Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2146 2149 [Case closed]

It is difficult to understand the situation just by describing it.

Police Department Memu was at a loss for a moment, then he cleared his throat solemnly and said to Officer Takagi next to him: "Get the mask and try it on!"

——It's not that he doesn't understand, it's just that as a police officer, he must treat cases rigorously and have a practical spirit.

Officer Takagi didn't refuse, and asked people from the forensics department to carry the pile of masks to the crime scene next door - he didn't quite understand it, so he just happened to test it himself.

So soon, everyone was sitting or standing in the bedroom, watching Officer Takagi standing on the other side of the iron door, putting the masks one by one along the elastic cord and stuffing them through the transom at the top of the iron door.

Soon, a large pile of pale and bloody masks was piled at the door.

"It's all over!" Officer Takagi wiped his sweat with a sense of accomplishment, "What happens next?"

Jiang Xia stood a little further away: "Then pull the elastic band hard."

Officer Takagi obeyed the command very well and used all his strength to tug on the two straps that held a knife and 200 masks.

As the elastic band tightened, a mask was pulled up and got stuck on the transom.

Soon, the second one was brought up and fastened tightly to the first one.

With tiny clicking sounds, the mask was like a string of pearls being tightened and compacted, changing from a soft ribbon to becoming harder and harder. Finally, as Officer Takagi pulled hard, the masked army shook its head like a long snake and stood upright in the air.

Everyone watched this shocking scene and held their breath unconsciously.

It was as if a thick snake had entered the room through the transom. Its head was facing the bed, and a gleaming snake message appeared in its mouth - the dagger at the top was now being pulled tightly by the elastic band. It got stuck at the mouth of the mask.

Jiang Xia's voice broke the silence: "The thickness of the mask is superimposed. This 'snake' is about three or four meters long, and its head can just reach the bed.

"Based on the position where the deceased was lying at the time, the tip of the knife was less than 10 centimeters away from her. As long as the murderer found a stick-like object, stood outside the door and pressed down the long snake, the dagger would slowly penetrate into her body. In the throat of the deceased.

"After killing the deceased, let go of the wooden stick and pull out the dagger, and blood will spray on the face of the mask at the top, and some of the other masks in front will also be stained.

"The murderer didn't need to enter the house after that. He just had to cut the elastic band outside, and the tight mask would instantly pop open and scatter on the floor, creating the scene like the crime scene.

"In the end, just take out the elastic band and put the stool back in place, and the murderer can pretend that nothing happened and leave in a hurry to blend in with the others."

The rock singer had already broken out in a cold sweat. This series of reasoning was so fast that he didn't even find a chance to interrupt.

At this moment Jiang Xia stopped, and he suddenly thought of something: "Besides me, other people can also use this method! For example, that maid..."

Having said this, the rock singer glanced at Takamori Masumi's thin arms and silently changed his tune.

He turned to Maya Hashimoto and said: "For example, this man, just because he knows the detective, we can't just give him some slack - in fact, when I came to see Teacher Su Fang a few days ago, I happened to see this guy full of worries. He looked like he was muttering something like 'hidden rules' and 'dirty upper class society'...

The rock singer brought out his knowledge of the entertainment industry and used his brain: "Mrs. Su Fang must have wanted to force him to submit, but he didn't want to, so he roped in Jiang Xia to be the scapegoat! But Mrs. Su Fang just liked him, and he was in trouble. Dongyin's plan failed, and in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to kill her."


There was silence in the room, everyone was stunned by this assumption, only the ice tea-flavored murderous aura surged.

Maya Hashimoto's eyes were twitching wildly: "I'm just here to talk about business, don't taint someone's innocence!"

Conan stared at him suspiciously: "..." Although Maya Hashimoto did not kill the person, the motive of bringing Jiang Xia here is thought-provoking... In addition, if what Maya Hashimoto said is true, then he would come to chat what business? Arms smuggling? Drug trafficking?

Conan waited with his ears perked up for a long time, but unfortunately Maya Hashimoto didn't say what he was here to buy until the end.

The first-year detective sighed, thinking that these mysterious people really had strong beliefs, and they probably wouldn't speak out easily.

The detective's obsessive-compulsive disorder forced him to put these things aside and solve the case at hand.

Conan suddenly said to the rock singer: "Where was the big brother when the crime happened?"

Rock singer: "I had been sleeping in my room on the first floor. Later, you and Mr. Hashimoto went to call the maid next door to me, and I was woken up and followed me - didn't I say that before?"

Conan suddenly showed a smile that didn't deserve a beating: "Me and Mr. Hashimoto?"

Rock singer: "What, what's wrong?"

...Although he had no idea what was going on, he suddenly felt a little angry, his whole body was on guard, and he even had a vague intention to kill this child.

The next moment, I heard Conan say innocently: "When I went to wake up the maid sister, I didn't say a word, but how did you know that I went too?"

The rock singer was startled and went back to make up for it: "Actually, at that time, I thought it was very strange that someone was running around in the middle of the night, so I secretly opened the door and took a look outside, and I saw you."

The smile on Conan's face widened: "But Mr. Hashimoto was the only one who went to find the maid at that time. I couldn't keep up with him, so I simply turned to the gate on the way to check the door lock - it shows that you didn't even know how to do it at that time. Not in the room, but near the mask room. You heard me clamoring to find the maid with Mr. Hashimoto, but you didn’t know that we were separated later.”

rock singer:"!"

Maya Hashimoto felt comfortable all over and glanced at Conan: "..." This colleague looked disgusting when he was rolling around him, but he immediately became more pleasing to the eye when he was quarreling with others.

Next to him, the rock singer was obviously very shaken. He leaned against the wall with his eyes straight, losing the strength to continue to defend himself.

Jiang Xia: "None of us have left this house. The tools you used when committing the crime must not have been cleaned. If you want to pull 200 masks, it is difficult not to leave your own marks on the elastic bands or gloves. As long as you If you search the places you pass by, it won’t be difficult to find enough evidence.”

rock singer:"……"


"It's really you?!" When the secretary saw the rock singer kneeling on his knees, she immediately understood what this meant. She said angrily, "Teacher Su Fang has worked hard to raise you for so many years and has been so kind to you. I didn't expect that she would raise you in the end." A white-eyed wolf appeared!"

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