Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2151 2154 [Close to plan]

Then Judy pushed Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, took them aside, and winked at Jiang Xia to follow.

As expected, Jiang Xia didn't expose her, and followed the three of them, carrying Conan with her.

Seeing this, Judy happily scored 100 points for herself: Shared secrets can promote the relationship between the two parties - this is a good start, and victory is in sight!

Next, it’s time to take off the cold mask and completely integrate into this small gang of high school students.

Judy led them to a small corner and continued to pretend to tell secrets to her own people: "Actually, every time after school, I go to various bookstores and game arcades."

Unfortunately, Suzuki Sonoko was deceived. When she heard that this seemingly aloof teacher was actually so rebellious, she suddenly felt a sense of intimacy: "Really? You're not trying to trick me, are you?"

Judy: "..." It depends on how you interpret it.

Of course this cannot be said, she just said excitedly: "Of course it is true! Your two-dimensional culture is very famous, and the game consoles here are beautiful and exciting. In fact, in our place, the game consoles imported from Japan are very popular. You have to queue up for a long time if you want to play, oh, you have no idea how much I envy you."

"That's why I came to Tokyo to apply for an English teacher job, so that I can have fun playing in the arcade every day!" Judy lowered her voice, "Don't tell anyone about what you saw today - foreigners want to It’s so hard to find a job here, so you must keep it secret for me, this is a secret that only belongs to us!”

Jiang Xia's ears hurt from her mixed Japanese-English voice with a strange accent. He raised his hand and rubbed his ears. Suddenly he remembered the way Hashimoto Maya pretended that her Japanese was not good when they first met - these people pretended to have the same accent. In this way, now Maya Hashimoto has returned to normal after being beaten by reality, and she doesn't know when Judy will be able to speak normally.

Conan also thought something was strange, and glanced at Judy secretly several times: Just a few days after that suspicious person Maya Hashimoto disappeared from Jiang Xia, someone with a similar acting style to him immediately took over. It's difficult. I don't doubt that there is some connection - this woman could not have been sent by Maya Hashimoto.

Her shooting movements just now were also professional and standard. After firing enough bullets, she also changed the magazine with one hand. It looked like she was always in a hurry to fight with others.

Conan: "..." Suspicious, very suspicious! Just watch carefully.

Next to them, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko didn't have so many ideas: in their hearts, the mature and beautiful blond lady in front of them was just a foreigner who had just arrived in Tokyo. In this case, Teacher Judy's Japanese was very good in any way. normal.

Therefore, both of them were very tolerant. They were confused by Judy's little tricks and became much closer to her psychologically.

Seeing that Judy didn't want to mention being a teacher, Mao Lilan changed the topic and only talked about her favorite games: "The way you played the game just now was so cool! You must have been practicing for a long time."

Judy laughed: "In that case, do you want to play a more exciting game with me? "Super Warrior Spirit" - this is the most popular and No. 1 fighting game in this store."

In fact, Judy would rather use a shooting game to have a showdown with Jiang Xia, but unfortunately, the shooting game here is a stand-alone mode and there is no way to duel, which will reduce the excitement of the duel and easily waste the opportunity.

So Judy chose "Super Warrior Spirit". What she said before was not a complete lie. She did play this game a lot to relieve stress when she was in the United States. It shouldn't be a problem to beat Jiang Xia with it.

So soon, Judy took a few people to a machine that was more than two meters high.

This game console is painted in a passionate red, with popular muscular characters printed on the body. The matching seats look very high-end, and there are a lot of accessories.

Judy really wanted to push Jiang Xia on the stool to fight with her right now and win big. But it's a pity that Jiang Xia didn't say much during the chat just now, and Judy seems to have a better relationship with the two female high school students now.

Judy: "..." So she can only take it step by step - after all, Jiang Xia is also a famous detective, and her approach should not be too straightforward, otherwise it will be embarrassing if she is seen.

"Come on, sit down quickly!"

Judy was thinking as she took off the helmet hanging on the game seat, put a helmet on Mao Lilan's head, and then pushed her to the seat to sit down.

——When this little girl fails, it will be logical for Jiang Xia to challenge her.

Of course, it would be even better if Mao Lilan said directly, "I don't like this kind of game, let Jiang Xia do it."

Unfortunately, although Mao Lilan looked confused, she did not refuse. Instead, she followed Judy's strength and sat on the game chair.

Judy sighed inwardly and had no choice but to throw a coin in her hand into the game console.

The standby screen changed, and eight avatars were spread out on the screen - these were eight characters to choose from, six men and two women.

Judy thought for a while and helped Mao Lilan choose a beautiful female character: "This is a warrior more suitable for beginners. Patra, you can use her to fight first."

Mao Lilan said oh, and the next moment, as Judy pressed the confirmation button, something that looked like armor rose up from behind the seat. It lowered slowly like a safety belt on a roller coaster and was buckled in front of Mao Lilan. At the same time, four other buckles closed together and clasped Mao Lilan's wrists and ankles.

——Coupled with the helmet she wore before, she now looks like she is wearing a simple suit of armor.

The game start screen popped up on the screen.

Judy patted her wrist: "Push forward slightly with your right hand, and the game will begin - this is the most advanced equipment in the arcade at present. The characters in the game will make corresponding moves based on your movements. "

Mao Lilan nodded nervously and moved his right hand slightly.

The game loads. The enemy character is a middle-aged uncle with a beer belly. Before Mao Lilan could react, the uncle punched him in the face. Mao Lilan hissed and felt numb on the left side of his face, as if he had really been hit.

Lingmu Yuanzi didn't know what happened. She only saw Mao Lilan suddenly falling back. She was stunned: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Judy smiled: "This is also one of the reasons why this virtual battle game is popular - when the game character is hit, the user will also feel the corresponding touch, which is very immersive."

Seeing the psychic master staring at the helmet, Noah quickly whispered: "This function is so low-level, I can even use the sense of taste and touch!"

Jiang Xia responded in his heart: "I'll just take a look." This artificial intelligence ghost that started working at a young age is too curled up. When did so many curling kings appear around him without knowing it?

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