Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2198 2201 [Organizational Contribution]

Curacao looked at the chat history: "..." Oh, naive, there are many things that Uzo has encouraged - that guy just likes to stir up conflicts between others and takes pleasure in others' murderous appearance. At this stage, he didn't care whether the murderer was real or not, he would be happiest when he was beaten into a pot of porridge.

Therefore, Sano Izumi must also be excluded.

Curacao: "..." No, there may be another wave of predictions and counter-predictions. If you want to figure out Uzo's thinking, you must not be too absolute and learn to be flexible.

Thinking this way, she mentally moved the suspect who had just been removed back to the list.

Then I looked at the list of four people left after crossing over and over again. I frowned and started to feel worried.

Crime scene.

Sano Izumi frowned: "There is an 'S' written in blood on the wall. I am the murderer? - According to this, someone just called you Miss Suzuki, and your 'Ling' also starts with 'S'. Are you also suspected?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned. Thinking that this was really the case, she couldn't help but hesitate: "This..."

Jiang Xia whispered: "There is no gunpowder on you."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became stunned: "Yes, there is no gunpowder on me!"

Conan: "..." At this time, shouldn't we tell Yuanzi that the deceased was shot in the heart and died? In this case, there is no energy to write anything in blood.

But this is an opportunity...

Conan suddenly said: "By the way, speaking of S, there is another person who also starts with this letter!"

Suzuki Sonoko frowned and thought for a while, and actually thought of someone: "Kudo Shinichi's 'new'?"

Conan: "...?" I helped you out, and you fucking stabbed me in the back?

He pretended not to hear what he just said: "I remember when Teacher Judy exchanged business cards with brother Jiang Xia, the business card said 'Jodie Saintemillion' - which is also the initials of s."

Judy, who had been quietly being transparent: "?!"

What about me again? Is this kid causing trouble for me again? ...What on earth does this kid want to do? ?

She almost wanted to loudly declare that "Jodie Saintemillion" was just her pseudonym, but then she thought about it, her real name was "Jodie Starling", and she still couldn't escape the "S".

Judy: "..."

Forget it, I'm tired, that's it.

...No, we can't sit still and wait for death! There is such an obvious flaw, how can the FBI pretend not to have seen it?

Judy pushed up her glasses, trying to regain her former strong woman style, and with a wave of her hand, she erased the meaning of the bloody "S":

"Wait a minute, this reasoning is wrong from the beginning - look at the state of the deceased, don't you understand? She was shot in the heart and died on the spot.

"A person who was shot in the heart would not have the strength to leave such a death message on the wall. In other words, this is probably a trick used by the murderer to mislead the direction of the investigation. In this way, I, the 'S', should be excluded. ."

After thinking about it, Judy learned by herself how to run faster than her teammates. She stretched out her claws and pulled the two male suspects back into the water:

"And just because the deceased died in the women's restroom, it doesn't mean that the murderer must be a woman - men can also use various methods, such as leaving notes or sending emails using anonymous mailboxes, to disguise themselves as women and ask the deceased to wait here. .

"They may even have no agreement at all, but the murderer followed the deceased to the bathroom. In short, everyone is suspected!"

Police: "..." The workload that had just been hoped to be reduced has increased again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although they knew in their hearts that the problem was not Judy, when they looked at this foreign woman, their eyes couldn't help but become resentful.

Those who were watching Judy were not only the police, but also the surrounding onlookers, as well as the men in black who peeked at the reporter's camera.

Belmod secretly looked at his phone.

Just when she didn't catch her attention, Cool Guy intervened and reasoned. This made her feel more or less guilty, and she could only hope that others did not notice the abnormality of this elementary school student, especially the keen Gin.

Then she found out her wish had come true.

Gin's attention was completely on another person: [There is indeed something wrong with that woman. ]

Belmode was startled: "..." Woman, do you mean Suzuki Sonoko, or Judy?

It should be Judy. After all, compared to the innocent high school girl who thinks she can write even if her heart is broken, Judy, the guy who took the lead to figure out the key, is obviously even more wrong.

After trying to figure out what Gin might be going through, Belmod silently put his heart back in his stomach.

the other side.

Gin was indeed observing Judy: "Uzo really had his eye on her, so he specifically let the kid test her."

Vodka looked at the innocent-looking Conan in the camera: "..." It's really scary. He will kill people at the age of 7, and he won't be able to kill all over Tokyo when he is 17. As expected, Uzo’s men did not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

I have to walk around this kid when I see him in the future. Of course, it's not that he's afraid of a first-grade brat. It's just that he's a mature adult and it's not easy to argue with a naughty kid.

While thinking about it, he wanted to follow Gin's words and praise Uzo for his sharpness without conscience.

But soon he found that it was not necessary - because Gin had already turned his attention away from the applet and Judy, and then clicked...

Stock trading software.

After looking at it twice, I started communicating about the organization’s finances again.

Vodka: "..."

No wonder his eldest brother asked him to inform him as soon as he found out that Uzo had contact with the wealthy family. It turns out that the eldest brother is not only worried about Wu Zuo's random killings, but also uses this kind of prediction to make a small amount of organizational funds.

Every time he used many different identities and accounts, he used the smallest actions to make the most money... After a few times, the modified ship sunk by Uzo had already paid back its money.

Vodka: "..." It turns out Uzo can still be used like this!

The more valuable Uzo is, the more he can get along in the organization...wait, isn't this even worse? !

Vodka stared at the group of rich young ladies in the camera who were easily fooled, and silently expressed his anger: It's all your fault for not being vigilant, and you are rushing to let Uzo succeed one by one. Can't you be more cautious and wait a little longer? If someone asks you to go to the bathroom alone, do you really go? ——You have absolutely no awareness of Tokyoites, you deserve to be stabbed!

After a round of interviews between witnesses and suspects, the general circumstances of the case seem to have surfaced.

But there always seems to be some off-kilter details.

Sato Miwako paced back and forth, and finally remembered what was wrong:

"Sonoko said that she and several other guests were waiting outside the bathroom door at that time. From this distance, if the deceased had shouted for help in a single room, he should have been heard - but how could she be beaten to death without saying a word? Already?"

Police Department Memu touched his chin: "Maybe the murderer has been hiding in the bathroom next door, waiting for the fireworks display to start before suddenly rushing in and making a surprise attack, causing the deceased to not react?"


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