Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2200 2203 [I want to cut vodka]

Vodka: "..." But theory is theory, and practice is practice - Seeing that Brother Gin spends more and more time watching the live broadcast, he will remember the clues carefully when he hears them. Vodka opens and closes his lips, but he really doesn't dare to shout out that The sentence "voting is over".

...Forget it, as long as Brother Gin has fun, reasoning will be reasoning.

After all, if the eldest brother is unhappy, let alone this game, I am afraid that the entire small program and the innocent programmers will die together... Sigh, it is really difficult to be a subordinate.

However, Vodka himself adhered to his principles. Not long after the murder just occurred, Vodka made a serious bet based on his understanding of Wu Zuo to carry out Wu Jia's identity to the end.

As the bets on Gin ended, the countdown to the deadline for voting on the screen began to beat. Soon, ten seconds passed and the board was locked.

Five people voted and one lost.

One minute later.

Belmode was about to vote, but when he took out his phone, he found that the "murderer" section was locked and the words "Betting Ended" appeared on it.

Belmode: "...?"

She smiled and put the phone back into her pocket: Oh, vodka.

Jiang Xia walked past her and walked to the front. He paused for a moment, then slowed down and passed by again: "..." Today's apple production is really high.

Unlike the two organization members whose attention has long been elsewhere.

The four suspects who had killed their companions were still deeply immersed in the pain caused by the case.

Just now, she could hold on to her emotions because of her nervousness and shock, but now that she was halfway out of the police circle, the woman in the knitted hat suddenly covered her face and started crying.

The long-haired woman quickly advised her: "Don't be sad, there is nothing you can do about it."

The woman in the knitted hat didn't stop crying until she reached the storage room. She shook her head: "I, I just remembered that thing again."

Long-haired woman: "This... has already passed, don't think about it anymore."

The steel man next to him glanced at the long-haired woman: "Oh, Koizumi, you are just standing and talking without pain in your back - you didn't come to shoot that day, so of course you can't understand our feelings."

Sano Izumi said anxiously: "How can you talk? I had to stay in bed because of a cold that day, but now you say it's like a blessing in disguise!"

The two were busy arguing, and the woman in the knitted hat was busy crying: "I, I never want to touch clay shooting again - first Narita, then Chihiro, it's like being cursed! If it continues, say Maybe one day I will be like Narita and die from a gun fire."

The long-haired woman and the steel man fell silent when they heard this.

The dark-skinned man who had been silent next to him frowned and said, "Okay, don't talk about these gossips, and go back as soon as you change your shoes."

The suspects did not want to return to the bloody scene at all, but the more they resisted, the more suspicious they became. After all, they had to live in the future, so the four had to reluctantly get up and go back one after another.

On the way back, Conan held his pocket and lowered his head in thought. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered something with the help of his superior altitude.

——There are two strange short red lines on the ground.

...Some kind of intuition told him that this was a very important clue.

Conan's heart moved, and he fell down on the spot, carefully identifying these inconspicuous lines.

Jiang Xia happened to be walking behind him and almost stepped on the unscrupulous driver who braked suddenly. When he was dodging, he grabbed the new doctor next to him. The "new doctor" reacted quickly and hugged him with one hand. Fished it to the side.

The hair on the top of Conan's head was rubbed by the sole of his shoe, but he was completely unscathed...except for his hair, there was no damage anywhere.

Next to her, Judy came back to her senses and looked at the flashing scene in shock: "..." As expected of that woman, she is so strong. Be careful when meeting her in the future, and don't be fooled by her slender appearance.

On the ground, Conan felt the hair on his head shaking, but he didn't care and pointed to the ground: "Look!"

Jiang Xia was thinking about whether he should step over it gracefully next time he encounters this kind of thing, or keep his distance from Conan in advance.

But don’t rush this, you can think about it later. He walked to Conan with his pocket in his pocket and looked down at him as well.

On the ground are two short lines parallel to each other, less than two centimeters long, black and red in color.

Seeing the color of the lines clearly, Belmod raised his eyebrows slightly, and Judy's expression also changed. She blurted out: "This is blood stains."

Conan glanced at her: "..." This teacher is indeed very problematic. Then again, why didn't she even hide it?

... Is she confident of her true identity, or is she confident that she will silence all those who find out about her?

…No matter which one, it’s worthy of vigilance.

Speaking of which, has Jiang Xia discovered it?

Conan looked up at Jiang Xia and saw Jiang Xia saying, "Let's go back to the crime scene first."

Conan: "..." "First"... Since there is a sequence, it means that Jiang Xia also discovered it, but he also ranked the case first?

Returning to the crime scene, Jiang Xia went to the single room where the deceased was. He searched among the messy bloodstains on the ground and soon found similar traces.

At this moment, Officer Takagi also rushed in, wrapped in the cold air of the skating rink: "Police Department!...Ah Jiang Xia, are you back?"

He turned to Jiang Xia: "We found a jacket that was discarded by the suspected murderer in a trash can between the bathroom and the skating rink."

Jiang Xia nodded: "Let Yuanzi identify it."

"Okay!" Officer Takagi took the clothes and went to find Suzuki Sonoko.

The Memu Police Department who had just been called over by him said: "..."

...Forget it, forget it, I saved a sentence, this is a good thing.

The Memu Police Department exhaled calmly and felt that Takagi had a bright future and deserved more training and training - he would continue to be sent out to do field work next time.

After the suspects came back, they were ignored. They muttered a few words to each other and walked out the door low-key, carrying their skates.

When he arrived at the bathroom door, he found a person standing in front of him. Jiang Xia asked, "Where are you going?"

The woman in the knitted hat picked up the skates in her hand and showed them to him: "We didn't bring our own skates. We rented them from the park. Now that the park is about to get off work, we want to return the skates and do the transcript when we get back, okay?"

The talkative detective smiled at her: "Of course not."

Woman in knitted hat: "Thank you...huh?"

The steel man frowned: "The three of us have alibis and we are not the murderers, so we don't need to look so closely."

The long-haired beauty pointed at the dark-skinned man behind her: "Oda is the only one who has no alibi. You can just detain him. There is no need to detain the others."


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