Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2150 2153 [Judy and the Arcade]

Judy: "..." I heard that young people have a strong desire to win and a lot of self-esteem. If she crushes Jiang Xia in any field, will this high school sophomore who is excellent in all aspects not be able to win? Are you willing to admit defeat and take the initiative to challenge her? Do you want to win back?

"You'll know after you try it." Judy was very optimistic. "There's nothing to lose anyway. What if it works?"

After making up her mind, Judy followed Jiang Xia for a few days, also investigated Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi, and roughly figured out their route of action.

A plan that I don’t know if it will be useful is quietly launched.

"That's it!"

Suzuki Sonoko dragged two of her classmates, as well as the first-year follower behind her classmates, to a game arcade slightly away from Didan Middle School.

"This company's photo stickers have a lot of new special effects, and they are the best in the whole of Tokyo!" Suzuki Sonoko took them straight to the machine, "Today I will take 100 pictures of it!"

Several people were squeezed into the not-so-large photo sticker machine, and Suzuki Sonoko placed them in various poses, click-click-click.

At the entrance of the store, a blond woman quietly approached and entered the game hall as if nothing had happened.

Judy glanced around and quickly selected a few game consoles that young boys might like.

She had also been exposed to arcade games in the United States, and coupled with her own physical fitness, after watching for a while, the memories of playing games in the past began to revive, and she quickly became a high-level player.

While several classmates were concentrating on taking pictures at the photo post, Judy took the opportunity to choose a shooting game and played a few games. She scored higher and higher, and her posture became more handsome and chic. Soon, a circle of cheering onlookers gathered around her.

After a while, Suzuki Sonoko, who had enjoyed taking photos, walked out happily holding a thick stack of photo stickers.

Photo stickers are equivalent to portrait stickers with special effects. Mao Lilan was curious about why Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became interested in this.

After a moment, she suddenly thought of something: "Do you want to write a letter with this? - I remember not long ago, the new doctor complained that every love letter he received recently had a photo sticker on it."

Jiang Xia: "..." I can still hear complaints. It seems that Belmod is having a lot of fun with her angel under the false identity of "new doctor".

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mao Lilan and sighed helplessly: "That's because it's become popular to put photo stickers on letters, especially love letters. If you are half as good at following fashion as you are at chasing stars. "

As he spoke, Suzuki Sonoko's topic went off the rails: "Doctor Shinde seems to have become more and more popular recently. I see many female classmates entering his office every day."

Obviously the school doctor's appearance has not changed much, but he still feels that he has an indescribable charm... It's really strange.

Mao Lilan also laughed: "Speaking of popularity, our new teacher Judy is not bad either - I can hear people talking about her wherever I go."

Mentioning Judy, Suzuki Sonoko snorted: "Only those stinky boys like to talk about her. Who makes her come to school wearing low-cut clothes every day? Is this something that can be worn in school?"

Judy, who was eavesdropping in the distance: "..." Low-cut dress? She was just wearing a normal vest with a coat on top... Ha! Conservative Tokyoites.

Fortunately, soon, another gentle voice soothed the little trauma in her heart. Mao Lilan said: "Let's not mention the clothes for now - Teacher Judy's class is very good. I don't play much in class." Sleepy."

Judy raised the corners of her lips.

The next moment, Suzuki Sonoko said: "But after class, she became very boring. She was always taciturn and serious. I asked her to go to a coffee shop after school, and she refused without even thinking about it. After all, she came to the United States. I thought I could make friends with this foreign teacher, but who knew she was so boring? Moreover, she was very enthusiastic in class, but immediately became cold and cold after class. She was not a good person at first glance!"


Judy took another arrow to the heart.

——After all, she is not a real foreign teacher who came to Tokyo to make friends and experience life. She only entered Teidan Middle School to get information, so she didn’t put much effort into her relationship with the students, and she would refuse anyone who invited her.

Judy: "..." If she had known that she was going to get close to Jiang Xia, she should have made an invitation to Suzuki Sonoko at the beginning. Then she wouldn't have to spend so much effort... Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

Judy sighed inwardly, thinking that she couldn't let the two female classmates continue to talk like this - Jiang Xia was still listening. If the more things about herself were mentioned, Jiang Xia felt that she was an unapproachable person, things would become worse. Even more troublesome.

With this in mind, when the next game started, Judy relied on herself as a "sunny and cheerful foreigner" and shouted: "Hi, Come on~!"

In the distance, the conversation between two female classmates was interrupted, and they subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Jiang Xia also looked over.

Judy was seen standing in front of a shooting machine, taking an attack stance. On the screen was a countdown in large black and white characters, and the numbers flashed with great impact.

After 3, 2, and 1 ended, the screen scene changed and switched to an abandoned warehouse full of monsters.

Judy caught their sight out of the corner of her eye, stepped forward, pulled out the fake gun on the machine, and assumed a standard gun-wielding stance.

Bang bang bang——!

After a series of gunshots, all the monsters within sight were shot in the head.

Judy whistled, threw the model gun into the sky, turned 720 degrees and caught the gun firmly, then shot it, hitting the last monster that jumped towards the screen.

The flames of the explosion spread across the screen, and the game popped up with a "Perfect!" settlement. The game character on the screen had one hand on his hips and the other holding a gun, slowly blowing away the smoke from the gun, looking like a boss who was unfazed by humiliation.

Outside the screen, Judy blew on her model gun which was not smoking, without blushing or out of breath.

Only then did the crowd come back to their senses, and suddenly burst into cheers.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan also squeezed in to watch the fun.

The two of them were puzzled, and finally couldn't help asking: "Teacher Judy? Why are you here?"

The onlookers were shocked. They looked at Judy, then at the Didan school uniforms worn by Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan: "Teacher? Could you..."

A high school teacher went to the arcade to play games and was caught on the spot by his classmates. It didn't sound good to hear about it.

Judy took the opportunity to smile awkwardly, stepped forward and hugged Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko one by one, and said to the onlookers: "No, no, no, I'm not a teacher. In fact, I'm a lawyer, and I happen to know these two children. ."

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