Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2192 2195 [Gin’s Bet]

Vodka's heart skipped a beat, and he quietly checked the backstage with a cold sweat, but found no problem.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself that he had not worried too much. Then he called up the video from a period of time ago, intercepted it and attached it to the newly opened vote in Belmode.

After adding the brief explanation given by Belmode, the situation suddenly became clear.

In the video, five clay shooting enthusiasts appear one after another and then leave.

Soon the push for voting strips began.

There was no movement in the "Murderer" column for the time being. Someone on the "Dead Man" side slowly made a choice. There was no option for "Death Weapon", which was a subjective question. But now everyone answered the fastest - a group of people "Dead by gunshot" were written all over the place.

After Chianti finished answering, he felt that it was not enough, and he still spoke passionately in the dialog box:

[I've been to the Clay Shooting Club nearby. That damn place is really tricky. Players have to bring their own shotguns and bullets, otherwise they have to rent them from him at a high price. Since these five people are all veteran players, they must all have a shotgun now. ]

[That kid Uzo can't get a gun himself, so he likes to let the unlucky puppets controlled by him use guns. He also loves to harm those who are qualified to hold guns - I have seen through him a long time ago! This time the deceased must have been shot. There are five of us. I hope it will develop into a shooting brawl in the end. Who is that? Remember to save the video. I’ll call it a day and watch it! ]

Belmode: [Everyone knows this simple thing. If you really see through Uzo, you might as well guess who the murderer is? ]

Chianti pouted at this annoying woman through the screen: [You vote for me first, otherwise what if you plagiarize me. ]

Chianti couldn't stand the fact that it was normal for Belmod to look at Vodka. He glanced at the conversation and paid no attention to it. He clicked on the detailed voting status of the "Dead" column.

Then I found out that the fashionable woman who liked to pretend to be cute got three votes, the long-haired beauty who loved to quarrel with others received one vote, and the dark-skinned man who interrupted the fashionable woman's story about "that incident" got one vote.

Vodka took a look at the distribution of voters: the ones who voted for the fashionable woman who pretended to be cute were him and Belmod, as well as Curaçao who didn't say anything but was quietly peeping at the screen.

It was Chianti who voted for the sarcastic long-haired beauty.

It was Cohen who voted for the dark man.

The two snipers combined had not been in contact with Uzo for as long as any other person. Vodka felt that they had guessed wrong.

However, as a rigorous scholar, Vodka keeps in mind that "among three people, there must be one teacher." He pushed up his sunglasses and asked the two snipers: "Why did you choose this?" ]

——According to his experience, this kind of half-informed passerby's perspective can sometimes reflect some problems, and may even bring crucial tips.

Chianti: [The one who pretends to be cute is very silly, the one who takes the initiative to quarrel is even more silly, and the black-skinned man, dragging him as hard as 258,000, is the most silly among silly! ——I think all three can be killed, but Belmod has already voted for the one who pretends to be cute, so I don’t want to choose the same one as her. ]

Vodka: "..."

Let you analyze Uzo, who asked you to order food at passers-by? I think you are really stupid ×!

Vodka took a deep breath, stopped arguing with this stupid sniper, and looked at Cohen's reply. Compared to Chianti, who was always taciturn, Cohen seemed to be wise and foolish, and he might have some original new insights.

Just as he was thinking about it, Cohen's reply box also popped up: [Chianti asked me to choose. ]

Vodka: "..."

A wisp of ice cream floated out, and soon fell off while silently reciting the Uzuo Heart Sutra, and fell on the car.

Vodka clicked on the backend, clicked on "Chianti", and hung his finger on "Remove" for a long time. In the end, he endured it and silently returned to the communication interface.

If you think about it carefully, it is understandable that Chianti and Cohen are not serious about this matter: since it is an insider opening the market, of course there must be a little bit of luck.

Vodka then set up a virtual currency, named "Xiaowu Coin", which is regularly distributed to everyone as chips. This "Xiaowu Coin" can be exchanged from Vodka for some public information about Uzo - such as information on various cases. statistical data.

Although the case can be found in the news, after all, everyone is not as professional and good at catching fish as Vodka. He has the most complete information about Uzo - probably because of this, Curacao is both painful and happy. The ground kept diving and never left.

The reason why Chianti and Cohen were so unrestrained was probably because they had almost no direct contact with Uzo, and they didn't like to use their brains. It was useless to ask for this information, so they ended up muddying the waters every day.

Vodka: "..." Chianti is so enthusiastic about this program, probably because she regards it purely as an entertainment activity - no matter how exciting and suspenseful the movies and TV series are, they are all artificially preset, and mystery novels are even more so. You can see the ending by the end of the book.

In comparison, for members of the organization, as long as the fire does not burn them, Uzo's case can be regarded as entertainment.

As for Cohen, he was probably taken along by Chianti.

Vodka: "..." Speaking of which, why does the eldest brother glance at this program every now and then?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed another change in the betting slip. When he looked down, he saw that Gin had also voted for the fashionable woman.

Vodka: "?!" Oops, I got caught fishing!

...But the person I have to wait for is not there yet. This, this should only be regarded as a reasonable use of time, not fishing, right?

Vodka glanced at Gin's expression inquiringly, and then carefully invited his eldest brother to join the discussion: "Do you also guess that the deceased will be this woman?"

"It's not a guess, it's a confirmation." Gin lit a cigarette and snorted coldly, "Uzo is very patient with the targets he likes, but he is far less tolerant towards passers-by. People like this who come to him to show off are just He will be bored by him, and he will shut up early and become a mute prop. And..."

And if I remember correctly, Chihiro Itami's father was preparing to bid for a club under the organization. The tragic news that his only daughter died of murder must be a surprise to him.

Speaking of which, Wu Zuo has caused a lot of harm to the rich and young masters of the consortium recently. Could it be that any second generation has offended him recently?

Seeing Gin alone in deep thought, Vodka secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Vodka: "..." Fortunately, fine, the bet was right. There is only one truth. The reason why Brother Gin didn't remove this program... is because he is also interested in it!

So should I press the wrong button on purpose and give some small black coins to Brother Gin?


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