Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2216 2219 [Death of Kudo Shinichi]

Only smart people know that the real battle has begun - the motive will be found out sooner or later anyway. Now the faster they explain and the more they cooperate with the police and detectives' investigations, the lower their suspicion will be, and the higher the suspicion of their companions will be. .

As long as their companions go in, they are safe!

The junior director and ordinary members had their awareness in an instant. Beside him, Section Chief Da Anjing, who was used to flattering others, had not yet turned this corner in his mind.

He instinctively waved his hand and maintained his usual image: "If you have any complaints, just explain it yourself, and don't drag me into trouble! I have no conflicts at all with Mr. Orange!"

The young director smiled sinisterly: "Director Yasui, just admit it. This is something our department knows very well - wasn't your girlfriend who was about to get married taken away by Mr. Tachibana?"

"Who said that!" Section Chief Yasui said anxiously, "I dumped her first, and then she got together with Mr. Tachibana. What do you mean by taking away!"


The Mumu Police Department saw everything in their eyes, and their eyes gradually became suspicious: among the three, the young director was the most severely affected by the bomb, and his body was wrapped in gauze. Ordinary members were also injured in the left hand.

Only Section Chief Yasui, the person who was originally closest to the deceased and most likely to be killed by a bomb, left the deceased and entered the corridor at that exact time, but was unscathed.

And now, someone has proven that he had emotional disputes with the deceased...

Different words fall on different people's ears, and the emphasis is obviously different.

Vodka: "..." People like this who are full of loopholes dare to go against the organization. Don't you know that we have a Uzo who likes this kind of loopholes the most?

Oh, he really didn't know.

Vodka narrowed his eyes and laughed happily in his heart. Although he felt that he was unlucky, he immediately became happy when he thought that someone was more unlucky than him.

Next to him, Gin was paying attention to something different from him. He asked Vodka: "Girlfriend?"

Vodka immediately understood what Gin meant and looked through the deceased's information that he had already checked: "A year ago, Eisuke Tachibana did have a close girlfriend."

Gin frowned when he heard this: the workload has increased again - some assassination targets like to show off and are loose-mouthed, and occasionally leak some things to people close to them. And these people who know too much will often be on their silence list.

But soon, good news came from vodka.

Vodka looked at the information and said hesitantly: "After just a few months of dating, that woman was killed by one of her ex-boyfriends. At that time, Eisuke Tachibana and Section Chief Yasui were both suspects in that case."

Gin stopped smoking.

There was sweat on Vodka's forehead: "Two murder cases involving overlapping persons, could it be that kid..."

At that time, Uzo was probably not a cadre yet.

But he knew with his hat that the boy's ability to set up stages definitely didn't fall from the sky overnight - he must have been secretly tinkering with his stages for a long time, but the organization didn't know it.

Vodka couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end when he thought that he might have passed that guy countless times without even realizing it, and might even have entered his stage by mistake.

Vodka: "..." So, thinking back carefully, there were several times when he and his eldest brother were almost involved in murder cases.

——Not long ago, when I was riding a roller coaster in Tropical Park and observing the surroundings, there was a guy whose head was cut off by his girlfriend, who happened to be on the same car with them.

Thinking of this, Vodka was suddenly shocked: If I remember correctly, there was a classmate of Uzo in the car at that time!

"Although that guy named Kudo Shinichi solved the murder case and saved my eldest brother and I from being investigated by the stupid police, he followed us without fear of death, and was finally silenced by my eldest brother."

When he thought that this matter had something to do with Uzo, Vodka immediately remembered it: "After that, Uzo took advantage of the reputation of this high school student detective and the hype of 'The Spirit Behind the Detective' and so on, and quickly became famous and contacted many people who wanted to find him. The big shot he entrusted..."

At that time, I just thought that kid Jiang Xia was lucky and had a talent for detectives, but now that I think about it...

"It turns out that from then on, everything has been his script." The more Vodka thought about it, the more difficult life became. "It seems that just being vigilant now is not enough. I have to go back and think about whether I have left any mistakes in the past." Get past the flaws and eliminate them in advance!”

Next to him, Ginjiu glanced at the younger brother who suddenly fell into deep thought: "..."

Isn't it normal for Uzo to start tinkering with the case early? What is this guy thinking about?

Vodka isn't the only one using your brain.

The Mu Mu Police Department also considered various situations and suddenly came up with an idea.

His eyes fell on the ball supply area: "If it was not a random attack, then the bomb ball did not fall out of the automatic ball supply machine. Instead, after the practice ball entered the basket, someone quietly mixed the bomb ball into the basket. , and put them together into the deceased's bowl."

Officer Takagi scratched his head: "In that case, wouldn't the murderer be the deceased himself? So could this be a suicide..."


Officer Sato silently punched him in the head and knocked back the remaining words: "..." Instead of learning from Jiang Xia, he learned about suicide from the Memu Police Department every day.

Next to him, Conan remembered something.

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the little director who had been hit the hardest, and spoke in his innocent childish voice:

"No. I remember that the uncle of the deceased did not get the ball by himself, but his subordinate helped him get it and put it in."

"?!" the little director said, "I, I did help him get the ball, but I just got the ball and didn't do any other unnecessary things!"

Conan refused to listen to these excuses without evidence and only talked about what he saw at the time.

He then pointed at the ordinary members and Section Chief Yasui: "At that time, the member's uncle happened to be going to the toilet, and Section Chief Yasui was at his own machine..."

"That's right!" Section Chief Yasui was confused by the sudden exposure of his two companions. Now he came to his senses and hurriedly took advantage of the chaos to fight back.

"The two of us have never touched Mr. Orange's basketball basket. Only you have the chance to take action. It turns out that you are the murderer!" He pointed at the young director aggressively, "Didn't Mr. Orange just steal a few of your proposals? As for killing him, Him? That’s a human life!”

"I didn't!" The young director reluctantly shook the arm hanging on his chest, "Besides, if it was really me who killed him, would I be so seriously injured? I almost died!"

"It just looks dangerous." Section Chief Yasui snorted coldly, "If it was really that serious, could you have returned to the scene now? You would have been in the ICU and laid down long ago. This ruse worked well, but it's a pity that you can't hide it from the clever detective. ——Right, Mr. Jiang Xia."

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