Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2193 2196 [Peeping]

Vodka: "..." Although the big brother can just ask him if he wants to know anything, the feeling of increasing virtual currency is undoubtedly also a joy... I have decided, let's do it!

But just as he was about to vote, a new problem arose.

The murder weapon and the deceased have been suppressed, and now only the murderer is left... So who is the murderer?

Vodka plugged the skating rink's few surveillance systems into the program, then touched his chin, lost in thought like a detective.

amusement park.

Ordinary citizens who were still happily skating did not know about the organization members watching behind the scenes.

Only Judy moved uncomfortably, feeling that something was wrong, but couldn't find the reason for the moment.

Belmode pushed up his glasses, happy to expose the FBI to the organization's surveillance. Of course, there's a small problem that comes with it - she has to prevent Cool Guy from exposing his identity in front of the organization.


Belmod glanced at Conan, who could only continue to pretend he couldn't skate in order to cover up his lie, and felt a little reassured: the problem was not big. Moreover, the more you see this childish look, the easier it will be for people to leave the impression that "this is a real child", and it will be more difficult to reveal flaws when they meet by chance in the future.

When Conan can no longer pretend, she will find a way to take people out of the surveillance range.

Conan noticed the earnest gaze behind him, glanced back doubtfully, and saw Judy who was just looking over here.

Conan: "..." What is this suspicious foreign teacher doing?

Judy was stared at by him: "...?"

The situation that happened at low altitude did not affect the high altitude. At this time, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were talking about other things.

"It's six fifty-five." Suzuki Sonoko rolled up her fluffy warm sleeves, glanced at her watch, and sighed, "If I go to the bathroom now, will I miss the fireworks when I get back?"

Mao Lilan also leaned over and looked at the watch, and then comforted: "It's okay, everyone should want to go to the bathroom early so that they can watch the fireworks in peace, so there may be the least number of people now, and 5 minutes is enough. Don't worry, you will definitely make it!" "

Suzuki Sonoko thought about it, waved to Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan on her skates, and slid towards the bathroom.

For the convenience of customers, you can go to the restroom here without changing your shoes.

Suzuki Sonoko stepped up the steps with her skates. She was about to rush into the bathroom as Mao Lilan said and rush to the bathroom for a quick fight. However, she looked up - the door to the women's bathroom was closed, and there were two or three strange women or strangers beside the door. Squat or stand as if waiting for the door to open.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "What's going on?"

The woman leaning against the door sighed helplessly. She raised her finger and pointed at the sign on the door: "See for yourself."

Suzuki Sonoko slid closer and saw a sign saying "The bathroom is being cleaned, please wait."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Could it be that the cleaner's thinking was the same as Xiaolan's, thinking that there would be no delay in using it now that there were so few people, so he took advantage of the chaos and started cleaning?

...But we can't wait until we get off work before cleaning. We really don't consider her stuck party mood at all.

Seeing that she was anxious, the girl next to her comforted her: "It's not the regular cleaning time now. Someone may have been drunk and vomited in it, so let's clean it temporarily - it usually won't take too long, and it will be over after a while."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and said, "Well, I hope it will be soon."

at the same time.

Separated by a door.

Inside the women's restroom, a fashionable woman stood in a private room, looking at the people blocking the door in astonishment.

The man was wearing a black raincoat and gloves of the same color. He held a shotgun in his hand, and the long barrel of the gun was pressed against her heart.

Chihiro Itami was so frightened that she was out of her body. She looked down at the gun pointed at her, and moved back cautiously. For fear of irritating the other party, she whispered softly: "Don't, don't be impulsive. Well... if you have anything to say, just say it." explain."

The man said nothing and didn't fire.

Itami Chihiro guessed that the other party was hesitating, and quickly defended: "It's been so long, and it's not good for you to suddenly blame it on me."

The other party still didn't put down the gun.

Itami Chihiro's back was soaked with cold sweat. When she couldn't plead for mercy, she could only turn to threats: "You must be covering yourself up so tightly because you don't want to be arrested after killing people, right? Then you have made the wrong calculation. What else will happen here?" It is considered a public place after all. When the gunshots are fired, people outside will rush in and catch you. It doesn’t matter how tightly you cover yourself.”

She forced a smile: "I know you are also impulsive and don't want to really ruin your life - why not, I will just pretend that nothing happened today..."

Halfway through, seeing the cold smile of the gunman, Chihiro Itami suddenly realized something. Her whole scalp felt numb: "Fireworks, are you going to..."

The gunman snorted and pressed hard against her.

At this moment, someone knocked on the bathroom door from outside.

Suzuki Sonoko hurried to watch the fireworks. Seeing that there was no movement inside, she knocked on the door to discuss: "Well, can you hurry up a little bit? It's okay if the ground outside is dirty. I can just choose a clean single room to use. Wait until I get up." You can continue after you finish.”

There was no response from inside.

The janitor wouldn't open the door, and Suzuki Sonoko couldn't force her way in. She sighed and thought to herself: Except for this bathroom, all other bathrooms have to be replaced with skates. Is she betting that it will end faster here? Or should I just change my shoes and go somewhere else?

Just as he was struggling, suddenly, a vague whistle rising into the sky sounded in the distance, which was the sound of fireworks being launched.

Suzuki Sonoko: "Has it started?! Really, if I had known it, I would have gone to another bathroom."

She hurriedly ran down the steps, leaned to the window and looked out, trying to find a decent viewing angle from this terrible viewing angle.

At this moment, there was a movement behind him.

Suzuki Sonoko turned around from the window and saw a man dressed in black walking out of the women's restroom a few meters away, wearing skates and leaving quickly.

"The uniforms of the cleaners at this amusement park are really weird." Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head and looked in the direction where the man in black left. "Why is this man running? Is he rushing to clean the next bathroom?"

Just when I vaguely felt something was wrong, suddenly the passers-by cheered.

Suzuki Sonoko quickly turned around and looked out the window, and saw clusters of different fireworks rising in the night sky in the distance.

"It's so beautiful." Suzuki Sonoko sighed while sighing at this very ordinary perspective, "Damn bathroom."

On the other side, in the skating rink.

Jiang Xia found a good angle of view, while grabbing the French fries and apple-flavored murderous food next to her, while pretending to raise her head and watch the fireworks with everyone.


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