Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2227 2230 [Where Gin’s funds go]

Although Judy came here to work today and not to fish, she couldn't help but get excited when she saw such a big thing taking the bait, and she was also vaguely envious and jealous.

——Is this the novice halo?

Thinking of the small fry she had caught not long ago, Judy felt mixed for a moment.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Jiang Xia being dragged a step towards the river.

Judy was stunned for a moment this time: "..." Jiang Xia must be quite strong. Is this fish so big?

Suddenly she couldn't just watch, she stepped forward and helped Jiang Xia grab the fishing rod.

However, even so, the "fish" in the water showed no signs of being dragged up.

Just at this moment, a wave hit, and the underwater "fish shadow" burst out of the water - it wasn't a fish, it was just a car.

A four-seater car that looked very familiar to Judy!

"My car?!" Judy was shocked, "Why did it run into the river!"

Conan sneezed silently and rubbed his nose: "..." Who told you to drag us out to fish in heavy rain and park the car so close to the river? Isn't it normal for it to be washed away by rising water?

By the way, if I remember correctly, the two cars were parked together. That new doctor's car...

Conan was thinking when he suddenly heard a bang.

——There was a car accident in the water. Another familiar car floated up with the water. Peng bumped into Judy's car, and then the two cars walked side by side in a very friendly manner and planned to float away.

Jiang Xia glanced into the river and silently let go of the fishing rod: "It's too heavy to pull, so forget it."

Judy: "Wait!" Just, can't we save it again! Although she always comforted herself with the expense reimbursed by Akai Shuichi, Akai had a legitimate reason for blowing up the car. She couldn't just pay for a car inexplicably!

But as soon as Jiang Xia let go, the force on the fishing rod surged, and Judy almost fell into the river. She struggled for two seconds with veins on her forehead. Seeing that she was about to be dragged into the river, she had to let go.

The sudden loosening of strength caused Judy to stumble back a few steps. Conan happened to be rubbing his nose as he walked closer to watch the show. The umbrella blocked his sight. He was unexpectedly hit by someone and fell headlong into the river.

Mao Lilan was shocked: "Conan?!"

Belmode: "?!"

After a lot of fuss, the man was finally fished out of the river.

Conan sneezed one after another, covered in water, with a look of despair on his face.

Jiang Xia stood beside him and sighed quietly, somewhat understanding of Conan's embarrassed look: He had inevitably gotten a lot of water in his busy schedule just now, and now the river breeze was blowing, which made him feel cold to the core.

However, Jiang Xia was in a good mood at this time: Bermod and Judy were standing nearby, and the murderous aura smelling of apples and French fries was coming out - obviously when something bad happens, people will inevitably become angry, and At this time, the anger of the two people was obviously transferred to each other.

Needless to say, Judy suddenly lost a car she liked very much, and her mood plummeted to rock bottom.

Bellmode, on the other hand, was still looking at Judy's face and gloating at first, and then turned around to see her Cool Guy being knocked into the water by the evil FBI...

Fortunately, the man has been fished out successfully. Apart from accidentally spraining his wrist, there is no big problem.

As for the car that disappeared with the water, Belmode didn't care.

The identity of "new doctor" is very useful in all aspects: the new monk's family is not poor, and the stepmother of "new doctor" has just murdered his father, and a large inheritance falls on his only son. No one would suspect him of living a luxurious life.

Belmode didn't like the original car very much, so she just wanted to buy a new one. Although she didn't fiddle with the new doctor's bank card to prevent her identity from being exposed, Belmode herself was very rich. and……

Belmode: "..." The funds in Tokyo have become much more abundant recently, and Gin seems to have found a new way to make money.

In short, it is not a big problem to switch to a mere car.

The innocent car that disappeared with the water did not stay in the hearts of the wealthy organization cadres for long.

But soon, other questions came to mind.

——The car is gone, how to go back?

When they arrived, they drove into the woods for more than an hour. If they wanted to leave this distance on foot, they would probably have to walk forever.

It seems that I can only call someone to pick it up.

However, Belmode took a look at the phone and discovered a new problem: " signal."

Judy came back to her senses slowly, and quickly took out her phone and took a look, feeling slightly shocked: It's true!

Strange, there was still a signal here when she came last time...

A question mark flashed through Judy's mind, and she soon figured it out on her own and slapped her forehead in frustration.

——The autumn weather was crisp and clear last time I came here, but now it’s rainy. It seems that the weather has also had some impact on the signal.

Judy: "..." So what to do now?

...Akai will ask someone to pick them up, he will definitely do it!

But if Akai Shuichi is really observing behind his group, then this distance... I'm afraid there is no signal from him.

Judy felt a little numb at first, then thought of something, and suddenly relaxed: This rain can't keep falling, and maybe there will be a signal if we wait a little longer. Even if it hadn't been there... wasn't Shuichi Akai still following him!

He should be already familiar with small things like hiking over mountains. Having a reliable teammate is really important.

Thinking of this, Judy suddenly stopped being anxious.

She returned her attention to the present, pretending to be like an ordinary citizen: "Oh, it's all my fault for choosing a bad place. What should I do now?"

In order to restrain "that person's" minions, I got myself into this situation. Judy felt dumbfounded for a moment.

But thinking of this, one thing struck her mind - in today's situation, would "that person" still take action?

Thinking on the bright side, maybe he was caught off guard and lost his way in the mountains and lost contact with his subordinates?

If that were the case, it would be great. It would be best if he bumped into Akai Shuichi head-on and was caught on the spot by the FBI ace...

The reliable foreign teacher had just said a word and had already started to wander off without permission.

Fortunately, the question that needs to be asked has been raised.

Several people thought for a while, and finally Jiang Xia said: "Let's go take a look on the road first. Maybe we can meet a kind-hearted driver passing by."

"Oh, that's all we can do."

The group stepped on the dead branches and leaves in the forest and walked back the way they came.

However, it turned out that others were not as free as they were. After waiting for a long time, no vehicles passed by on the road.

On the contrary, after it got dark, a light dimly lit up in the forest, which was like a guiding light in everyone's eyes, very conspicuous.

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