Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2219 2222 [Being cheated] Please vote for me

Section Chief Yasui argued anxiously: "Mr. Tachibana has a habit - every time he finishes playing golf, he has to drink a cup of coffee brewed by the landlady here."

The golf administrator silently pricked up his ears for gossip: "..." Huh?

Section Chief Yasui: "So I will watch the timing and go to the counter to ask Mr. Tachibana to prepare it 10 minutes before she finishes."

Memu Police Department looked at the administrator: "Is that so?"

The golf administrator came to his senses and responded quickly: "I didn't pay attention to the time this gentleman ordered coffee. However, the coffee we have here is brewed with coffee beans, so we do need to make a reservation a few minutes in advance."

It sounds reasonable, but the Memu Police Department still looked suspicious: "You, the only one who was closest to the explosion, escaped the explosion. What a coincidence..."

"What do you mean it's just me!" Section Chief Anjing suddenly thought of something. He had a flash of inspiration, raised his hand and pointed to the side:

"Among us members, I was indeed the only one who was not injured, but I was not the only one who ran away at that time - the two teachers, the man, and the foreign woman, they all walked away together with me. ! I was going to order coffee, but where were they?"

Section Chief Yasui said, "Maybe they have other part-time jobs in addition to teachers, and they had conflicts with Mr. Tachibana during those part-time jobs - for example... For example, Mr. Tachibana is very lecherous, maybe he There is a hidden emotional dispute between him and that female foreign teacher that we don’t know about!”

"???" Judy didn't expect that she could be shot even though she was so low-key, and it was obviously Belmode who moved away first, but at this time, she was suspected...a cunning social animal.

No one admits that he is the murderer. In this case, just by asking, you can't actually ask anything.

The Mu Mu Police Department sighed and decided to look for physical evidence first. He consulted the opinions of several suspects: "In that case, let's check your luggage first. The murderer came here to kill people, and there may be other clues in the bag - is that okay?"

Judy handed over her bag: "...of course." Fortunately, she had never carried a gun with her since she first encountered a case next to Jiang Xia.

Otherwise, after searching her one by one, she would have been turned to the police station for illegal possession of a gun.

Next to him, the innocent passerby Belmode was also involved: "..."

She glanced at Section Chief Yasui, and the murderous aura in her body became a little stronger silently. Then she turned to the police and showed an impeccable and gentle smile. She also handed over her bag: "Everyone is welcome."

While smiling, Belmode couldn't help but wonder whether Uzo was helping her or cheating her when he suddenly asked her to move her seat, or he was trying to cheat her after helping her.

After all, she is not a real man, and her figure is all made up. It's fine when she is wearing clothes, but if she is really strictly searched, she may really be exposed.

Thinking this, Belmod's eyes moved slightly and met the eyes of Jiang Xia next to him. Then she discovered that no matter from which angle she looked, the little devil was in a very good mood at this time.

Belmode: "..."

...He is really trying to trick her! Why else would you be so happy?

Belmode glanced at the police around him, took a deep breath silently, and exhaled slowly: Don't panic, it's not a big problem.

The scheduled email Uzo just sent her was almost a direct order. In this case, if you follow what he says, nothing much will go wrong.

As for the small risk now...

Most likely it was just a feint shot, teasing her - anyway, as long as his identity is not really exposed, it doesn't matter to Uzo.

Belmod felt a little flustered, but after all, this was not the first time he went out with Jiang Xia. Finally, she calmed down temporarily and continued to watch in a low-key manner.

The bags of three people were lined up on the ground.

Judy and "The New Doctor" rented clubs at the driving range and didn't have much luggage with them.

On the contrary, it was Section Chief Yasui, who was carrying a huge golf bag with many different styles of clubs inserted in it.



Such a big bag looks like it can hold a lot of other things besides clubs.

The police officers from the forensics department were ready to tear the bag into pieces and search every crevice - if nothing was found, they might have to search the body.

But who knew that as soon as he opened the zipper of the side bag, he saw a few touches of red and white. There were actually three or four golf balls in the side bag, and one of them had crossed red lines printed on its surface - exactly like the exploding ball.


It's too obvious, too easy to find, too arrogant.

Megure Police Department pointed at the ball in shock and turned to Section Chief Yasui: "You still said you weren't the one who planted the bomb! And you actually hid the spare ball in such a conspicuous place. You guys look down on the police too much!"

"No, this is not my ball!!" Section Chief Yasui was completely confused, "I don't know, someone else must have let it come to frame me!"

Belmod: "..." Very good, it seems there is no need to search me.

Judy: "..." What a pity. It was rare that I was careful not to bring a gun, but my prediction was not used... After all, that guy from Belmod couldn't help but search. If you don't find this bomb ball, just start the search from "New Doctor".

The murderous smell of apples is gradually weakening, and the aroma of French fries is getting stronger and stronger.

The tip of Jiang Xia's nose twitched: "..." There were too many police officers to light up. After solving the case, he went to order some fast food to satisfy his craving.

Jiang Xia was thinking as she took advantage of the chaos to pick up Conan: "Let's go to the pasture to have a look."

Conan was also shocked by the simplicity of this reasoning. Now that he heard Jiang Xia's words, he became alert: "What? What is there over there?"

Jiang Xia thought thoughtfully: "I hit a ball with the deceased at about the same time just now. I remember that when my ball entered the hole, a ball also rolled over near the hole next to it."

Conan was startled and immediately understood what the problem was. He jumped to the ground in excitement and rushed over without Jiang Xia carrying him.

After running a certain distance, there were gradually more balls at his feet.

White balls with blue markings on the driving range were scattered on the ground, mixed with a small black ball.

Conan's eyes lit up when he looked at the dirty ball. He took out his handkerchief, put it on the ball, and carefully picked it up.

Jiang Xia looked at the dust on the handkerchief, nodded happily, and asked the classmate: "How is it?"

Conan didn't dislike it at all. He went up and smelled it, and then said firmly: "It smells like gunpowder!"

Corridor inside the golf driving range.

Reporters have sneaked into the museum one after another, crowded here, and struggled to take pictures inside.

The footage was sent out and quickly processed into a web live broadcast.

In a safe house in Tokyo.

Curacao clicked on the webpage and looked at this scene with his chin on his head.

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