Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2195 2198 [Have you recharged? 】

The fashionable woman fell to the ground and leaned breathlessly against the wall next to the toilet.

There was blood on her left chest, and a large trail of blood was dragged on the wall behind her - it looked like she was shot to death while standing, and then her body slid to the ground against the wall, leaving this trace.

In addition, a bloody "S" was written on the wall next to the corpse's head, which looked like a favorite death message left by the deceased in mystery novels.

"Why...why did he die suddenly?" Although Suzuki Sonoko had seen countless corpses, she couldn't help but panic when she suddenly saw such a large amount of blood - especially when the person she just met died.

Not long ago, this woman was still lively and showy, making a group of anxious people jump up and down, but now she suddenly died.

Suzuki Sonoko murmured: "Speaking half-hidden and half-hidden is really a source of hatred. I'd better say what I have to say directly in the future."

Jiang Xia patted her to bring her back to her senses: "This may not be the motive. In short, life and death are common things. This is a crime scene. Let's go out first."

The detective suddenly appeared and met an expert on this kind of case. Suzuki Sonoko finally found the backbone. She followed Jiang Xia out of the bathroom with her head slumped, then thought of something, took out her cell phone and planned to call an ambulance.

Jiang Xia corrected: "Her chest didn't rise and fall just now. She should be dead. It's better to call the police."

Mao Lilan finally squeezed through the crowd, and when he heard this, he instinctively responded: "I'll come!"

Belmode, who also followed: "..." Silly boy, you don't know what happened, how can you call the police?

She was planning to use her status as a doctor to squeeze in and take a look at the scene, and then suddenly appeared to help her Angel out when the police officer asked about Mao Lilan's condition.

However, before she started to squeeze into the crowd, Mao Lilan put down her phone.

Belmode was startled: "...didn't you get through?"

Mao Lilan glanced at her doubtfully: "The report is over, the police said they will be here soon."

Belmode's heart suddenly thumped: "Do you know what happened inside?"... Could it be that Uzo pulled Xiaolan into the water when she couldn't see it?

However, under her tight gaze, Mao Lilan shook his head, his eyes clear: "I don't know."

Belmode: "..."

Belmode was confused: "Then how did you report it to the police?"

Mao Lilan didn't understand why the new doctor asked these questions, but since the teacher asked, of course a good student should answer truthfully. She didn't know where to start at the moment, so she simply recounted it truthfully: "I called and the person on the other end said, 'It's you'. I gave my address and they sent someone directly over."

Belmode: "..."

...It turns out that there are also VIP users for things like calling the police. Get one for every ten, call the police directly for every hundred?

She was silent for a moment, and suddenly wanted to use the "little black coins" of vodka to find him in exchange for the number of cases Mao Lilan had experienced with Uzo...but she was worried that this move would completely expose her weakness, so she had to suppress it.

However, even if there is no clear data, a rough thought shows that this number is by no means small. Looking at it this way, Bermod suddenly felt that the preferential treatment given to her Angel by the police was particularly reasonable.

In the complicated mood of a certain organization member, a police car arrived quickly.

Before that, several friends of the deceased also came over after hearing the news.

"Qianxun!" The woman in the knitted hat rushed towards the corpse, but was stopped by the long-haired beauty. She turned her head and leaned against the long-haired woman, saying sadly, "How could this happen..."

The Memu Police Department started running a little slower, and they pushed them to the back. He had no choice but to take two generals, Sato and Takagi, past the onlookers and move forward: "I'm a police officer, borrow it!... Let me pass!"

After a squirm, the round and fat police officer finally squeezed into the front row.

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief and waved to the boys he brought with him: "Clear the place!" Clear out all these irrelevant people.

The small police officers squeezed into the small bathroom and persuaded the onlookers to leave one by one.

The Mumu Police Department came to the door of the single room where the body was. He glanced in and saw the wall that was half stained red. He hissed: "There is so much blood... It is too tragic to die."

Jiang Xia: "The first ones to discover the body were me, Yuanzi, and Conan." He patted the head of the primary school student next to him. "We haven't let anyone enter the single room since then."

Officer Takagi put on his gloves and poked a shotgun on the ground: "Shotgun, this should be the murder weapon."

"Is there a gun left at the scene?" Mumu Police Department's eyes lit up, "That'll be easy. Check the serial number and see who the owner of the gun is." Then the murderer can be caught!

While talking, Mumu Police Department looked at Jiang Xia and said with Jun: "It seems that we can all go to bed early today."

Jiang Xia: "I hope so."

Memu Police Department: "...Huh?" This sound seems not right. Could it be...

Just as I had a bad premonition in my heart, I heard the long-haired beauty next to me say: "Officer, that gun... should be mine. It's the shotgun I used when I was playing clay shooting."

Memu Police Department: "So the murderer is you?"

The long-haired woman shook her head quickly: "The lockers here are very tight, so all of our guns are placed in the same locker."

The ears of the Mumu police department twitched and they caught the ominous keyword: "Everyone's gun? Are there a lot of guns in your cabinet?"

Jiang Xia whispered faintly: "They came together as five people. All five of them are members of the Clay Shooting Club. They went to the club before coming to the ice rink, so now everyone has a shotgun."

The police department's plans for getting off work were shattered.

He followed Jiang Xia's direction and looked over, seeing two men and two women: "..." Very good, not only are there no fewer suspects, but there is one more than the average.


An idea flashed through the Memu Police Department: "Where are the keys? Although your guns are all placed in the cabinet, there should be a dedicated person in charge of the keys."

Miwako Sato came back from a rough investigation and happened to hear this sentence. She sighed: "The equipment here is relatively advanced. It uses a combination lock and does not require a key."

The woman in the knitted hat wiped her tears for the passing of her companion and nodded repeatedly: "I was the last one to lock the locker, but we all know the password, so if someone comes back in the middle, I won't be able to know - in fact, this skating rink We used to come here often, and each time we used the same cabinet, and the password was always the homophone of 'Clay Shooting Companion', 9017."

"Well..." Police Department Megure took a deep breath and prepared to spend the whole night here.

Officer Takagi didn't want to give up, and was still thinking about making an appointment to eat sukiyaki with Officer Sato... and some other unimportant colleagues after get off work.


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