Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2145 2148 [He is an undercover agent]

All kinds of thoughts flashed through her quickly, and she was relieved to be relieved, but Toriyama Naoko would not forget the business.

She said the most important thing first: "It's like this. I participated in a subordinate meeting facilitated by 'that person' a while ago."

Speaking of this, she felt a little guilty: ...running away and getting into the car, she saw two colleagues taking a cat out. This should be considered a gathering.

No matter what, Jiang Xia can be more vigilant by making the matter more serious.

Naoko Tormaru cleared her throat: "At that rally, I saw Maya Hashimoto. Who would have thought that he would appear next to you again now - he must be the undercover sent by that person to find out the news."

I thought Jiang Xia would suddenly become alert. It would be best to recall some of Maya Hashimoto's criminal evidence, and then join a room of police officers to arrest the person on the spot.

But no.

Jiang Xia looked calmer than when he heard "Today is cloudy". He nodded, as if he had known the news for a long time: "One person per person, it's fair - it all depends on the final result. Our respective abilities, and your respective abilities."

Toriyama Naoko: "..." You know again! ?

She was stunned for a moment, and was speechless for a moment - she thought she could be a sharp blade for Jiang Xia to use against Wu Zuo, and become a qualified intelligence agent, but now...

The enthusiasm that was fighting against Uzo and his minions just now disappeared, and Toriyama Naoko suddenly felt as confused as if she was unemployed.

Jiang Xia glanced at her and comforted: "If you encounter difficulties, you can come to me at any time. If you encounter anyone who shows signs of committing a crime, you must tell me as soon as possible - don't face it alone, they are very dangerous. .”

Listening to his sincere words, Toriyama Naoko's cold heart felt as warm as soaking in a hot spring: As a smart person who is good at manipulating others, she could tell that Jiang Xia was not forcing himself, and that was what he really thought. .

Naoko Tormaru sighed, and her tone softened unconsciously: "Hashimoto has evil intentions. You must be careful when you keep such a person around you."

Jiang Xia nodded: "You too."

After saying that, he noticed that the murderous aura that smelled like fried eggs was gone from Tormaru Naoko's body. He looked at his watch and urged: "We can't waste any more time. Let's solve the case as soon as possible."

Torimaru Naoko nodded, her energy returned, and she led Jiang Xia to the crime scene on the third floor: One look at Hashimoto Maya's look, and she knew that he didn't know his identity on Jiang Xia's side yet. exposure. In this case, Toriyama Naoko will certainly not give him a chance to find out - only by keeping that guy in the dark can he unconsciously reveal more flaws and help Jiang Xia's anti-Ukrainian cause.

"This is the room."

Torimaru Naoko took Jiang Xia up the stairs on the east side and opened a door that had been sealed for a long time.

Pushing the door open, he saw a bedroom inside - the layout was exactly the same as the bedroom where Mrs. Su Fang died, except that the left and right sides were reversed.

In this bedroom, there is also a door sealed with iron nails on the left-hand wall.

Jiang Xia walked to the door, jumped up and took a look through the transom window, and saw that the room behind the door was indeed the scene of the crime.

Naoko Tormaru introduced: "The two rooms are mirror images, separated by an iron door. However, Mrs. Su Fang has only lived in the one next door, and this one has always been vacant."

Jiang Xia looked at it for a while and then looked at his watch: "I understand."

Not long after, everyone came to the bedroom one after another.

The Megure Police Department was still worried about the seven people on the list just now, and was hesitating whether to add Maya Hashimoto to the list to make it eight.

But now, when he heard the detective brother's words, "I know who the murderer is," he suddenly felt relaxed.

"So who is the murderer?" Other guests were also very concerned about this. The rock singer glanced at the secretary, "Isn't it really Miss Inaba?"

Jiang Xia: "You are the murderer."

rock singer:"……"

The rock singer smiled awkwardly: "Are you confused? Don't forget, I sleep with you in the east guest room, and Ms. Su Fang's guest room can only be accessed from the west. Among all the guests, the only one who is not suspected That person is me."

Jiang Xia shook his head: "Just because you can never go to Ms. Su Fang's bedroom, your suspicion is even greater - the murderer usually creates a secret room to disguise the deceased as a suicide and get rid of his own suspicion. But this time, Su Fang The wife obviously did not kill herself, which is obviously very contradictory.

"So the truth is the other way around - when the murderer killed Mrs. Su Fang, he did not enter her bedroom at all. This time the secret room was indeed a perfect secret room with no one in or out."

Everyone was stunned: "But Mrs. Su Fang..."

She was obviously stabbed to death. Who would stab someone if no one came into the house? It can’t be the ghost of the mask maker!

As if echoing their thoughts, Jiang Xia said, "Mrs. Su Fang was killed by the 'Curse Mask'."

Mao Lilan was so frightened that her hair became fluffy. She murmured for a long time, then approached Jiang Xia and whispered, "Didn't you say there are no ghosts in the world?"

The mermaid lying on Jiang Xia's shoulders was pressed by her, and he raised his hand to push her face in dissatisfaction.

"Of course there are no ghosts." Jiang Xia said seriously, "It was not the ghost that killed Mrs. Su Fang, but the masks themselves."

"..." Mao Lilan suddenly thought of the masks scattered next to the corpses with blood on the corners of their mouths.

She shuddered as she imagined a bunch of masks crawling onto the bed late at night, gnawing happily around the human beings: Isn't this even scarier! !

Jiang Xia sympathetically patted the poor classmates who couldn't understand the beauty of ghosts, then turned his head and started to advance:

"Last night, after everyone fell asleep, the murderer returned to the kitchen alone. The key to the Masquerade Hall was hanging there. The murderer took the key, and then took the daggers in the kitchen and the 200 'Shaobles' in the Masquerade Hall. 's mask', all moved to this room located next to the crime scene.

“The murderer then put the key back and retrieved a bundle of elastic cord that was long enough and strong enough.

“The dagger used as the murder weapon had a ring at the end, and the murderer put an elastic band through the ring and hung the dagger on it.

"The room we are in now is separated from the crime scene by an iron door. The transom at the top of the iron door is made up of railings 5 ​​centimeters apart. With this distance, people will never be able to enter, but they can shoot a dagger through the iron window. Throw it in.

"After throwing the dagger into Mrs. Su Fang's bedroom, the murderer used a long rope to pass through the eye holes and mouth holes of the mask, and slowly put the masks into the room one by one along the gaps in the iron railings."

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