Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2213 2216 [Where are your acting skills? 】

When Judy was thinking about overthrowing the organization

On the other side of the phone, Akai Shuichi: "..."

In fact, he didn't know what would happen. It's just that Belmode's movements were a little abrupt just now, and his pace when he walked to the other side was a little faster than usual.

Akai Shuichi's intuition told him that something was about to happen, so he notified Judy, allowing this teammate who was obsessed with choosing one of three to avoid the explosion.

"Perhaps this is also a test of me by that person." Akai Shuichi secretly thought, "Judy following Belmod can explain a lot of problems. Maybe the few steps Belmod took are one of the baits... But I think When you investigate such a keen person, it is only a matter of time before you expose yourself. Thinking about it this way, the situation is not bad."

in addition……

Shuichi Akai put down the sniper scope, took the notebook beside him and tapped it a few times.

Then the all-powerful FBI ace confirmed one thing: there was something strange about the surveillance in the museum. That person really observed the scene through these electronic eyes?

If we can reversely find the person who invaded the surveillance system, we will definitely gain a lot...

Akai Shuichi tapped on the keyboard with his fingers, secretly thinking about the appropriate countermeasures and timing.

Vodka: "Sneeze!"

Vodka: "..." It must be Uzo talking about me again! This kid is really haunted!

But speaking of it...

Thinking of the explosion he heard in the distance just now, Vodka's heart began to pound.

Not long ago, Brother Gin reminded him that Uzo treated members of the organization differently from passers-by, and now Uzo blew up a mission target in front of them... Although this was probably just a coincidence, Vodka still I feel like this is more like some warning from somewhere.

——Sure enough, no matter how many things you guess about Uzo correctly, you can’t underestimate the enemy. It was just a small explosion now, and based on past experience, it was not like that guy had never done anything like blowing up an entire building.

"Keep your distance." Vodka took a deep breath and reminded himself, "The most important thing is to maintain physical distance!"

While thinking, he quietly looked to the side.

But he saw that Gin obviously didn't have the same worries as him. At this time, the elder brother was looking at the surveillance camera and was in a good mood.

——Tachibana Eisuke was in the center of the explosion. He was already dead and could not die anymore. He almost died on the spot.

Next, just find someone to take advantage of the chaos and take away what the organization needs, and the mission will be completed without any blood.

Gin: "..." I really didn't misjudge the person. Uzo's assassination methods can completely offset the little trouble he brings.

On the golf course.

Belmode looked at Tachibana Eisuke, who was still smoking, and recalled the scale of the explosion just now, his expression slightly changed.

From the position she was standing just now, an explosion of this magnitude would not be enough to kill her. But it was enough to cause problems with her disguise.

By then, everyone will see a strange "new doctor", and she will have no choice but to evacuate in embarrassment, thus losing this useful identity.

Belmode: "..." Huh? Wait, so Uzo just didn’t want her as the school nurse to end her career early, so she moved her aside?

Doesn't this mean... there is a bigger stage waiting for her to step on?

Although thinking on the bright side, what just happened might just be Uzo protecting his teammates. But after thinking about it, Belmode felt that he couldn't gamble with Uzo's conscience.

...You must be careful from now on, pay attention to all dangers around you, and be prepared to escape at any time.

Just as he was thinking about it, Belmode suddenly noticed a sharp gaze.

She turned around and saw Conan looking at her with a frown. Apparently he was thinking of the overly coincidental movement of the "new doctor" before the explosion.

Now that the two sides suddenly looked at each other, the fake primary school student was startled at first, and then smiled innocently at her.

Belmode: "..."

Everything else about Cool Guy is good, but his acting lacks a bit of essence - there is a fried corpse lying next to him, and the black smoke from the explosion has not completely dissipated. A normal primary school student should be screaming if he is not scared to cry. , in short, they will not...will not show this kind of scary smile that looks cute but is actually creepy.

...You should learn more from Uzuo. Which one of you is Yukiko's biological son? It's really better if you don't inherit it.

While thinking about it, she turned to look at the body.

Next to the body stood the high school detective who rushed to the front line regardless of his own safety. Jiang Xia smelled the pungent smell and frowned: "It seems to be black powder."


Section Chief Yasui, who rushed back after hearing the explosion, was shocked: "Why is there gunpowder in the golf course!"

The arena staff had also arrived early, and they were even more shocked when they heard this: "Of course we won't put such things in the arena. It must be a misunderstanding! Or... or someone else brought it here!"

At this moment, a groan sounded nearby.

"Fake corpse?!" Several passers-by around the corpse were startled and jumped away.

However, upon closer inspection, I discovered that the person speaking was not the corpse, but another person lying behind the rest table - the little director with a low sense of presence was actually involved in the explosion. At this time, his clothes were in tatters and his body was in tatters. He also looked confused and stood up unsteadily.


Unexpectedly, there was a wounded person hidden here. Ordinary club members and Section Chief Yasui ran over quickly, and people from the golf course also quickly went over to help.

When Jiang Xia saw this scene, she thought of something and turned to look at Mao Lilan and Suzuki Garden.

He saw two female classmates nodding towards him. Suzuki Sonoko patted her chest reliably: "Don't worry, we've already called the ambulance!"

...I thought it was just a formality like before, but I didn't expect that I would actually have the opportunity to use the ambulance this time.

Not to mention Mao Lilan, who had already called the police faster than Suzuki Sonoko.

The administrator of the golf course was more anxious than them and said to the young director: "I remember there is a hospital nearby. It takes time for an ambulance to go back and forth. How about I use the car in the golf course to take you there?"

As he was talking, he was suddenly startled and looked at the ordinary member who was supporting the young director: "Your arm was injured! Come on, let's go together!"

After saying that, the arena administrator remembered something: there were four people here, and now one is dead and two are injured. The remaining one will not...

He hurriedly lowered his head to look for it, turning over the overturned tables and chairs with his eyes.

"Stop looking, there's no one down there." Jiang Xia understood his intention and raised his hand to point to Section Chief Yasui who was standing at the corner. "This gentleman just left because of something and was not affected by the bomb."

The administrator breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

One less wounded person means one less trouble. He looked at the dizzy director again: "I'll take you to the hospital first."

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