Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2152 2155 [Gangster]

Judy was unaware of the movement on the side. She looked at the shocked Mao Lilan and smiled enigmatically: "For girls, this game is indeed a bit difficult, why not..."

Before he finished speaking, Mao Lilan suddenly raised his head, and his gentle eyes turned fierce at some point.

Judy's heart suddenly shuddered, and she didn't say the next words.

The next moment, as the uncle character on the opposite side approached with his fist, Mao Lilan suddenly let out a loud shout and punched hard!

The control joystick creaked as she pulled it, swinging on the edge of breaking, and the female warrior who was being attacked on the screen also punched. The wind of the fist wiped out a white light, and hit the uncle character's face with a bang. The uncle who looked arrogant just now flew out, and his health bar dropped visibly to the naked eye.

Mao Lilan stepped on the spot, then flew up with a kick, and his fists and kicks rained down. The uncle character opposite was rolling around on the ground, his face getting bluer and greener, and finally he couldn't get up after flying out to mop the floor again.

Big golden letters "You win!" popped up on the screen.

Judy: "..."

Judy: "???"

Seeing her expression, Suzuki Sonoko burst out laughing: "You may not know that Xiaolan has won many karate championships!"

Judy: "..." She knew, but in her impression, the karate of female high school students was considered to be pretty, but she didn't expect...

While he was trying to show a supportive smile, a dark-skinned male character with sky-high braids suddenly appeared on the screen.

The dark-skinned character raised his hand and pointed outside the screen, speaking in an arrogant tone: "I'll challenge you!"

Mao Lilan was startled: "Who is this?"

Jiang Xia: "Someone asked you to challenge you online - just now it was a machine battle, this time it is a real person."

"Challenge?" Mao Lilan was a little nervous. She followed Jiang Xia's line of sight and looked back. Just across the aisle, in front of a machine of the same type behind them, there was a man wearing a helmet and looking provocatively towards them. Smile.

The man was burly and had dark skin like his chosen game character.

Mao Lilan was still worried at first, but when she saw these provocative eyes, her fighting spirit suddenly burned: "Come on!"

Judy looked at Mao Lilan who was on the top of the fight, and then at Jiang Xia who was watching leisurely: "..." Wait, her script doesn't seem to be like this!

But as a foreign teacher who had just formed a deep friendship with two female high school students, she could only keep smiling, put in another game coin, and wait for the battle to begin.

Unfortunately, Maolilan lost this time.

Suzuki Sonoko was shocked: "Is that man also a karate champion?"

As he was whispering, behind him, the dark-skinned man stood up with an arrogant look. He said to Mao Lilan: "Okay! Since I won, just give me your machine. The seat where you sit But my exclusive throne—you newcomers don’t understand the rules, and if you are a veteran, no one dares to take my place.”

Suzuki Sonoko can't stand other people being so arrogant. The main reason is that she doesn't believe that this otaku who loves to play games can beat Mao Lilan in fists and kicks: "It must have been a fluke just now! Give it another try, this time Xiaolan will definitely beat you to the ground." !”

Mao Lilan touched her face, which was numb from the helmet, and felt guilty: "..." No, maybe not. Although the game character's attack movements are consistent with hers, the dodge is too slow, and I'm afraid she will still get beaten if she tries it again. Sure enough, reality and fighting games are not exactly the same.

At this time, the staff in the game hall came over and recycled the game coins in the machine.

The curly-haired staff member heard the conversation on both sides, sighed, and advised them:

"Don't think about it, Oto is not only attacking with fists and kicks, he can also use the buttons on both sides of the armrest to activate skills - novices like you who are new to machines have no chance of winning against him,"

After a pause, he looked at Jiang Xia, thoughtfully: "Maybe you can give it a try - I always think you look familiar. You should play games in the game arcade a lot."

"..." Jiang Xia said seriously, "I'm very busy and don't have much time to play games."

Conan remembered that he had gone to buy mystery books ten times, and five or six times he would see him in the game arcade passing by: "..." Haha.

The dark-skinned man who had just won the next game heard the staff's words, snorted coldly, and walked towards Jiang Xia: "A rookie who came from nowhere wants to challenge me? Forget it! - To a beautiful and cute little girl I can show mercy to you..."

He put a hand on Jiang Xia's shoulder and was about to throw the person away from the machine.

However, when he turned around and saw Jiang Xia's face clearly, Oto Kengo was startled for a moment, and suddenly he drew back his hand as if he had touched a hedgehog, taking a step back in horror.

Jiang Xia was a little confused, so she looked at him carefully, but she didn't have any impression.

The dark-skinned man also noticed it. While he was rejoicing, he silently turned a corner, retracted the seat he was in just now, and put on the game helmet to cover half of his face. Only then did he feel a sense of security.

Then he cursed at the staff who was squatting next to the machine to collect coins: "Hurry up, what are you doing! How long does it take to collect a coin!"

Curly staff: "...?"

Something's wrong, this guy Oto always walks sideways in the game hall, why did he suddenly shrink?

While he was wondering, he didn't want to offend this irritable gangster, so he swallowed his anger and accelerated the speed of collecting coins.

After Kengo Oto scolded him, he didn't dare to say anything anymore. He sat down in his seat and stared at the screen, pretending to be concentrating on preparing for the battle, but his heart was churning.

——Even if the delinquent teenagers in Tokyo do not join clubs, they will still have some conflicts with other small gangs for various strange reasons.

Kengo Oto had fought with another group over the arcade before.

The method of snatching is that everyone takes their younger brothers and picks a place where there is no one to have a fight. The winner will continue to occupy the Feng Shui throne, and the loser will take a detour from now on.

And when it comes to group fights, it's hard not to get angry. The scene quickly got a little out of control - Oto Kengo didn't expect that the opponent's fighting power was so strong, and he and his younger brothers were beaten to a pulp in less than ten minutes.

A man who knows the current affairs is a wise man. Oto Kengo decisively abandoned his younger brother and ran away from an alley while taking advantage of the chaos.

Walking all the way out along the quiet alley, when I almost ran to the main road, suddenly a modified motorcycle suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley, bringing up a plume of smoke.

Kengo Oto looked at the car and didn't quite recognize it. He was worried that it was reinforcements on the opposite side, and his heart skipped a beat.

But soon, the visitor took off his helmet, revealing a slightly childish face - he was not very old, only sixteen or seventeen, and he looked like a good student who had just come out of school.

Oto Kengo was determined in his heart: Ha! I thought it was a big shot, but now it seems that he is just a silly bird who heard the noise and stopped to watch the excitement - wonderful, isn't this a punching bag?

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