Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2138 2138 [Intelligence Source]

Mr. Katagiri is that calm global photographer.

Jiang Xia didn't ask why, and nodded very professionally: "Okay."

Mrs. Su Fang breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she also knew the rules of asking people to do things well: "I will give you 2 million yuan as a reward after the job is completed. I hope you will keep this matter secret."

Jiang Xia responded and politely left. It doesn't matter if he has money or not: first of all, he has no shortage, and secondly, with this post-payment model, almost no commission money can go to him smoothly. It doesn't matter whether the amount is large or small, just listen.

When he went out, Mrs. Su Fang looked at his back and felt a little sad in her heart: Young people today are really amazing. They don't even blink when they hear 2 million. It seems that it is indeed difficult to lure this detective to his own company to prosper, and at least he will have to spend a lot of money.

Calculated in this way, the price-performance ratio is very average. Mrs. Su Fang secretly shook her head and felt it was a pity: It would be great if she could successfully poach this person before Jiang Xia became famous.

After Jiang Xia left Mrs. Su Fang's place, she didn't go back to the guest room. Instead, she went to the game room with the crowd - everyone goes to bed late these days, and the nightlife has just begun.

Naoko Tormaru was being closely watched and couldn't find a chance to talk to Jiang Xia alone. She had to give up for the time being and wait patiently for the next time.

The game hall is equipped with billiard tables, chess tables and other entertainment facilities. The guests are gathering here now, having fun.

The black and straight fortune teller even found an empty table, lined up the tarot cards, and set up a fortune telling booth. Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan crowded around her place, chattering and asking questions: Usually it’s hard to get a ticket for this fortune teller, but they didn’t expect that tonight there will be a free show - this can’t be compared from eighteen to eighty Ask clearly about all the big and small matters.

Mrs. Su Fang's assistant was also among them. The assistant lady has neat short hair, black-rimmed glasses, and a plain suit. She looks like a serious white-collar elite, and she seems to stay here to keep an eye on everyone and stop them from messing around too much.

After a few glasses of wine, she was the most liberal. She held the slender red wine glass and swayed like a disco. When she passed by Jiang Xia, she bumped into him sideways and said, "I remember that you have acted in a few plays. Why don't you take a leading role and try it? - Only acting Being a guest actor really ruins your face! By the way, you can also sing! No matter how you sing, I will find someone to help you perfect the sound of nature. As long as your name is there, I will keep the album. big sale!"

Maya Hashimoto was sitting at the chess table, holding her chin in one hand, playing chess with Conan numbly: "..." Here comes another one.

Mrs. Su Fang, that weird maid, and Mrs. Su Fang's assistant... there were so many people who wanted to get close to Jiang Xia that he could hardly tell which ones were fangirls, which ones were colleagues, and which ones were capitalists.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Wait, is this also a test given to him by Uzo, to exercise his ability to recognize people?

On the opposite side, Conan secretly observed this suspicious person while trying his best to play the chess game in a messy manner: He thought that as a primary school student, his chess skills should not be outstanding, and it would be more normal to lose to Maya Hashimoto.

However, Maya Hashimoto didn't know what she was thinking. She moved randomly here and there, and Conan was almost bald, and finally restrained the instinct to kill him, and tried his best to maintain the appearance of a little kid who should be suppressed.

At the same time, he was secretly alert: "..." Wait, could this be Maya Hashimoto's test of him? Is it because his previous behavior was inappropriate and he was suspected by Maya Hashimoto?

In the distance, two maids who looked like copy-paste huddled in the corner very low-key, occasionally whispering a few words.

By 11:30 p.m., they could no longer keep a low profile.

The two of them interrupted the guests' entertainment with as gentle a tone as possible:

"Sorry to interrupt you. Mrs. Su Fang's mansion has some unique rules - for example, the two doors of the Masquerade Hall must be locked before 12 midnight.

"The Mask Hall is both a place to store masks and a passage connecting the east and west sides. Once locked, you cannot move around - so before 12 o'clock, please go back to your respective rooms to rest."

"So early?" The guests couldn't believe it. "The nightlife has just begun."

Naoko Tormaru didn't want to attract the hatred of so many people for no reason, so she immediately explained the reason and directed everyone's attention elsewhere:

"It is said that the two hundred 'Shobble's Masks' like to play pranks very much. Once midnight, they will leave their original habitat and play around - so we must lock the two doors and trap them in the false In the noodle hall.”

Mao Lilan broke into a cold sweat after hearing this: "Those masks...will they run around?"

"Yes." Toriyama Naoko continued to be alarmist, "In the morning, we often find that those masks are either leaning left or right, or falling to the ground."

Mao Lilan's face turned pale.

Although some others believe it and some don't, since the owner of this house, Mrs. Su Fang, believes and has set this rule, then they, the new guests, naturally have no reason to break it.

So although a group of people didn't have enough fun, they still put down their things and went back to the guest room to rest.

After all the guests had left, the two maids quickly tidied the game room back to its original state.

At nearly midnight, Takamori Masumi and Toriyama Naoko went to both sides of the mask hall and prepared to lock the door here.

On the way, Takamori Masumi unconsciously pressed against Toriyama Naoko, and she whispered: "Those masks don't really come out to kill people, do they?"

Torimaru Naoko was almost pushed against the wall by her, and she could only push him away with a slap: "Didn't I say that it was because the 'master' who sealed the mask before said to use wind to suppress evil spirits? Therefore, the air-conditioning in the mask hall is increased at night - it would be strange for such a thin wooden mask not to be blown away."

Takamori Masumi suddenly realized: "No wonder when I passed by the bathroom in the middle of the night, I always felt that there was a gust of wind in the crack of the door... Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Naoko Tormaru: "...You didn't even ask."

After coming here, she has observed and found out too many things, and it is impossible to tell this fake sister one by one - just memorizing those few life-saving precautions makes Takamori Masumi very tired, if all the information is crammed into one head, Give it to her, and I'm afraid there will be nothing but a ball of mush left in her mind, and she won't be able to remember anything.

Understanding the principle, Takamori Masumi suddenly became less afraid of the Mask Hall.

The two of them had a door each, and locked them on time before midnight. Then one went to the west wing and the other to the east wing, also preparing to rest.

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