Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2147 2150 [Canary’s Super Evolution]

The rock singer had already resigned himself to his fate, but when he heard this, he stood up again and was even more angry than she was: "A heavy favor? That's nonsense, you don't know anything at all! - That woman 20 years ago I hit someone and actually put the blame on my mother, killed her and then pretended to be a suicide to fool the stupid police."

The photographer was stunned. He originally wanted to personally avenge the person who killed his wife, but he didn't expect that the perpetrator committed suicide first. But now the rocker is saying that the person he thought was the perpetrator was an innocent scapegoat, and the real perpetrator didn't die, and now he's been killed by someone else?

The photographer was in disbelief for a moment: "You, are you telling the truth?!"

The rock singer nodded heavily: "I only found out two months ago. When I was sorting out my mother's belongings, the diary was torn, and a letter fell out of the cover - the whole truth was written in that letter. .”

The secretary quickly said: "But how can you believe everything based on just one letter? What if your mother feels guilty and thinks someone else is the perpetrator!"

Rock singer: "Of course it's true! The day of the accident was October 31st, which happened to be my birthday - my mother had been staying with me when I was six years old, but my testimony could not be used as an alibi. .”

He looked at the photographer with complex eyes: "Su Fanghongzi had forgotten the accident a long time ago. She didn't even remember that you were the husband of the person who died in the car accident. It wasn't until she heard you talking about the past last night that she I remembered this."

The secretary's defense became increasingly weak: "Mrs. Su Fang has been doing charity for 15 consecutive years. How could she..."

The rock singer snorted: "Okay, don't think I don't know how much money she embezzled in the name of charity - you also got a share of it, so you worked so hard to maintain her reputation, okay Finally make a fortune, right?"

Secretary: "I, I...!"

The Mumu Police Department glanced at her: "..." Unexpectedly, there were also financial matters. The deceased was really full of all kinds of evil, but these can be left to the guys in the Second Search Section.

As for their search lesson... I thought this secret room case would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect it to be solved so quickly.

While the Mu Mu Police Department called his colleagues to add to the trouble, he happily turned around and ordered his subordinates: "What to do, what to do, let's do it quickly!"

It was too cold today, and he just wanted to get off work and go back to bed and lie down.

The police quickly handled the scene and everyone left one after another.

After watching the excitement, Maya Hashimoto suddenly remembered one thing: "..." My island! !

I don’t know if Mrs. Su Fang has any other relatives.

... Do we have to go to the police station in person and ask the rock singer about the island?

Maya Hashimoto recalled the police base camp with a confused look on her face: not panicking when seeing the police and not panicking when she broke into the enemy camp alone are two completely different things. I really don’t want to go...

While he was passively sabotaging Uzo's task in his mind, Maya Hashimoto had to act as a driver for Jiang Xia and his friends, driving people back to the city in despair.

when they left.

Toriyama Naoko and Takamori Masumi returned to the room and packed their luggage silently.

Masumi Takamori didn't have many things, so she pulled the luggage a few times and threw it into the suitcase. She quickly dragged the suitcase to Naoko Toriyama's room.

Then Masumi Takamori was helping her fake sister clean up, with a look of confusion in her eyes: "We just stayed here not long ago, do we really want to leave?"

She memorized so many life-saving rules and spent so much time familiarizing herself with the terrain at home. I finally memorized everything by rote, and felt that everything was safe, then, the venue was changed.

Takamori Masumi: "..." So what was I busy with a while ago?

Naoko Tormaru sighed silently: "My employer is dead, so I can't stay in an empty house. Let's go to the next one."

Takamori Masumi came back to her senses and remembered the last time Naoko Toriyama was meditating on the list of employers. She felt that selecting people was also a big project:

"Which family should I choose this time? I feel that there is no more peaceful place than Mrs. Su Fang's place. There have been such brutal murders here, but elsewhere..."

Toriyama Naoko gritted her teeth: "I won't go to a peaceful place."

There is no way to avoid it. What happened this time must be Uzo's beating on them for being passive and slacking off in their work.

Moreover, Tormaru Naoko discovered that being an undercover agent was not that simple.

Because of Jiang Xia's previous words, she unconsciously compared herself with Maya Hashimoto.

Naoko Tormaru searched for news related to Maya Hashimoto, and was shocked by the frequency and activity level of his appearance:

This guy went to Jiang Xia Detective Agency. After being undercover next to Jiang Xia, he jumped up and down and involved Jiang Xia in many cases. He faithfully implemented Wu Zuo's decision-making, and anyone who saw it would call him a lackey.

But it is undeniable that from the standpoint of "Usa sent an undercover agent to Jiang Xia", Hashimoto Maya did a very competent job.

In comparison, she clearly said that she would be Jiang Xia's undercover agent and help him provide information about Wu Zuo... But her sensitivity to the surroundings was not even as good as Jiang Xia's own.

"This can't go on like this."

They were all people who had been kings of scrolls. When the competitive spirit came up, Naoko Tormaru felt her fighting spirit burning: "What Maya Hashimoto can do, I can do it too."

At present, she seems to be useless - the last time she revealed to Jiang Xia, "There are many cases around you because there is a mastermind behind the scenes," but Jiang Xia had already noticed it.

This time, Jiang Xia was told that Hashimoto Maya was an undercover agent, and Jiang Xia already knew it.

"But that doesn't mean there's nothing I can do."

Toriyama Naoko learned her lesson and quickly found her own position: "Think carefully, those cases all happened around Jiang Xia, so he was alert. And Hashimoto Maya followed Jiang Xia around every day - with Jiang Xia With my observation skills, it’s surprising that I didn’t find anything wrong with him.

"So what I want to do is to get in touch with some people and things that Jiang Xia has never been in contact with."

There is no escaping this time.

Only by taking the initiative to meet those dangerous challenges can we find useful information as soon as possible and be worthy of Jiang Xia, a comrade who never holds back!

Next to him, Takamori Masumi looked at the fake sister who was serious, depressed, and with fire in her eyes. A question mark slowly appeared above her head: "?"

Maya Hashimoto, who returned to Tokyo, didn't know that she had a Shin Maki-oh teammate at this time.

Relying on the face he had brushed with the police following Jiang Xia these days, he finally met the rock singer in a hurry and had the courage to ask him about the island.


Thanks to Mr. Huanyang for the reward (σ≧▽≦)σ.

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