Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2194 2197 [Prayer of Curacao] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 2194 2197 [Prayer of Curacao] Please vote for me (〃▽〃)o

Compared to this fake audience, Mao Lilan watched much more seriously. The first wave of fireworks was particularly bright. She looked at the illuminated night sky and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so beautiful."

Conan was about to nod in agreement, when suddenly a laughing voice came in from the side, and a female voice joked: "For people who haven't seen much, this is indeed true."

Conan: "..."

Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan turned their heads following the sound and saw the long-haired beauty who had just interacted with them.

Mao Lilan remembered that this sister was saying "I'm tired of watching too many fireworks" more than ten minutes ago, but now she didn't even miss the first wave of fireworks, so she couldn't help but laugh: "You're here after all, aren't you?"

The long-haired beauty held her chin up and looked at the sky: "Everywhere I go, people say that today's fireworks are beautiful. It's just idle time. I might as well watch them again."

Someone was chatting for a while, and suddenly someone came running over from behind, breathing heavily.

The footsteps were coming towards them. Several people instinctively turned around and saw the steel man arriving panting.

He looked at the night sky above and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't miss much."

Almost at the same time, the woman in the knitted hat also slid over and stopped next to him.

Unlike the steely man who only focused on the fireworks, the woman in the knitted hat, who had fought countless times throughout the night, quickly noticed the difference in the team. She wondered: "Aren't Chihiro and your friend with the hairpin here?"

Mao Lilan was also confused: "Yuanzi went to the bathroom. I remember you went to the bathroom before. Didn't you meet her?"

The woman in the knitted hat shook her head: "Maybe I just missed it. When I went there, the restroom of the ice rink was being cleaned, so I took off my shoes and went to another ordinary restroom."

Conan heard this and whispered to Jiang Xia: "I bet on a mystery book - Yuanzi must have missed the start time because he was too lazy to change his shoes."

Jiang Xia: "I'll bet on this too."

Conan: "?" If two people place the same bet, what will happen to his reasoning book?

Conan, who stabbed his father in the back a while ago and had his pocket money deducted, said humbly: "...We can't play like this, so you can change your bet."

The two small groups met together and chatted happily.

This scene was captured by the nearby surveillance cameras. Soon, this scene was transmitted to the eyes of several other dark creatures along the data flow.

Vodka looked at the people appearing on the surveillance screen one after another, typing quietly with flying fingers, silently showing off his professional knowledge:

[The people who were originally scattered gathered together one by one - anyone who has studied Uzo knows that when such a phenomenon occurs, it often means that a murder has occurred. ]

After saying that, fearing that others might not see it, Vodka @touched Chianti with his hand: [What a pity, the long-haired woman you chose is still alive. ]

After sending it, Vodka moved quickly and set up a few blocking words.

Almost immediately, a message from Chianti popped up: [***, *****! *****]

Vodka pushed up his sunglasses to hide his merit and fame: "..." Oh, what is prediction.

Cohen: [Chianti said that the dark-skinned man I chose was also hers. ]

Vodka: "..."

Indeed, except for the fashionable woman and the dark-skinned man, all the other three people in the passerby group are here. The dark-skinned man does have a chance of being on the death list - although he is a burly man, everyone has a gun, and the difference in force value can be Smooth it out here.

Vodka felt uncertain for a moment, but he still had to maintain his face. He replied coldly: "You have no chance of winning. No one knows Uzo better than me." ]

After a pause, he quickly added: [Except eldest brother! ]

Belmode on the other end: "..." Huh.

She put away her phone and stood with her back to the surveillance camera. She glanced across the lively crowd and quietly stopped at Conan.

Uzo didn't even find out about Uzo's secret possession of the Aptx 4869 test subject, yet she actually had the nerve to assume the title of "Know Uzo the best"... She was the one who knew this little devil best.

On the other side, in the gloomy night, Curacao held a gun in one hand, picked up his mobile phone with the other hand and glanced at the small program, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Curacao: "..." Knowing Uzo better means that he has more contact with Uzo - what is there to be proud of? He should have cried bitterly and gone to a shrine to ward off evil spirits.

Stupid driver.

...But it’s not just a day or two since Vodka was stupid.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no new news from the Passersby Mutual Aid Association, so Curacao put away her mobile phone and returned to work - she actually didn't like working overtime, especially at night when she should be relaxing.

But after experiencing the cooperation with a colleague a while ago, Curacao now only feels that the happiness index has soared crazily - there is no sudden murder, there are no people watching from behind, and there are no police surrounding them at any time... Sure enough, there is no happiness without contrast.

I hope my boss never succeeds in poaching anyone in my life.

Faithful Curaçao prayed silently.

At the center of the stage, high school students and passers-by were unaware of their mysterious gaze.

Mao Lilan chatted with the woman in the knitted hat for a while, then suddenly remembered something, looked around, and asked Jiang Xia, who had a higher field of vision than her: "Have you seen the garden?"

Jiang Xia shook his head.

Mao Lilan sighed: "Why is it so slow? Is it because there are too many people and she can't find us?"

Whatever he said, the next moment, a faint "Ouch!" came from the direction of the bathroom - Suzuki Sonoko's person didn't arrive, but the voice broke through many obstacles and arrived here.

Mao Lilan was originally lying on the railing. When she heard this familiar voice, she stood up straight: "Yuanzi!"

Conan's detective instinct kicked in and he jumped off the railing to slide towards the bathroom. Belmod remembered that he had been pretending not to be able to skate just now, and his heart moved slightly. He stretched out his leg under the cover of the railing, intending to trip him quietly.

But before Conan landed, while he was still in the air, Jiang Xia suddenly reached out and picked him up.

Then he slid towards the bathroom without stopping.

Belmod breathed a silent sigh of relief: I have to admit that when there are no conflicts, Uzo is indeed a very reliable teammate.

It's just that the way he carried Cool Guy looked familiar... Wait, isn't this Jiang Xia's usual move for catching cats?

The "new doctor" pushed up his glasses and fell into deep thought.

At the door of the restroom next to the ice rink, a large number of people, regardless of gender, gathered, all attracted by the screams.

Jiang Xia hurried over without any hesitation. When she looked up, she saw Suzuki Sonoko standing outside a single room. She was looking at the single room through the wide open door with wide eyes.

Jiang Xia put down the Conan he was carrying and slid next to her.

Looking along Suzuki Sonoko's line of sight, a beautifully dressed corpse appeared in front of him.


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