Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2142 2145 [Uzo Zoo]

Police Department Mumu nodded with satisfaction, then became a little confused: "Why should the bedroom be locked so tightly? Doesn't she care about those threatening letters?"

The secretary sighed: "When the teacher asked an expert to seal the mask before his death, the expert left a few rules for Teacher Su Fang to abide by - one of them is that there must be two locks on the bedroom door."

"Master..." Police Department Mu Mu showed a speechless look, "Superstition is really harmful."

After a pause, I felt that this was not a strict statement: locking the door securely does not harm anyone at all. But the door was locked so tightly, how did the murderer get in?

He scratched his hat and whispered to Jiang Xia: "Could it be an acquaintance who committed the crime? That person first tricked Mrs. Su Fang into opening the door, and then went in and killed her - and this must be someone who would let Mrs. Su Fang open even if she knocked on the door in the middle of the night. People who come into the house.”

The secretary's face turned pale when she heard this with sharp ears: Most of the guests who came were male, and they had only met Mrs. Su Fang a few times. If this was the case, then wouldn't the suspect be between her and the two maids? !

She blurted out: "It must be Shimogasa Honami and Shimogasa Minaho."

Takamori Masumi and Toriyama Naoko in the distance: "..."

After the secretary finished speaking, she glanced towards them and saw the dark eyes of the two people from a distance. She was startled for some reason and changed her words: "Actually, Mrs. Su Fang has been suffering from insomnia recently and had to take some powerful sleeping pills. . After she fell asleep, she never heard any sounds like knocking on the door - so it must not be an acquaintance who tricked her into opening the door late at night!"

After speaking, I looked further away and saw the two maids lowering their heads simultaneously, playing with their nails, looking weak and helpless, as if the murderous look in their eyes was just an illusion.

Secretary: "..." It's so hard to live.

I don't know why, but I always feel like I just missed some bad luck.

Fortunately, the police got another clue: "No wonder the body didn't struggle and died very peacefully."

The Mumu Police Department was even more scratching their heads: "The deceased didn't open the door himself, so how did the murderer get in?"

He suddenly remembered something and looked at the inconspicuous door on the right after entering. His eyes lit up: "Isn't there another door? Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Jiang Xia raised her hand and knocked on the door frame.

At night, the police department was silent.

——This door was tightly sealed with nails, and there were faint rust spots on it. It obviously looked like it had not been opened at all.

There is also a transom on the top of this door, but the transom is made up of iron railings, with only a few centimeters between each other. The iron rails are also strong and difficult to remove, let alone people, even if they reach in with their hands, they will get stuck.

All in all, this is a complete secret room.

Conan listened for a long time and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Did Mrs. Su Fang really take sleeping pills by herself? - What if the murderer first tricked her into opening the door, then made her take sleeping pills, and then killed her after she fell asleep , the ingredients of sleeping pills can naturally be detected in her body."

Police Officer Mumu's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but touch his big head: "Yes, so the murderer is indeed an acquaintance!"

Jiang Xia: "But if this method is used, how will the murderer leave the room?"

The Mumu Police Department suddenly got stuck: "..."

After a moment, he looked at Conan quietly and winked secretly: Come on, didn't you come up with this idea?

However, Conan just said whatever came to his mind. As for how people left, he hadn't thought about it yet, so Conan raised his head and smiled back at the innocent child in the police department.

Maya Hashimoto saw the ungrateful smile and twitched her eyes: "..." This guy must have done it on purpose. He actually dared to tease the police. He is worthy of being Uzo's protégé.

The corners of Mumu Police Department's eyes also twitched: "..."

...You should kill or bury this nasty little brat!

...But it’s already pretty good for a primary school student to think of it to this extent.

The honest policeman could only sigh and patted Conan's head again: "Thank you for your hard work."

Conan continued to pretend to be a child, but the next moment, Police Department Megure held him by the collar and handed it to Officer Takagi next to him: "Why is the child wandering around the crime scene? Quick, take him out!"

Conan: "?"

Conan: "Wait, I...!!"

Maya Hashimoto laughed out loud. After regaining consciousness, she quickly suppressed her smile and turned her head silently.

Conan: "..." This suspicious person actually laughed at him!

He still had something to say, but he was taken away by the ruthless iron hand of the police.

The child who was forced to take the blame left, and the Mumu Police Department continued to think about the door.

"So how did the murderer leave?" He touched his square chin, "The built-in twist lock can be locked with a hanging wire and tape. I have learned this, but the padlock is too difficult to operate. "

The Mumu Police Department secretly took a look at Jiang Xia, but the omnipotent inference engine was also looking at him, waiting for him to share information.

"..." Mu Mu Police Department had no choice but to wave his hand and urge his subordinates, "How are you looking? Come first with whatever you have!"

A forensic police officer then brought an evidence bag nearby, which contained a blood-stained knife. The knife was very delicate and beautiful, but it was covered in splattered blood, from the blade to the handle.

Police officer from the forensics department: "This should be the murder weapon that killed the deceased. We just found it stuck on the bedside table."

Naoko Tormaru was originally hiding from a distance, but when she saw Maya Hashimoto walking around Jiangxia as a dressing assistant, her eyes twitched, she hesitated for a moment, and then she took the initiative to come over.

——If you think about it carefully, these police officers have nothing to be afraid of. Since she didn't kill anyone this time, Jiang Xia would definitely not identify the wrong murderer, but would be able to catch him on the spot.

And although she was a wanted criminal... but she was wearing gloves and couldn't leave any fingerprints, so the chance of these stupid police officers finding her was not high.

In short, since Maya Hashimoto has evil intentions, she must find an opportunity to remind Jiang Xia - anyway, Wu Zuo has long known that she is not a loyal subordinate and will die sooner or later. It is better to shine and do what she can before she dies. Do your best.

So Hashimoto Maya soon discovered that a steel wire ball roller came to the side.

Under his shocked gaze, Tormaru Naoko calmly pushed him away. Then she looked at the knife and took the initiative to provide a clue: "This is the decorative knife in the Masquerade Hall."

Jiang Xia was very considerate: "That's it."

Maya Hashimoto: "???" Where did this woman come from? What does she want to do? !

Beside, the Megu Police Department did not notice the undercurrent surging around them, and were still concentrating on solving the case. At this time, he looked at the knife and said blankly: "I always feel that something is wrong with this knife."

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