby of collecting masks. These are her collections on the wall. Everyone, please go upstairs first. There are many more on the second floor. More exquisite masks, you can view them at any time.”

There was a staircase standing on one side of the hall, and Takamori Masumi led a few people here.

The stairs were made of wood and covered with soft red carpet, and beside the handrail on the inside of the stairway stood a knight in armor more than two meters high. The knight holds a sharp ax in his hand, as if standing guard for this passage.

When Takamori Masumi saw the knight statue, she suddenly remembered something. She moved away calmly, then stepped on the steps and led everyone upstairs.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan didn't think much about it and just thought that the maid was caringly making way for the guests.

Maya Hashimoto suddenly became alert. His eyes fell on the Iron Knight next to the stairs: Is there something wrong with this thing?

...That's right, the long ax in the knight's hand was polished to a shine. If it happened to fall and hit a passerby, the passerby's blood would stain the red carpet under his feet.

Conan also looked over there, with doubts in his eyes: "..." They came through the door, and the stairs happened to be located on the side of the hall. With this layout, when someone walks from the door to the stairs, they usually Go upstairs from the nearest handrail on the inside. But this maid seems to be very taboo about passing by the foot of the equestrian statue...

Conan glanced at the knight statue twice more and at the maid twice more. He didn't pay much attention to it, but he habitually wrote down the information.

Jiang Xia was walking at the end. He looked at Takamori Masumi, then at Maya Hashimoto and Conan: "..." Although I don't know what these people are thinking in their minds, their murderous intent seems to have increased.

He flicked the mermaid on the head with his finger: Don't be lazy, go and pick it up quickly.

Mermaid: "..."

The group of people went up to the second floor, and Takamori Masumi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned around, raised her skirt and saluted, and then motioned to an ivory white door in front of her: "I'm going to put my luggage. Please wait in this mask hall."

After saying that, before many people agreed, she grabbed the guests' hands with a speed that seemed gentle and elegant, but was actually as fast as the wind... took the luggage and walked quickly to the guest room.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned: "She is so strong."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The bag snatcher was so deft. Could this woman be a fugitive bag snatcher?

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