Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2135 2135 [The noble scriptwriter]

Jiang Xia glanced in the direction where Gao Senzhen left, then withdrew his gaze and opened the door of the "Mask Hall" in front of him.

Behind the door is a brightly lit hall. On the opposite wall, there is a door exactly like this one.

At about the same moment, the door opened and the photographer, baseball player and fortune teller walked in.

The two parties met head-on, and each understood: this room should be in the middle, connecting the east and west sides.

The Mask Hall occupies a large area, almost like a small museum. Various masks are displayed on the counters on both sides, and there are many hanging on the walls like murals, from ancient times to the present, a dazzling array.

Conan was walking around and suddenly found a remote control placed next to the cabinet.

He was startled and poked the switch.

The next moment, the curtains on the wall slid open to both sides at the same time, revealing a thin cabinet at the back. The cabinet had several layers, and a row of pale masks stood on each layer.

——Compared with other masks that are carefully designed and have various styles, these masks hidden behind the scenes are frighteningly monotonous. They seem to be carved from thin wood and painted a uniform white. The masks have eye and mouth holes. His eyes were bent downwards, and the corners of his mouth were sharply raised, like ghost faces stuck to the wall, staring sinisterly at the people in the hall.

Just one such mask can make people feel uncomfortable, and now this kind of mask covers two walls.

As if being stared at by hundreds of monsters, Mao Lilan was so frightened that he took two steps back. Finally, he could not hold back and kicked him without fear: "What is this?!"

A kind and kind laughter came from outside the door: "Don't be afraid, child. These are called 'Shobre's Masks' and they are a very meaningful collection."

Everyone was startled and looked around to see Mrs. Su Fang and her secretary appearing at the door. The 60-year-old grandmother is energetic and wearing light makeup. She is looking at the famous guests she invited with a smile.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Mrs. Su Fang walked into the room and stopped in front of Jiang Xia. She looked at the detective who was not frightened by 'Xiao Bull's Mask' and said happily: "How is it? My collection."

Jiang Xia: "It's pretty good-looking." It's a pity that it's not possessed by the undead.

Next to her, the beautiful female fortune teller came over after being astonished. She looked at Mrs. Su Fang: "Are these white masks on the wall really the legendary 'Xiao Bull's Mask'?"

Mrs. Su Fang was pleased by her reaction, and found that others were also eavesdropping. She laughed and said a few more words:

"Yes, this is the Spanish sculptor, Xiaobre's last work. Xiaobre Condres is a tragic figure. He created many works in his life, but only this batch of masks is the most legendary.

"He was born into a wealthy family and had outstanding talents, but later he was framed by his jealous brother and lost his status, reputation, and all his property.

"From then on, Xiaobre became desperate for human nature. As if he was possessed by something, he began to carve these pure white smiling masks. When he completed 200 masks, someone found him dead. At home.

"He committed suicide while lying on the bed. The blood from his neck dyed the white sheets red. The last two hundred masks he made were scattered around him. Those white smiling faces stained with blood surrounded him - —According to eyewitnesses, it was as if the masks sucked his blood and bit their owner to death themselves.”

"Since then, these seemingly ordinary masks have become famous, and everyone usually calls them - 'Curse Masks'."

The fortune teller had obviously heard of this story, and she sighed and continued:

"After Xiaobul's death, his grievances were cleared and his reputation was rehabilitated. These masks also became precious collections. Many people are proud to collect this 'cursed mask'.

"However, the good times did not last long. Before long, people who owned these masks began to have accidents and died unexpectedly. The general manager of a British bank got the mask one day, fell while riding a horse the next day, and died unfortunately. A Frenchman The jeweler was attacked by robbers and died on the spot...

"So gradually there was a rumor that this kind of mask would suck the blood of the holder, and everyone began to avoid it."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room was stunned.

"If you collect one, something will happen, and you collected two hundred?" The tall and powerful baseball player was shocked, "Is it really okay?"

——If I had known that this kind of ghost thing was stored here, I wouldn’t have come here even if I beat him to death!

Although the masks only suck their owners, there are a total of 200 masks here! The skinny Mrs. Su Fang has nowhere to suck them, in case these masks don't have enough by then and start to attack innocent guests...

The baseball player's face turned pale, and for the first time he was dissatisfied with the muscles all over his body: People like to pick at the muscles in their muscles even when eating. Could these masks also find him the most delicious and eat him first, leaving others behind?

But soon he thought of something again, and looked at the high school students and the elementary school student thoughtfully: "..." Thinking about it carefully, the problem doesn't seem to be big - maybe Mask likes the younger ones, and he and these children In comparison, the meat is too old to be eaten.

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto, who was huddled in the corner, also had a complex expression: Although there are no ghosts in the world, if Uzo had heard the legend of this mask, he would definitely be tempted to do something freely.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Therefore, it is better to believe that this kind of legend exists than to believe that it does not exist, because no one knows whether it will attract some perverted murderers... well, attract the attention of some noble artists.

Mrs. Su Fang was amused by the fear shown by everyone towards 'Xiao Bull's Mask'. She shook her head: "Don't worry, I have asked an expert with powerful magic powers to seal the curses contained in these masks. "

Jiang Xia seemed to have remembered something, and took out the letter that was stuck on the dead wood blocking the road: "The curse of the mask is easy to seal, but it's hard to say about people's hearts in reality - on our way here just now, we received a letter like this s things."

The letter unfolded, and the threatening letter from the "Messenger of the Cursed Mask" suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The result surprised others even more than Mrs. Su Fang.

"This letter...?!" the calm and low-key cameraman blurted out, "Actually, I received the same thing three days ago. I just didn't say it in order not to spoil everyone's interest."

Baseball player: "I got that too!"

The fortune teller also nodded, obviously in the same situation.

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