Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2148 2151【Judy】

The situation was far smoother than Maya Hashimoto imagined.

The attitude of the murderer who had just been arrested was much better than he expected - maybe it was because the rock singer's fighting spirit was broken after the murder was revealed, or maybe it was because the rock singer used Hashimoto Maya to block the gun before, but now he Became very talkative.

"That island?" The rock singer waved his hand nonchalantly and wrote him a list of addresses. "She has a little son raised outside. Go find him and ask for it."

Maya Hashimoto ran over numbly and out of habit.

Then I got some unexpected good news.

"I'll give it to you if you want it. I really don't understand you people - what's so good about collecting those unlucky things that are full of curses?"

The youngest son originally didn't want Mrs. Su Fang's weird collection, and among the many inheritances, he particularly disliked the deadly island, so he let go easily.

Maya Hashimoto was still a little confused when she left, but she was soon hit by a huge surprise: the island and the land were both ready, and all she had to do next was to pay people to repair the land and move the theater. This troublesome task was finally completed. The dawn of!

It is Wuzuo's task to build the theater, and it is also Wuzuo's task to follow Jiang Xia.

After Maya Hashimoto calculated it, he found that the former was a tangible achievement, while the latter... although it was also an achievement, it was much ethereal in comparison.

More importantly, following Jiang Xia means having to deal with a large group of Juan Wang colleagues at all times, dealing with the police at all times, and avoiding all possible risks in murder cases...

"Let's build the theater first." Maya Hashimoto made a decision silently in her heart. "Although subordinates should be diligent and hardworking, they should occasionally combine work and rest and pay attention to their own mental health... Yes, this is just The necessary vacation for battery life is just to focus on the project for a few days, so it’s not a big problem!”

So soon, Jiang Xia received a leave email from Maya Hashimoto.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He first checked the inventory of iced black tea in the pattern space and found that the younger brother had worked diligently to make a lot of it during this period, and the inventory was very sufficient. Then he put down Wu Zuo's mobile phone, picked up Jiang Xia's mobile phone again, and gave him a reply. past:

[Okay, stay safe and ask me for help if you need anything. ]

Maya Hashimoto successfully applied for leave and went to Shizuoka Prefecture, where he started looking for workers, tugboats, and materials to build a theater.

Jiang Xia suddenly felt bored without a new and startled younger brother beside him.

Two days later, Jiang Xia flipped through the address book on her phone, intending to have some fun in her dull life.

His eyes gradually stopped on "Okiya Subaru" - although this little brother was still ordered to wait for Akai, it should be okay to go out for a walk.

However, just when he was about to take the person out for a walk, Jiang Xia discovered another thing.

——Someone has been following him recently.

The person following him obviously has certain tracking skills, has received professional training, and is very physically fit and vigilant.

However, Jiang Xia still used his anti-tracking skills skillfully and easily figured out the identity of the visitor.

——The foggy dog ​​flew behind and stared at the stalker for a while, then flew back to Jiang Xia and described the man's characteristics with gestures.

So Jiang Xia soon found out: the stalker was his English teacher at Didan Middle School.

To be more precise, the stalker was the FBI disguised as an English teacher-Judy Stelling.

A while ago, Judy and Akai Shu went to Japan together to investigate Belmod who returned to Japan. After Belmode replaced the new doctor and became the school doctor at Didan Middle School, the FBI got a clue and sent people to sneak into the school.

Jiang Xia: "..." Aren't you investigating Belmod? Why did you end up here?

But this is even better: I don’t know what Teacher Judy’s murderous aura will smell like. Since Shuichi Akai, the FBI ace, can risk murder, then his teammates must be no different.

In the past, Judy always appeared in Didan Middle School, but there were really not many murders in the school, so Jiang Xia's interest in her was very general. But now, Teacher Judy actually took the initiative to come outside on the day off.

Jiang Xia put her phone back into her pocket and looked forward to the new foreign teacher who came to her door.

Judy Stelling, female, 28 years old, FBI investigator, newly hired foreign teacher at Didan Middle School.

After applying for the job at Didan Middle School, she began to investigate the "new doctor" of the school doctor.

Now the true identity of the "doctor" has been almost confirmed, but the final stage of laying the groundwork and closing the net is still needed.

So while waiting, Judy couldn't help but want to do something else to dissipate her excessive energy - she was used to being a career addict, and now that she was suddenly free, she couldn't help but feel that she was wasting her time.

After a slight turn, Judy's eyes fell on Jiang Xia.

——A while ago, Akai Shuichi asked her about Jiang Xia.

At that time, Akai Shuichi said that he suspected that the man behind the incident who prevented the informant from escaping liked to create cases around Jiang Xia. People's behavior can be traced to some extent, and there are likely to be clues about that person around Jiang Xia.

Judy heard this and remembered it.

The good news is that she is the current English teacher in Jiangxia. The students more or less admire and are close to the teacher. There is no more convenient relationship than a teacher-student relationship.

But the bad news is that Jiang Xia doesn't come to class at all.

Judy's time to see him was much less than that of the "new doctor" - she highly doubted that if she went to say "Hi~" to Jiang Xia, Jiang Xia would only politely ask her who she was.

Therefore, the two FBIs conspired for a while and found a way to save the country: Jiang Xia had a good relationship with his two female classmates, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko. The three of them often went out to play together. Judy could get help from those two female classmates. Get started.

Judy also listened to this suggestion, but before she had time to implement it, she saw that the two female classmates also began to ask for leave frequently.

Judy: "..."

The FBI agent felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart: They say it is not easy to learn well, but it is easy to learn bad things. If this continues, what if those two female classmates also miss school every day?

We can no longer wait, we must take the initiative.

However, as a woman born and raised in the United States, and ten years older than the high school students, Judy thought about it and felt that there might be a slight generation gap between them, so she planned to be fully prepared before attacking.

With this idea in mind, Judy dropped by a bookstore a few days ago.

The clerk saw that she was a beautiful foreigner and took extra care of her.

Judy was dazzled by the Japanese books in the room, so she asked him: "Is there something... that can make students who love skipping classes immediately fall in love with school, come to class every day, and respect and admire the teacher?" book of?"

Shop assistant: "..."

This string of descriptions was a bit confusing, and several keywords were going back and forth in his mind: students who skipped classes, school and teachers, going to class, falling in love...

Store clerk: "?!"

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