Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2149 2152 [The unscrupulous FBI] Please vote for me

In fact, Judy just had an idea after seeing the bookstore, and turned in with the simple idea of ​​reading reference books when she had difficulties.

As for what kind of books he should buy and read, he didn't think about it carefully before entering.

But now that the series of demands were explained, Judy vaguely understood. She snapped her fingers and summarized: "It's the kind of information book that can quickly bring teachers and students closer!"

The clerk looked at her making intimate gestures with two fingers, and glanced at the foreign lady's low-cut vest with his peripheral vision. The stereotype of "I heard that blond foreigners are very open-minded" popped into his mind.

Combined with Judy's strange description, he vaguely felt that he understood something.

The bookstore employee tried hard to maintain the calm attitude that a professional should have, and calmly confirmed: "Is this the kind of book... suitable for adults?"

Judy was worried about how she, as an adult, could close the generation gap with high school students. When she heard this, she nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's the one!"

The clerk's mood became more complicated, but he didn't show it on his face. He went to the corner of the bookstore, lifted the curtain and entered a room separated from the outside. He quickly picked out a stack of books, all of which were comics.

Then he went back outside to show Judy the book.

Judy happened to answer a call, and it was Shuichi Akai. This person seemed to have a new clue and planned to discuss something with her.

Judy was busy making phone calls, and the clerk came over to let her choose. She didn't have time to look carefully, so she just waved her hand: "Wrap it up, I want all of them."

Anyway, a few books are not expensive, and the books bought for the mission can be taken back and reimbursed - Shuichi Akai has blown up several cars, so it doesn't matter if she buys a few more books, right?

Not long after, Judy drove to pick up Shuichi Akai.

Although you can communicate by email, many confidential matters are best spoken in person.

Akai Shuichi had new clues about Belmod and wanted Judy, the person closest to the "new doctor", to pay more attention.

After explaining the matter, Akai Shuichi originally planned to leave. Unexpectedly, a cat crossed the road at this moment. Judy suddenly stopped, and the bag she had placed behind her turned upside down, and the books inside fell on Akai Shuichi.

Akai Shuichi caught them and put them together: "Why did you buy so many new books?"

Judy hurriedly turned the steering wheel and adjusted the skewed route: "Didn't you ask me to find Jiang Xia to inquire about the situation? I'll buy some books and learn how to get closer to the students."

Akai Shuichi: "Well..."

That's what he said, but as he stared at the book in his hand, he felt something was wrong: according to Judy, shouldn't she buy some psychology books, but now... these look more like comic books.

Moreover, this colorful and strange cover has a title on it...

After a moment of silence, Akai Shuichi tentatively opened a comic with the main title "Spicy Teacher", followed by a series of subtitles in small fonts.

As soon as I flipped through it, I came across a full-page close-up with a shocking composition - the woman wearing a suit and skirt and dull glasses on the cover suddenly changed into a hot and towering circus-like outfit on the inside page. Her high heels are stepping on the student's chest, she is holding a whip and her face is red. The composition looks up from the perspective of the person being stepped on. There is a translucent bubble dialog box floating next to it: "Call me, teacher~"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

He closed the book and stared at the street lights in the distance for a moment. After a few seconds, he lowered his head again and opened another book.

This time, the teacher's clothes in the book finally became normal, at least the clothes were intact.

But her behavior was a little strange - an enthusiastic classmate was carrying her to the podium, and it seemed that he wanted to help the school staff check the quality of the podium.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

He turned the row of books sideways, glanced at the titles on the spines one by one, and finally confirmed that they were all the same type of books.

In other words, it is the person who buys the book who buys it specifically, rather than accidentally picking up the wrong reference book when buying it.

He was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the woman driving next to him, feeling as if he was looking at her with admiration after seeing her for three days.

Judy noticed the gaze from the passenger seat.

Seeing Akai Shuichi reading the book she just bought, she said casually: "How is it? It's not bad. These will definitely come in handy."

Akai Shuichi fell into rare silence.

Judy was feeling strange when she heard him hesitate to speak: "Why don't we forget it."

"?" Judy, "Forget it? But didn't you say that that person is probably lurking around Jiang Xia?"

"That's right, but..." Akai Shuichi said, "Although Jiang Xia has some gangsters, likes to go to game arcades, and occasionally drives cars late at night... But in general, he is a serious student, you should know that."

Judy was confused by what he said: "So?"

Akai Shuichi looked at the book in his hand: "So this approach is too advanced for him."

The more Judy listened, the more she felt something was wrong. She happened to arrive at a red light intersection. She turned her head and looked through the light from the street lamp, and saw a very impactful page in the comic.

Judy: "..."

Judy: "...wait, it's not what you think!!"

Akai Shuichi said "Huh" and took it as a letter.

Not long after that, Judy put Shuichi Akai out of the car.

She drove calmly for a while, and after passing the corner, she stopped the car and bumped her head against the steering wheel: "..." This evil bookstore must be a conspiracy of that organization! !

Judy Stelling, 28 years old, is an FBI who becomes more courageous with every setback and never knows why to give up.

"It was just a tiny mistake last time."

Judy forcibly buried that memory that was so embarrassing that her shoes almost broke, and buried it somewhere out of sight, and all the books were destroyed: "I will not give up."

The more Shuichi Akai doesn't let her do it, the more she insists on doing it. She must correct her precarious image and achieve results.

So this time, Judy changed to a bookstore.

...Then I bought a stack of psychology-related books, as well as novels about teachers guiding out-of-school high school students on the right path.

Two days later, the novel was finished, but the book next door was not touched much.

Judy thought about it again and again and randomly summarized some potentially useful methods: "We must have a common language and establish the dignity of a teacher, so that Jiang Xia can listen to the advice - let him go back to school for a few more days, even if it doesn't work. , and can also become his mentor and helpful friend in the process..."

"Things that have a common language and can establish majesty..."

Judy paced back and forth in the room, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration.

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