Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2191 2194 [Vodka: Uzo Expert]

There are only three people left in the five-person team - the dark-skinned man went to smoke in a bad mood, and the fashionable woman also left with an excuse just now. But without these two people, the atmosphere among the remaining three people was actually better.

The woman in the knitted hat looked at Jiang Xia and chatted with the high school students in a good mood: "You also come to watch the fireworks? - In fact, we are here just for the fireworks. The fireworks here are really endless."

As soon as she finished her words, she was interrupted by her companion. The long-haired beauty waved her hand: "'Watch it forever' is too exaggerated. I've just watched it five or six times and got tired of it - I'll buy a cup of coffee over there. If you come back late, you don’t have to wait for me, just watch first.”

After that she slipped away.

The woman in the knitted hat looked at her back and sighed helplessly. She was about to turn around and join another companion, but as soon as she turned around, the steel man also slipped out.

"?" The woman in the knitted hat quickly stopped him, "Sanze, you don't want to look either?"

The steel man said: "I'm a little hungry. Let's go buy something to eat first - I'll be back before the fireworks start. You'll wait for me here first."

When he answered, he didn't forget to continue sliding forward. By the time the words fell to the ground, the person had already disappeared.

The woman in the knitted hat got into two fights in one night, and was left where she was by her fellow Lone Rangers. She finally couldn't help complaining: "These guys really don't have any collective consciousness. I wanted to go to the bathroom without saying anything. It's good for them, they all have their own reasons, but they just don't pay attention to this gathering."

Mao Lilan looked at the unlucky guy with sympathy and said proactively: "Don't worry, we won't leave for the time being. If your companions come back, we will tell you and let them wait for you where you are."

The woman in the knitted hat looked grateful: "Thank you very much. I'll leave first."

She quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Belmod: "..." Very good. The five of them are now starting to act alone. I don't know how many of them will come back alive in the end.

While thinking about it, she unlocked her phone while avoiding other people's eyes, and opened a new software hidden in a hidden corner.

On the other side, Vodka's phone suddenly vibrated with a message.

It happened that Vodka and Gin were waiting for the mission target to appear. They were idle, so he quietly opened his phone and took a look.

Then I discovered that the pop-up message was from a small program I had built not long ago - the Passers-by Mutual Aid Association.

Vodka: "..." Which unlucky guy met Uzo again?

He opened the door curiously and saw that it was Belmod who had sent the message. The woman sent the coordinates and then suddenly started a game, guessing who the murderer and the deceased were, as well as the approximate murder weapon.

Vodka: "..." Uzo has really opened again?

This small program was made by Vodka not long ago, and currently only a few people who know Uzo's true identity have permission to use it. Every use requires authentication, and if outsiders snoop on it, it will be destroyed immediately.

As we all know, Uzo particularly likes to persecute his innocent colleagues, so the producer Vodka stated: If users encounter Uzo when they do not need to keep their itinerary secret, they can share the relevant information immediately to prevent everyone from being taken advantage of by some people. Unknowingly hurting each other.

Currently, those who have the authority to find this small program include Vodka himself, two snipers, and Belmode.

…and gin, of course.

In fact, Vodka didn't want to pull Gin at first, because he instinctively felt that such a small fishing program that was not doing his job should not be discovered by Gin's brother.

But after making this decision, Vodga silently recited the "Uzo Prevention Manual". After such a comparison, he immediately realized that something was wrong - although it was not clearly stipulated that he had to report to Gin even if he made a procedure, after all, it was related to the organization's cadres. Instead of waiting to be discovered, it’s better to bring people in from the beginning.

If the eldest brother really doesn't agree with the emergence of this kind of thing...then he will delete the program with tears in his eyes.

Vodka was very worried, but fortunately after bringing people in, Gin only said "boring", and then nothing happened.

The program survived and the hidden danger disappeared.

Vodka immediately regained his composure, praised his wit, and then devoted himself even more diligently to the construction of this mutual aid club for passers-by.

But even with gin, there were too few people, so Vodka thought about it and brought Curacao over.

Although strictly speaking, Curacao's position is somewhat different from theirs, Vodka thought about it carefully and found that the problem is not big - regarding Uzo, the only conflict between Curacao and them is that Curacao has a Rum, the boss who wants to kidnap Uzo.

It sounds like a relationship between enemies poaching each other, but if you take a closer look, Vodka finds that this is not the case at all.

Vodka: "..." In my impression, Curacao had some contact with Uzo from time to time before, and later I even experienced a few-day tour of Uzo. And Uzo obviously likes this new colleague quite a lot. The density of crimes is so intense that even the sight of vodka makes his scalp numb.

In short, Curacao does not seem to be a scheming masochist. Vodka does not believe that after what she has experienced, this woman will still be willing to cooperate with Rum and find ways to turn Uzo into her colleague - without stabbing Rum in the back. One handful is good.

And even if Curacao really has a brilliant mind and is willing to continue poaching Uzo...

Vodka: "..." Wouldn't that be better!

Hurry up and cause trouble to Lord Rum, stay away from this innocent driver.

In short, after a series of psychological struggles, Vodka brought Curacao in.

Seeing the code name "Uzo" in the rules of use, Curacao immediately withdrew.

But later, probably based on the simple idea of ​​"rather than bumping into him unexpectedly, it is better to hold her nose and check his whereabouts", Curacao silently added back, but she behaved very inactively, like a silent diver The king of the ocean.

So in the end, in this anti-Uzo rally, the most active ones were the two snipers who had almost zero contact with Uzo - they had the fewest encounters with Uzo at close range, and occasionally they were tricked from a distance.

At this time, as soon as Belmode opened, Chianti immediately urged: "Who is that, hurry up and adjust the video!" ]

Vodka: "..." It's really rude. What do you mean by "that so and so"? The best thing to do is to call him "Mr. Programmer"!

While muttering to himself, he could only work hard to hack into the amusement park's surveillance system. The surveillance was just right enough to cover Jiang Xia and his party.

Vodka took a look and was recognized by several guests. At this time, Jiang Xia, who was surrounded by people asking for autographs, said: "..." This angle is really handsome. This kid must have known where the surveillance was and deliberately posed. ……Um? Wait, he doesn’t know about this program!


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