Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2136 2136 [Custody]

All curse letters have only one meaning - the writer does not want these celebrities to help the charity dinner that Mrs. Su Fang is about to host for children who lost their parents in car accidents.

Mrs. Su Fang sighed, as if she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

And the four guests in front of me were not the only ones who received the letter.

At this time, a stylishly dressed handsome man with golden retriever arrived at the door. He obviously heard what everyone just said. He lifted a handful of broken hair in front of his forehead and interjected: "Someone also sent you a letter? - I'll tell you the truth. , my company also received one.”

Mrs. Su Fang saw him entering the door and said kindly: "Tongya, why did you arrive so late? I just wanted to call you and ask where you were."

Aikawa Touya smiled and said: "It's already too early. I'm touring across the country these days, and I just came back to Tokyo."

When he was talking to Mrs. Su Fang, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other and let out silent screams of surprise.

Conan looked at the golden retriever dissatisfied: "Who is that?"

Mao Lilan: "He is the most popular rock singer now, Touya Aikawa! As expected of Mrs. Su Fang, she can actually invite such a popular star..."

The autograph book in her hand was almost unbearable.

The rock singer noticed that there was a fangirl nearby and smiled businesslikely.

Then he took out the letter he received and handed it to Mrs. Su Fang: "The agent gave it to me before. The sender's name was not written on it, and the recipient was not me, but 'Su Fang Hongzi' ——Knowing that we don’t have many good friends, we don’t know who sent it.”

Jiang Xia happened to be next to Mrs. Su Fang. When he looked down, he saw the address and recipient handwritten on the envelope. But the owner of the handwriting obviously deliberately disguised the handwriting. All the words were horizontal and vertical, and the writing was straight and deliberate. It is difficult to find the characteristics from it.

Mrs. Su Fang took the strange letter, hesitated for a moment, but handed it to Jiang Xia: "Come and take a look."

It's not that I'm worried about poisonous powder or hidden weapons inside, it's just that there may be something wrong with this letter. Only professionals like detectives can open it with their own hands to better grasp all the details.

Jiang Xia didn't refuse, took the letter, tore open the seal, and took out a piece of letter paper that was folded in three.

The letter paper was made of the same material as the letter he picked up just now, and there were two sentences collaged with cut-out words on it:

[Tonight, the Cursed Mask will suck the blood of the living.

——The Messenger of the Curse Mask]

"It's still a threatening letter." Jiang Xia scanned the content and passed the letter to others to read. "But this time it's not to notify us. It's more like it's aimed at Mrs. Su Fang, the owner of the cursed mask."

Before Mrs. Su Fang had any reaction, the big-headed baseball player was already frightened: "Why don't we call the police?"

Mrs. Su Fang laughed and shook her head gracefully: "Since I started doing charity work, I have received countless letters like this. It's just obstruction from some clowns - don't worry about it, my charity dinner will go on as usual. Opening.”

The mask owner, who was obviously being targeted, looked normal, and the other guests had nothing to say.

The charity dinner is a few days away, and today these guests were invited to discuss the process.

Everyone discussed the business with some anxiety for a while, and the time soon reached evening.

Mrs. Su Fang prepared a sumptuous dinner for the guests and opened several bottles of expensive red wine. The aroma of the food made everyone quickly forget about the creepy threatening letter from before, and they had dinner together happily.

Seeing this, Mrs. Su Fang sat at the main table and raised her glass: "Thank you very much for attending this charity dinner hosted by me. The poor children who will receive funding will definitely remember your contribution."

Everyone exchanged a few polite words.

The photographer remembered something and turned to Mrs. Su Fang, but hesitated: "I would like to ask, why did you choose the theme of supporting orphans who lost their parents due to car accidents?"

Mrs. Su Fang sighed, as if his words brought back some memories:

"Actually, as early as 15 years ago, I started doing my best to do some charity work - because 5 years ago, 20 years ago, an old friend of mine got into a car and ran away. Since then, I have We are extremely concerned about car accidents and hope to reduce the occurrence of tragedies."

Her secretary, Inaba Kazuyo, was engrossed in her meal when she suddenly heard this. She quickly took time out of her busy schedule to compliment her boss: "Although there are always people in the outside world who say that Mrs. Su Fang is just trying to gain fame and reputation and want to use this to criticize our company. But this is definitely not the truth - the president is really doing charity with all his heart."

Mao Lilan always felt that there was something missing from Mrs. Su Fang's story just now. She asked cautiously: "What about your old friend who was involved in a hit-and-run accident?"

Mrs. Su Fang sighed, showing her unbearable expression.

However, the rock singer swung the Coke in the cup and answered her question: "She committed suicide. In fact, that 'old friend' was my mother. My father passed away when I was very young, and after my mother died, I have been I moved among their relatives and friends - and then Mrs. Su Fang took me in and trained me hard, so that I can achieve what I have today."

Mrs. Su Fang looked nostalgic: "Your mother has always taken care of my daily life. I have long regarded her as the most important friend. How could I leave you alone? She must be very happy to see you come to this point." Bar."

The rock singer nodded and looked at Jiang Xia: "Actually, the agency under Mrs. Su Fang has taken in many children who lost their families due to car accidents. Everyone works hard - if you meet Mrs. Su Fang earlier, your life may be better. Just go the other way.”

Jiang Xia raised her head and met his eyes. After two seconds, she remembered that the parents of the two organization members of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" seemed to have died in a car accident.

He secretly retracted the hand holding the wine glass and showed a sad look that should be seen here.

It was only then that Maya Hashimoto suddenly realized: It turns out that Mrs. Su Fang was eyeing Jiang Xia for collecting stamps?

It's a pity that Jiang Xia is now prosperous. Except for being targeted by a gangster because he is too good, he has been successful in all other aspects. It may be difficult for Mrs. Su Fang to adopt him.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." But speaking of which, who is Jiang Xia's current guardian? Why have I never seen that person show up? Could it be another subordinate installed by Uzo?

Maya Hashimoto briefly fell into deep thought

Next to him, Mrs. Su Fang’s secretary was afraid that the scene would go cold, so she hurriedly took a bite and started to cheer: "Teacher Su Fang not only gave those children a place to live, but also continuously cultivated them so that they can be independent on their own strength—— She is a truly wonderful person!”

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