Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2207 2210 [Poor little brother]

When Shuichi Akai said this, the matter of "uncovering the person behind the scenes" seemed to be close at hand.

Judy's train of thought was finally led astray. Although she always felt that something was not quite right, she still prioritized the issue that the FBI ace was worrying about and helped her teammates relieve their worries: "What should we do?"

Akai Hide threw aside the notebook filled with writing: "Look for a venue with few people and reduce the number of suspicious people."

Judy hesitated: "Young people love to be lively. Most of the places I invite them to go to are crowded, unless they go to those high-end salons. But it always feels a bit strange for a teacher to invite students to places like that..."

As she spoke, her eyes suddenly lit up: "That's right! I thought of a clever trick!"

"..." Although I don't believe she can come up with a clever trick,... Akai Shuichi, "Tell me about it."

Judy: "I don't want to go to popular places where young people like to go. At the same time, I have to have a sufficient reason for the invitation. Finally, I have to maintain my consistent image when I contacted Jiang Xia. From this point of view, my desire to win or lose "Excellent foreign teachers' can definitely lead them to do some other sports!"

"?" Akai Shuichi cautiously confirmed, "We are here using the identities of ordinary people, so we must be careful not to break the law."

Judy was confused: "Why is it illegal? It's actually very simple. Just change your thinking and choose middle-aged and elderly sports that young people have little exposure to - such as golf or fishing!"

Akai Shuichi thought seriously: "Although there are many young people participating in what you mentioned, the venues for these sports are indeed open enough, and it is a method worth trying - I wish you success."

Judy: "No problem!"

She hung up the phone happily and began to think about how to write an email to Jiang Xia.

On the other side of the phone, Akai Shuichi had other things to deal with.

He dialed the number again and called his assistant: "How are those people doing their investigation?"

The assistant flipped through a thick pile of useless information on the table and said nonchalantly: "I gave priority to the case where Judy was regarded as the murderer and the passerby driver who asked the deceased to move the car. Because you specifically said that you could not use it in any way. It alarmed the other party, so I spent a lot of effort to make detours..."

Akai Shuichi: "Just tell the conclusion."

Assistant: "That's a bus driver, 46 years old, with a stable job and a stable family. He has been married for 15 years and has been working for 20 years. During this time, he has been living an ordinary life on the line. It seems that he has no Anything suspicious.”

"Bus driver?" Akai Shuichi felt something was wrong. The Tokyo route map he had deliberately written down appeared in his mind. "I remember that there were no bus lines passing by the parking lot of the water park. Why would he appear there?"

The assistant was well prepared, and he was not busy these days: "Because of two thieves. When the driver went to work as usual that day, a theft occurred on the bus, and the victim lost very important information.

"So the driver went to the nearest police station after asking for everyone's opinions. On the way back, he was blocked by the sports car of the deceased at the time, so he had to notify the water park and ask them to make a broadcast to move the car."

Akai Shuichi: "So the key is the two thieves."

The assistant had a grimace on his face: "Yes, I originally wanted to continue investigating, but when the bus was about to arrive at the police station, the two thieves actually jumped through the window and ran away.

"Even the police don't know who the thief is now. So I'm trying to get surveillance cameras along the way and videos on the bus."

Akai Shuichi: "You haven't gotten it yet?"

Assistant: "The surveillance along the way found some, but the two thieves are also veterans, and their faces were not photographed. It is very troublesome to find them just by looking at them. As for that bus..."

The assistant sighed deeply: "Its monitoring was destroyed! It is said to be due to a malfunction, but I suspect that someone deliberately destroyed it."

Akai Shuichi heard the bad news and raised his eyebrows, as if he had heard good news.

——Don’t be afraid of too many abnormalities, just be afraid of no abnormalities at all.

Before, he was worried that if he checked it out, he wouldn't be able to catch any clues. This kind of criminal method without a trace is undoubtedly the most difficult to prevent.

But who would have thought that now, just by asking his assistant to check around, he found quite crucial clues.

This made Akai Shuichi feel relieved.

But then there was another one.

He frowned, looking suspicious.

"If I guess correctly, Bourbon has suffered such a big loss before, and he will definitely do everything possible to investigate the person behind the scenes."

Akai Shuichi knew that there was something wrong with Bourbon's identity. He thought to himself: "With two local forces behind him, we couldn't find any clues about that person, but now Kamel can find it casually?"

Something is wrong, very wrong.

On the other side of the phone, Kamel was proud of his contribution, but suddenly he heard the boss on the other side say: "You may have been targeted by 'that person'."

Kamel: "?!"

He subconsciously looked at the closed curtains and then at the door. His whole body tensed up: "I'm sorry, but I don't feel any surveillance or following at the moment."

Akai Shuichi thought of the hidden feeling of being spied on before: "The other party is very sophisticated. Just because it hasn't been discovered doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You must pay attention to safety recently and slow down the investigation."

After a pause, I thought of the thick list of names and the current situation...

Akai Shuichi retracted what he just said: "Step up the investigation while ensuring safety. Don't worry about exposure, because you have been exposed now."

Since "that person" has already noticed them, even if we start investigating now, I'm afraid we won't be able to find out much key information.

But this list is already too long. Instead of watching it grow indefinitely, it is better to break the jar. No, it is better to make a prompt decision and squeeze out potentially useful information from it.

It's not that you don't have to be afraid of Judy's questioning anymore, but it's a more efficient method.

After all, even if it is a false clue, it must be based on the truth. As long as he can find any thread, Akai Shuichi is confident to follow the clues and pull out a ray of truth.

After explaining what to do in the next stage, Akai Shuichi looked at his notebook full of names.

When he thought that the names on it were about to be crossed out one by one and stamped with "investigation completed", he couldn't help but feel relieved - after all, no one likes to see more and more work piled up, especially someone like him. Someone who is supposed to be extremely efficient.

in addition……

"The bus." Shuichi Akai remembered the focus of his assistant's investigation just now, "It is necessary to take the time to check it out. But this may also be a trap for me, and I must choose the right time."

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