Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2141 2141 [Proposition composition]

But now, everything in front of me is aligned with that cursed story.

In the view of Toriyama Naoko, a materialist, the "Curse of Shoble's Mask" is just a legend used to increase the weight of the collection. Just listen to such nonsense as "the mask sucks the blood of its owner".

However, now, this scene was completely reproduced and presented before her eyes.

Toriyama Naoko: "..." First of all, it's definitely not the mask.

Secondly, Mrs. Su Fang is not a suicidal person, let alone imitating this scene to commit suicide inexplicably.

Then there is only one truth left.


This code name flashed through her mind, and a cold sweat slowly formed on Naoko Toriyama's forehead: She had chosen such a peaceful villa after thousands of choices, but just a few days after Usa set her sights here, things took a turn for the worse. , it became like this.

...That person must be telling her with this bloody scene in front of her that no matter how careful she is, she can't escape from his grasp.

No wonder when Uzo asked them to apply for maids, he specifically gave them the right to "pick whatever they want."

At first Toriyama Naoko thought this was a bit of freedom leaking from Usa's fingers, but now it seems that this is just a small pastime for Usa - watching domestic birds escape from the cage with interest When they finally hid in a place they thought was safe and thought they had escaped and ascended to heaven, the unscrupulous master descended from the sky, chopped down the big tree and burned it, playing a game of chase and escape, and letting others see it. His ability to answer propositional essays.

Masumi Takamori was also very frightened: her fake sister gave her a lot of advice, but she never said that these masks would really kill people! For a moment, Masumi Takamori, who had only attended junior high school, felt that her world view had been cleansed.

Masumi Takamori: "..." Is it still too late to worship a Buddha or a Bodhisattva? By the way, Mr. Hashimoto has so many crosses and prayer beads hanging on his body, why don’t you take advantage of the chaos and ask him to introduce you... No! Naoko Tormaru seems to have said that this is Usa's subordinate, and rounding them off is her colleague. This doesn't seem good.

A group of organization members were confused.

Of course, others were also frightened, but their focus was obviously different: "It's so brutal, it must be a homicide... The security of this villa is very good, is the murderer among us?"

Jiang Xia nodded heavily.

The next moment, the guests who were gathered together suddenly dispersed, looking at each other warily: everyone is an adult, and has lived in Tokyo for a long time, and has more or less experience - since the murderer is not himself. , it must be someone around you, don’t take it lightly!

At this time, Jiang Xia seemed to have discovered something.

He turned the flashlight towards the bed and illuminated a collage of threatening letters lying there. The corners of the letter were stained with blood, but this time, the tone of the letter was much calmer:

[My curse has been fulfilled.

——The Messenger of the Curse Mask]

Masumi Takamori shivered in fright, and then she was poked in the back by Toriyama Naoko: I told you to keep a low profile at all times, and your reaction level must be in the middle. Now you are more afraid than the guests, so what can you do? thing.

Takamori Masumi is still afraid.

Torimaru Naoko stared at the superstitious young girl in silence for a moment, and had no choice but to use magic to defeat the magic. Her lips did not move and she said in a mosquito voice: "The mask will only suck its owner. We are not the owner, we are just two maids. "

Takamori Masumi: "!" That's right.

So when the Memu Police Department arrived with a large group of police cars huffing and puffing, the two maids had already put themselves in order and stood in the corner like backdrops, leaving the stage to the many distinguished guests.

"A threatening letter from the 'Messenger of the Cursed Mask'?"

The Mumu Police Department counted the letters one by one, and was shocked by the heavy weight in their hands: "This letter, this letter, and this one... there are so many threatening letters, why didn't you call the police?!"

Jiang Xia: "The victim said that she often received such things and didn't care. Even when she came to me for entrustment, she didn't mention these threatening letters at all."

There was a muffled thud next to them, and the two of them turned their heads and saw the secretary carrying out a large wooden box with a groan. As soon as the lid of the box was opened, there was a neat stack of threatening letters inside - Mrs. Su Fang really didn't lie about this matter.

The short-haired secretary wiped the sweat from his forehead, stepped forward, held the hand of the Mumu Police Department, and shook it vigorously: "These are letters received by Teacher Su Fang. I think they are all suspicious, so I ask you to investigate them carefully! "——The more people involved, the better, so her suspicion will be reduced!

The Mumu Police Department looked at the large box of letters, and the corners of their eyes twitched. At the same time, they felt a little grateful for the victim this time: "..." Fortunately, they didn't call the police, otherwise their workload would have doubled in recent years.

The police department did not dare to say anything more about whether to call the police or not. He cleared his throat as if nothing had happened: "Ahem! Anyway, let's go to the crime scene first."

On the way, he quickly heard about the general situation of this time.

When I came to the bedroom on the third floor, I saw strange smiling masks all over the place. Even the well-informed policeman from the Memu Police Department got goosebumps.

Jiang Xia just mentioned what happened last night: "We heard a scream first, followed by a sound of things falling, which sounded very much like the sound of these masks falling to the ground."

Police Department Memu touched his chin in thought: "So the murderer killed someone first, and then scattered the mask on the body and all over the room - didn't you see the murderer when you went upstairs?"

"No, the door is also locked." Jiang Xia said, "And the east and west sides of here are not connected to each other. It took us a while to get here - and we have to thank the two maids for helping us open the door."

Two low-key maids: "!"

Fortunately, they were successful enough in pretending to be background boards. The Mumu Police Department glanced here without paying much attention, and quickly turned their attention back to Jiang Xia.

The two maids quietly breathed a sigh of relief simultaneously.

Toriyama Naoko quickly pulled the person back away from the possible shooting range.

Jiang Xia smelled the omelette walking further and further, feeling a little regretful: If she had known they were so cowardly, she should have asked more tactfully just now.

Fortunately, the two of them were not too far away after they retreated. Jiang Xia then turned around and continued to solve the case. He introduced the structure of the secret room to the Memu Police Department. This was mainly for the police officers of the forensics department next to him. ——Sure enough, after Jiang Xia finished speaking, the police officer quickly began to fix the two locks on the bedroom door and collect evidence.

After listening to Jiang Xia's words, Mumu Police Department turned around and was about to give instructions, but found that the man had already started working very discerningly.

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