Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2208 2211 [Uzo stole the mission! 】

Early the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Xia yawned and felt refreshed when she saw Judy from a distance.

——I don’t know what kind of surprise this lovely foreign teacher has prepared for him today. Following Judy, we had all we could eat, and there were many unexpected gains.

Of course, you can never have too much food stored.

So before arriving for the appointment, Jiang Xia made a phone call early in the morning and pulled the "new doctor" out of bed and joined their team.

Bellmode, the night owl, yawned.

On the opposite side, Judy looked at the enemy who killed her father and appeared again: "..."

never mind. Intelligence, everything is for intelligence.

She is an excellent FBI agent and cannot act on impulse... Sooner or later she will send this woman with numerous crimes to prison.

While thinking about it, Teacher Judy came forward with a smile on her face again.

Next to them, of course Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan also came.

Fortunately for Mao Lilan, she used to get up early to train.

And Suzuki Sonoko obviously felt that it was too early. She yawned one after another and looked at her watch: "It's not even 7 o'clock yet... Teacher Judy, are you sure there are interesting places open at this time?"

"Of course!" Judy pretended to surprise them, "Follow me, I found a sport you will like."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her, then at Jiang Xia, with a suspicious look on her face: "It's legal, right."

Judy: "..."

Why do you ask that, do I look that much like an outlaw? ——The real outlaw is obviously the hateful woman next to him pretending to be a doctor!

Although she had a lot to say in her heart, as an enthusiastic, cheerful and good-tempered foreign teacher, Judy could only smile harmlessly: "Of course!"

On the other side, on the street about a kilometer away from the golf course.

A black car parked quietly on the side of the road.

In the car, two men in black were adjusting their headphones and preparing for today's transaction.

Vodka was typing on the keyboard, staring at the numerous real-time monitors on the screen, while reporting to Gin Dao:

"There is no ambush in the golf course, nor nearby. Eisuke Tachibana is not a shareholder of this golf course, and he is not very familiar with the boss. He just comes here often - this guy chooses this kind of place to trade with us, probably just because he thinks It's safer here.

"In addition, according to our investigation, there is no other organization behind Eisuke Tachibana, and he has not had any contact with the FBI and others in the United States. His recent negative attitude should be that he is aware of our threat and wants to get out as soon as possible. ."

"We have cooperated for so long, and now you want to unilaterally break up with us." Gin wiped the gun in his hand and sneered silently, "What a heartless coward."

Vodka quickly echoed: "Shameless heartless man, today is the day for his death! - Brother, don't worry, I have hacked into the golf course and all the nearby surveillance cameras, and I can immediately detect the slightest movement of that guy. If he dares to move with us With my heart’s eye, I will…”

Halfway through his words, his phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that there was new news.

"I will send him back to the west immediately!"

Vodka finished what he just said before taking out his phone and taking a quick glance at it.

I saw that it was a message from the "Passers-by Mutual Aid Association" mini program.

The person who sent the message was Belmod—this woman seemed to be in contact with Uzo recently. Today, she was probably pulled out to set up a stage by Uzora again. She was unwilling to suffer alone, so she came to open the market like last time to share the concerns of the people.

...Of course, everyone is not that worried, they just take it as fun. After all, the physical distance is far away, and no matter how scary Uzo is, he can't harm them.

When I opened the mini program, Vodka originally thought so.

And a second later, he was so excited that he almost bounced the notebook off his lap.

"?" Ginjiu didn't expect that this assistant, who had finally become calm under Uzo's threat, would suddenly start to get startled again. He glanced disapprovingly.

However, Vodka, who usually started apologizing long ago, actually focused on another thing this time.

He glanced at his phone, then quickly operated on his laptop, enlarging one of the surveillance images.

Gin's eyes fell on it, and he was silent for a moment. He immediately understood what Vodka was jumping about just now - several familiar figures walked over from the surveillance camera, it was Uzo and his classmates who often played together.

In addition, Belmode and the suspicious blond woman also came.

——The lineup that had just appeared remotely at the skating rink was now back in the golf course. Unlike the last surveillance viewing, this time it seemed to be a real live broadcast.

Vodka muttered in his heart: "Although I set up this mutual aid group for passersby with the original purpose of sharing Uzo's coordinates to avoid running into him unprepared, but..."

But why did we really bump into him? This is too much luck!

But wait.

Vodka suddenly came up with a plan and turned to Gin: "Brother, we are on a mission, we can't let that little y...that kid do whatever he wants!"

They are doing business, and Uzo is just having fun. At this time, they should not think about how to avoid Uzo. Instead, they should take this rare opportunity to make Uzo retreat!

However, under Vodka's expectant gaze, Gin was thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Look again."

Vodka: "..." Big brother! !

Gin ignored the cry in his heart and the expression on his face, lit a cigarette and took a puff.

Vodka is laced with too much personal emotion.

In fact, if you think about it rationally, you can find that Uzo has come to their assassination area, which is actually probably a good thing.

Anyway, except for Tachibana Eisuke, there is no target that cannot be killed in the golf club.

It would be troublesome if Belmod died, but she was brought by Uzo, so that guy should be somewhat measured.

Moreover, Belmode herself has enough awareness of the dangers of Uzo. With her ability, she would not die in an open venue without taking precautions.

To take a step back, even if he really was because of her own carelessness. In short, this woman can be ignored for the time being.

Gin: "..." As for other people, it doesn't matter.

In short, objectively speaking, the only people who died were the passers-by at the golf club, plus the blond woman from the United States.

Among them, the best result is that Tachibana Eisuke dies directly. Tachibana Eisuke was originally their assassination target, so this saves the organization from taking action - this high-ranking manager has some social connections. If he suddenly "disappears" at the moment when he is proud of his life, it will inevitably lead to an investigation. This may Bring in one or two guys who are responsible for the aftermath.

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