Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2139 2139 [Hashimoto Maya Evolution] Please vote for me

It's around 2 o'clock in the night, in the bedroom area on the east side.

The landline phone in Maya Hashimoto's house suddenly rang.

Maya Hashimoto: "...?"

He stared at the unfamiliar number on the landline for two seconds. Instead of answering it, he took out his cell phone and took a look.

Finding that his mobile phone had power and signal, Maya Hashimoto immediately understood: According to experience, although he didn't know what happened, once he answered the call, it might mean the beginning of a certain incident.

... Having said that, shouldn't this kind of call go to Jiang Xia? What are you calling this innocent detective assistant for?

Maya Hashimoto turned over, pulled up the quilt and covered her ears, trying to get away with it.

However, the caller had no intention of stopping, and the ringtone continued to ring, like a reminder.

Maya Hashimoto gradually understood: Maybe someone needed an alibi, but felt that provoking Jiang Xia was too difficult, so he settled for the next best thing and called the detective assistant instead.

Mrs. Su Fang is the only one who usually lives in this house. Her hearing is not sensitive due to her age, so all the landline phones here ring loudly.

After going through the rounds, Maya Hashimoto couldn't keep pretending any longer. He cursed this bully bastard in his heart, and then grabbed the receiver of his landline angrily.


A shrill laughter came from the receiver, like fingernails scratching a blackboard, with a creepy and ominous meaning.

This was obviously not a pleasant sound. Maya Hashimoto's fists hardened, and a faint murderous aura floated around his body, but he still had to maintain the patience that a good person should have on his face, and asked politely: "Who are you?"

"I am the messenger of the Cursed Mask." The voice changed by the voice changer was sharp with a hint of chuichi and a hint of blatant malice, "The Cursed Mask is thirsting for blood, who among you will be my victim? Time is running out, if we don’t stop it, it will be too late..."

After saying that, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Time is running out? Then you called me three times in a row.

He snorted coldly and threw the receiver back on the phone: It sounds like the "messenger of the cursed mask" who has been sending them threatening letters is going to take action tonight, and as a quasi-detective, of course he must try his best to stop that person. ——This is probably what the "Messenger of the Cursed Mask" is looking forward to.

"According to normal procedures, if I am really a righteous person who wants to be a detective, then now that I heard that the 'Curse Mask' is going to kill people, I will immediately rush to the mask hall where the 'Curse Mask' is placed to check the situation."

Maya Hashimoto got up and got out of bed, sorting out his thoughts. Suddenly he showed a cold sneer: "You didn't dare to call Jiang Xia, so you came to me? Ha, naive, it seems you still don't know what 'Watson' is. What kind of positioning.”

In the next room, Jiang Xia was sleeping when she suddenly heard someone opening the door with a bang, shouting "It's not good!" and running over and knocking on his door.

Jiang Xia opened her eyes silently: "..." What are you doing with this bucket of iced black tea?

He yawned and walked to the door, opened it, and saw Maya Hashimoto standing outside the door with a look of panic: "I just received a call!"

He repeated what the other person said verbatim.

And in the process, the sound of Maya Hashimoto opening the door, the sound of shouting, the sound of smashing Jiang Xia's door... all the hearing creatures around were shocked.

Of course the high school students are also awake.

Mao Lilan heard the noise in a daze, and was worried that some maniacs were smashing into her classmate's door in the middle of the night, but a koi fish rushed out in pajamas. However, the imaginary home invasion maniac did not appear. Instead, he heard the news that "the cursed mask is about to cause trouble."

The general who was so murderous just now was so frightened that his legs weakened.

Mao Lilan silently wanted to retreat into the house, but at this time Suzuki Sonoko also heard the noise and ran out, just in time to push her back to the entrance. The daughter of the consortium who was more courageous than Mao Lilan felt that she had something to eat, and her sleep-conscious eyes were wide open. Yuanyuan grabbed Jiang Xia and Maya Hashimoto: "What happened? What happened?"

In the distance, a twin maid who had been awakened also heard the noise and quietly poked her head in.

Then the moment Jiang Xia looked at her, she shrank back into the stairwell.

Masumi Takamori pressed her back against the wall of the corridor, pressing her heart that was beating loudly, regretting that she had just poked her head in: Naoko Toriyama's teachings should really be listened to carefully! Why would she come out so late at night to join in the fun? She was so sleepy!

With this thought in mind, she tiptoed down the stairs and returned to her lounge on the first floor.

Maya Hashimoto's ultimate summoning move woke up a group of people.

Everyone was curious about what happened, but if they explained everything one by one, the eager murderer would probably be embarrassed. Jiang Xia had no choice but to say without repeating it, "I'll tell you on the way."

Then he went to the Mask Hall with a bunch of people.

Mao Lilan didn't want to leave at first, but she was scared to be alone, so she gritted her teeth and followed decisively.

Arriving at the mask hall, Jiang Xia held the doorknob and pressed it, shaking her head: "It's locked."

Maya Hashimoto gradually found her own position, and actually took the initiative to praise: "What should I do? Isn't that 'cursed mask' killing people inside?"

The doors here are all specially made. The rich grandma asked someone to specially design the door in order to seal the curse. Even Mao Lilan had to take some effort to kick it open.

Jiang Xia then directed the assistant who suddenly came to the rescue: "Go to the maid, she should have the key to the Mask Hall."

Conan also felt that Maya Hashimoto was acting weird tonight. As soon as he heard that this guy was going to act alone, he immediately stepped in and said, "I'll go too!"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Huh.

The two people who disliked each other quickly ran away and went to the maid's bedroom on the first floor to find someone.

Maya Hashimoto glanced at the elementary school student behind her and suddenly discovered an advantage of hers. So when he went down the stairs, he didn't walk down in a disciplined manner. Instead, he walked down three or four steps at a time. When he reached the middle section, he even jumped over the handrail and jumped to the ground, and then ran away in large strides.

Conan: "..." The legs are so long?

He touched his anesthesia watch, ready to move.

However, now that someone is facing a life-threatening situation, it is not the time to care about such trivial matters.

After hesitating for a moment, Conan simply turned away from the door instead of chasing after him. He jumped up and shook the doorknob, only to find that the door was also firmly locked.

In order to prevent thieves, the windows here are usually sealed, and only a small opening can be opened for ventilation. In other words, the east and west sides of the house seem to be completely separated now.

"Maya Hashimoto said he received an internal call from a landline." Conan touched his chin and quickly reasoned about the situation, "So the 'Messenger of the Cursed Mask' must also be in this house, but I don't know who he is. Is it on the east side or on the other side of the west side...who could it be? Could it be that guy Maya Hashimoto who is directing and acting in it?"


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