Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2220 2223 [Curaçao: Let me see! 】

Curacao looked at the unclear and slightly shaking scene on the screen and sighed quietly.

Destroying the surveillance was temporarily satisfying, but the consequence was that we were unable to grasp first-hand information on the scene, so we had to settle for the next best thing and watch the live broadcasts sent by reporters.

Fortunately, with the incident, more and more reporters rushed to the scene. When there are more people involved in rolling anything, the quality will be higher.

Curacao changed several web pages, and finally found the one that was relatively decent, and stopped to read it.

"It's all that idiot Vodka's fault. He didn't even notice that he was being targeted." Curacao muttered, "As a result, I can only see this boring scene."

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a police officer pressing down a middle-aged man walking out of the practice ground deep in the corridor.

The man had sleek hair parted in the middle, glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes were straight, with a hint of despair.

When the reporters who had been waiting for a long time saw this, they immediately became energetic and started snapping pictures.

Curacao sat up in surprise: "Why is it him?!"

To reporters, this was a complete stranger.

But Curacao had watched the first half and clearly distinguished the three suspects. Among them, the one with obvious flaws, Section Chief Yasui, was placed at the bottom of the list of suspects by Curacao because he was too suspicious.

"It's really a counter-routine of counter-counter-routine..."

Countless thoughts flashed through Curaçao's mind, but he could only accept the result and prepare to refresh his anti-crow notes and existing impressions with a headache.

But who knew that just when she had just finished sorting out her thoughts, there was a commotion in the practice ground. The two young police officers who were escorting the person turned around and listened, not knowing what they heard. They quickly took Section Chief Yasui back, and the three of them disappeared from the sight of outsiders in the blink of an eye.

Reporters: "?"

Curacao: “???”

what happened? What happened?

...let me see inside!

Looking at the mysterious training ground through the camera and the reporters blocked in the corridor by the police cordon, Curaçao let out an angry lament: What is the cordon? Break through! You don’t even have this level of consciousness to be a reporter!

half a minute ago.

It has been a long time since the Mumu Police Department encountered such a smooth case, and it was solved for a while, feeling refreshed and high-spirited.

Although he always felt that something was missing during the journey, the busy work made him tired of thinking, so he waved his hand and decided to take the person back to the Metropolitan Police Department for further questioning.

But who would have expected that just a few seconds after he was taken away, Jiang Xia came back from the pasture and said, "I probably know who the cunning murderer is."

The Mumu Police Department was startled. Hearing the word "cunning", he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

He tentatively pointed to the door: "Isn't that Section Chief Yasui?"

Jiang Xia politely said: "Do you think he is suitable for this kind of evaluation?"

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Mumu Police Department turned around and ran towards the door, almost running at a speed of eighty miles: "Come back! Come back!"

After some innocuous commotion, the three suspects reunited at the scene.



Jiang Xia took a sip of the coffee that the landlady had just brought and said to the Mu Mu Police Department: "It's similar to last time - this time it's also a frame-up incident."

The Mumu Police Department looked at the three human-looking members with tired eyes: "Framing?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "The key point is actually the way the deceased died."

"Method of death?" Sato Miwako recalled the steps just now and silently recalled, "The murderer mixed the bomb ball into the deceased's ball bucket, and then the deceased hit the ball, triggering the explosion and died... Is there any problem with this? "

Jiang Xia pointed to the grass field: "Actually, I vaguely remember that when the explosion occurred, a ball flew out from where the deceased was - so Conan and I went shopping near the hole just now, and sure enough we found a golf ball with traces of the explosion. ball."

The police officer from the forensics department was startled and immediately ran over consciously, intending to collect evidence.

He quickly took the photo and got the ball back.

The Mumu Police Department looked at the charred ball through the evidence bag and felt something was wrong: "Where did this ball come from?"

According to their previous speculation, the deceased hit the bomb ball, causing an explosion and died on the spot. The ball with the bomb hidden in it was naturally blown to pieces, and the fragments fell on the spot, and they found them easily.

But now, there is an extra bombed practice ball out of thin air...

Jiang Xia: "Actually, this is the ball that the deceased actually hit when he triggered the explosion. Although it is a bit burnt on the outside, it is not difficult to see the remaining marks on it - this is an ordinary ball produced at the driving range. Practice ball.

"As for the bomb ball filled with gunpowder and detonators that fell next to the deceased... it was not mixed in the teeing area, but was in the hands of the deceased from the beginning - the murderer emptied the shaft of the deceased's club head, hiding it in the club head.

“At the moment of the explosion, the deceased hit an ordinary practice ball with a new club, and then the club exploded and the practice ball flew out. The deceased died, and the bomb ball hidden in the club head was also shattered into pieces.

"Later, in order to strengthen the impression that 'it was the ball that exploded, not the club', the murderer secretly dropped half of the bomb ball that was not so broken at the scene."

Hearing him mention the club, Director Yasui's memory came back to him and he murmured:

“Indeed, just before the explosion, Mr. Tachibana switched to his old club, which exploded right after him.

"That cue was given to him by the old president of our club. He thought it was very auspicious and kept using it. But recently there were cracks on the cue, so I asked Minami to take it and repair it...Namjishi, It's you?!"

Section Chief Yasui looked at the ordinary members in anger and disbelief.

Then he got a cold face full of contempt.


Although this person's position is much lower than him, today Section Chief Yasui was almost bombed first, then came under intense suspicion, and finally was almost taken away by the police... There were too many changes, and he didn't have much courage to begin with. Shrinking even smaller, now being glared at by Nan Jishi, he calmly shut his mouth.

The Mumu Police Department had seen countless people and was not frightened. They asked Nan Zhishi: "Where did you repair the club specifically?"

Nan Zhishi still didn't speak.

But the golf administrator on the side whispered: "It's me. We have always had a club repair business here, and we often help customers repair these things... but I definitely did not add bombs to it!"

Jiang Xia: "What exactly did you repair at that time?"

The administrator had just repaired this club not long ago, and the memory is still fresh: "I remember Mr. Tachibana's club, mainly because the shaft part had cracks, so we helped him replace it with a new one, but the head of the club was completely untouched. .”

…So I’m not suspicious, don’t look at me!

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