Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2215 2218 [Don’t offend anyone]

The forensic police officer nodded: "That should be true."

Mumu Police Department was about to nod when he heard this, but suddenly saw Jiang Xia looking thoughtful. He immediately changed his words tactfully: "Brother Jiang Xia, what do you think?"

Jiang Xia turned his head and looked at the side of the broken ball: "The colored lines on it don't seem right."

The police officer was startled, and followed him to look sideways, and saw two cross-shaped interlaced red lines printed on the ball.

He scratched his head, a little confused: "What's wrong? I remember that this kind of logo is printed on the practice balls."

The manager of the golf driving range nearby heard them talking about their own business, came over to take a look, and quickly said: "There is indeed a problem. The line on this ball is red, but on our practice ball, the But it’s the blue line — it’s not our ball.”

So today's matter has nothing to do with their innocent driving range!

Suzuki Yuanzi also slipped here when Jiang Xia came over. I heard them mention black powder just now, and now they are talking about what color it is. The memories of preparing for the exam a while ago are flooding back.

Suzuki Sonoko's chemical thinking started, and she made a bold hypothesis: "Could it be the high temperature of the explosion that caused it to turn into the opposite color?"

The golf administrator was shocked: "..." Where did this scumbag come from! Don't lie to the police and detectives!

"Of course not, how could it be such a coincidence!"

The administrator quickly picked up a ball from his own court and compared it with the bomb ball: "And you see, how pure and flawless the red and blue are. They are not created by explosions at all, but are what they are. Plant colors!”

Just now, the Megure Police Department felt that what Suzuki Sonoko said made sense, and now they felt that what the administrator said also made sense.

He touched his chin hesitantly, and decided to confirm the function of the ball first: "The color is indeed different from the normal ball. In other words, this bomb ball was specially customized for this murder, and the different colors are to facilitate its removal. Is it different from other practice balls?”

As he spoke, he hissed: "It explodes as soon as it is hit. How did such a dangerous ball get into the ball supply area of ​​the deceased?"

Although Judy didn't know that much about murder, she was quite knowledgeable about some attacks.

Hearing the question from the Memu Police Department, she instinctively muttered: "Of course the easiest way is to put it into the automatic ball feeding machine. The machine will randomly serve the ball and whoever it explodes will be counted."

"Random?" The faces of the two female high school students paled, "So the person who fell to the ground in a coma might become us?!"

Jiang Xia comforted: "This is just one of the assumptions, and it may not be correct."

Belmode glanced at him: "..." Is this kid trying to comfort his classmates, or is he unwilling to be regarded as the kind of brainless thug who only attacks indiscriminately?

Judy came back to her senses, nodded quickly, and said cheerfully: "Indeed! It could also be other reasons!"...such as a clever trick planned by a hateful mastermind behind the scenes.

And she knew in her heart that compared to the indiscriminate attack just proposed, this kind of precise murder was more likely in Tokyo, where "that person" was most active.

Several people made their own speculations based on various past experiences.

What was unexpected was that the same voice came from the social animals.

Of the four-person team that came today, only two actually played golf - one was the dead Eisuke Tachibana and the other was Section Chief Yasui. The other two with lower positions are purely accompanying guests.

Now that Eisuke Tachibana suddenly exploded, another section manager Yasui who had played football suddenly looked frightened when he heard Judy's speculation about "random killing".

An ordinary member was comforting him: "What are you afraid of? I think it's more like a targeted murder. Otherwise, why would it be Mr. Orange who died?"

As he was talking, he saw an additional audience member beside him. Jiang Xia looked at him: "Why are only the dead targeted? You seem to know some inside information."

The Mu Mu Police Department had already caught it with all their ears, and quickly came over to listen together.

"Well..." Ordinary club members hesitated for a moment and sighed, "Anyway, you can find out if you just go to the club and ask. There's no point in hiding it, so I'll just tell you."

He pointed at Jiang Xia and the others: "You teachers and students don't seem to offend anyone. If today's explosion is really a murder, it should be the four of us."

Vodka peeking in the dark: "..." What did you say about them? Doesn't it seem like it would offend someone?

He glanced at Belmod, Uzo, the little Yinbi trained by Uzo, and the eldest lady of the Suzuki Consortium who was becoming more and more irritated around Uzo, and briefly fell into thought: There is something wrong with this person's eyes. .

However, if you use this guy as a negative example, you can remind yourself not to judge people by their appearance.

Vodka nodded secretly while thinking.

In the golf practice hall, ordinary club members with blind eyes continued: "And among the four of us, the most hated one is Mr. Tachibana. Frankly speaking, the remaining three of us all have a grudge against him - yes The kind of hatred that could kill him."

"What did you say?!"

Three voices came at the same time, namely the surprised Memu Police Department and his two frightened companions.

Section Chief Yasui said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense!"

The young director, who was most severely affected by the bomb, after a moment of panic, also sighed: "Indeed."

Section Chief Yasui: "Why did you start!"

He quickly turned to Jiang Xia and Memu Police Department: "Don't listen to their nonsense. Our department is united and friendly, and enthusiastically helps each other. There are no contradictions like what he said, not to mention that Minister Tachibana is so kind..."

"Okay, everyone is dead, so stop flattering." The young director may have just walked around the edge of death, but now he looks like he is looking away, and even his immediate boss no longer takes him seriously.

He ignored Section Chief Yasui who was jumping up and down to stop him, looked past him towards the police, and said proactively:

"For example, me. Several times, the creative proposals I racked my brains to come up with were taken over by Mr. Tachibana - he submitted those proposals and received praise from the leadership, but he not only did not mention my name at all. , not even a private compliment, just a matter of course."

The young director will give an explanation, but of course he can't just give an explanation to himself.

As he spoke, he looked at the ordinary social beast next to him and said casually as if with emotion: "You are the opposite of me. He has never stolen your proposal, but he has never approved any of your ideas."

The ordinary member sighed: "Yes, I am almost like a transparent person in the department."

After the two people explained their respective motives, they looked at each other and smiled. They looked sympathetic to each other, but in fact, there were fierce sparks in their eyes.

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