Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2199 2202 [Gin Voting] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2199 2202 [Gin voting] Asking for monthly votes ()

Jiang Xia shook his head: "A sudden appearance like that would easily scare the deceased into screaming - there is something in the muzzle of the gun."

"Huh?" Officer Takagi reacted for a moment before coming back to his senses. He carefully held up the shotgun, and sure enough he saw some strange marks on the muzzle, "This is..."

"It should be saliva and lipstick." Jiang Xia said, "Before the fireworks started, the murderer had already met the deceased. The deceased was forced to the innermost side of the single room with a shotgun. While waiting for the fireworks, the murderer blocked the deceased's throat with the barrel of the gun. Mouth."

"That's it!" Officer Takagi felt that he understood everything. "When the fireworks started and the noise became louder, the murderer took out his gun and quickly shot the deceased in the chest. If the deceased reacted a little slower, he would have no time to speak."

"I see!"

The suspects also understood everything, and the long-haired woman said in surprise: "If that's the case, I must not be the murderer - I rushed to the place just as the fireworks started, and these students can prove it!"

Officer Megure looked at several high school students and reminded them not to be deceived: "With the skates, it only takes about 30 seconds to sprint from the bathroom to the place where you just watched the fireworks."

Mao Lilan calculated and looked at the long-haired woman: "Miss Sano arrived before the first fireworks took off."

Then she looked at the man of steel and the woman in the knitted hat: "As soon as Miss Sano and I said a few words, Mr. Misawa and Miss Komatsu arrived. At that time, it was only ten seconds before the fireworks started. Their Shi was definitely not in the bathroom."

"Oh?" Hearing that she remembered it so clearly, the Megure Police Department became happy and looked at the dark-skinned man who was the only one among the four people. "Mr. Oda, what about you? Where were you at that time?"

Oda Kunitomo and several of his companions were obviously of the same age, but because they had stubble, they looked particularly older and had the temperament of outlaws.

Seeing the police looking at him warily, Oda Kunitomo said calmly: "I'm smoking on the bench next to the ice rink."

Officer Takagi: "Has anyone seen you?"

Oda Kunitomo: "Many people have seen me, but I don't know how many people remember me."

Police: "..." Suspicious, very suspicious!

But there is no evidence.

After all, although the suspicions of these four people are very high, it cannot be 100% certain that the murderer is among the four.

The Mumu Police Department sighed and called a few young police officers: "Go and ask if anyone has an impression of him. It would be best if they have photos or videos."

The young police officers nodded, then glanced at the ice and snow outside, and began to look at Jiang Xia with eager eyes.

The murderous psychic who still wanted to slowly eat French fries said: "..."

Thinking that it would be suspicious to delay for any longer, Jiang Xia pointed at the deceased's right hand against their gazes: "Speaking of which, the deceased's posture seems a bit weird - the person is about to die, but his right hand is still in his pocket. Than Look at the bloody writing on the wall, maybe there is the message she really wants to leave behind."

"!" Officer Takagi reacted and walked carefully to the body. The corpse had just died, and rigor mortis had not yet begun. He easily pulled the deceased's hand out of his pocket.

Along with this, there is also a small button phone. The style is a bit old, but the advantage is that the brand is expensive, hand-customized, and very high-end.

"Nothing was displayed on the screen." Officer Takagi sighed with sympathy. "Maybe she wanted to call the police quietly, but she was killed before she finished pressing the numbers."

"What's the use of calling the police at this time when the gun is already on your body?"

Conan inadvertently touched the heart of the innocent policeman. Taking advantage of his small size, he squeezed into the single room and looked at his mobile phone: "Not everyone knows the skill of blind typing. The deceased may have used a simpler method - why not go back?" Make a call, or check the call log.”

Officer Takagi listened to the advice and did not discriminate against the child. He actually searched the records.

Instead of the imaginary numbers popping up on the screen, three letters appeared, "KIX", followed by 8 pound sign keys.

"Why is it a string of garbled characters?" The Memu Police Department was a little disappointed. "Could it be that she was too nervous before she died and unconsciously grasped the phone, so she pressed such a string of things?"

I thought the case would be solved soon, but my hope was in vain.

Not to mention the police, even the suspects are starting to get tired. Misawa Koji stamped his feet: "Officer, can you please let us take off our shoes first? It's okay outdoors, but it's too hot to wear skates indoors. My legs sweat easily. I'm going to be with a girl tomorrow." I have a date..."

"Okay." The Mumu Police Department certainly does not have the habit of treating citizens harshly, "But you must change your shoes with the company of the police - you don't want to be misunderstood as destroying evidence."

four people:"……"

Although it was a bit strange to be stared at while changing shoes, what the fat policeman said made sense. In the end, they did not refuse and went to the locker room to change shoes.

Several high school students were still wearing skates, and after hearing this, they also followed him.

The reporters outside the cordon were startled as they watched the two-pronged crime-solving team - the detectives and the suspects - leave the scene as if they were about to take a break, while the police were still busy at the bloody crime scene.

Journalists are generally not allowed in the lounge. After a moment of hesitation, they did not leave and continued to take pictures of the restroom.

While filming, the reporter carrying the new camera sneezed.

The reporter rubbed his nose and wrapped his coat tightly indifferently: "It's cold in winter, so I wear thick enough clothes."

Precautions against the cold were complete, but he seemed to have mistaken the reason for his sneezing.

Dark world.

A mediocre little program.

Chianti: [Is this kind of person worthy of being a reporter? What's there to photograph about those stupid cops? Let me take pictures of Uzo! ]

Vodka complained to the ignorant reporter from a distance: "..." That is, what clues can the police have? You can't even find the key points correctly. You deserve to be out in the field in the middle of winter!

As he spoke, he silently wrapped his coat tightly.

Then Vodka pretended to operate the notebook while quietly glancing at Gin from the corner of his eye.

I saw the corner of Brother Gin's mouth lowered twice and raised three times, and his expression changed from a subtle "sudden realization" to "victory is certain". Finally, he exhaled a puff of smoke and placed the murderer with him in the faint smoke.

Vodka secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then pressed the button to close the voting.

Vodka: "..." Alas, according to his idea, he should actually stop betting earlier - after all, if too many clues come out, this will not be "Uzo's behavioral analysis", but will become reasoning, which completely deviates from the passers-by. The original intention of establishing the mutual aid association.


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