Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2228 2231 [Villa in the woods] Please vote for me

"Over there!" Suzuki Sonoko patted Jiang Xia in surprise, "Look at the light over there, does it look like a villa?"

Her sister likes to buy villas in deep mountains and old forests, and even likes to take them to live there. Therefore, Suzuki Sonoko is very familiar with this kind of independent house standing in the forest, and she couldn't help but feel happy after taking a glance at it.

"This kind of villa in the forest is usually equipped with a landline phone." Suzuki Sonoko knew very well, "Let's go to them and borrow a phone."

Mao Lilan looked at the long ball of light, but couldn't help shrinking: "But why is there a villa in such a deserted place? Don't you think it's weird?"

"It's not weird, it's normal." Conan sneezed as he said that, "Let's go." He was really going to freeze to death if he didn't go.

Jiang Xia obviously also welcomed the sudden appearance of the house, and soon, a group of people walked over.

As they got closer, the full view of the villa appeared in front of everyone. Warm and bright light illuminated the surroundings. Mao Lilan looked at this ordinary house and finally breathed a sigh of relief, dispelling the image of the haunted house in his mind.

Jiang Xia stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Hello, is there anyone?"

There was a sound of shuffling footsteps in the room, the sound of shoes scraping the floor gradually approached, and a figure was reflected on the translucent frosted glass sliding door.

Mao Lilan looked at the short height and felt something was wrong. The next moment, the door was opened a crack, and an old man like a kappa appeared in the crack, looking out the door faintly.

"?!" Mao Lilan jumped up, "Ghost!!"

"You are the ghost!"

The old man's hoarse voice sounded, and he opened the door with a crash.

After his whole body was exposed, everyone realized that he was just an ordinary old man wearing a brown-gray yukata and short in height.

"What are you here for? You're not a salesman again, are you?" He looked up at the group of strange young people in front of him, and finally looked down at Conan, "Why is there a wet little kid? ——Let me tell you, even if you want to use your children to make a fool of yourself, I won’t pay you a dime!”

Jiang Xia was very patient: "We just want to borrow the phone."

"Huh, borrow the phone?"

The old man looked at him suspiciously and suddenly realized: "You just want to trick me into letting you in. After you get in, you will stay at my house and start talking about sales. That's right - hum, I have seen through your tricks. No wonder I I always feel that you look familiar. You must be a salesman who has visited me before. Don’t think that I don’t recognize you because of a new group of accomplices! I’ll say it for the last time, if you don’t buy it, get out of here!”

"..." Belmod couldn't help but cast a look of respect at him.

The old man was unaware of her gaze.

He was about to close the door firmly when someone came up from behind. A male voice asked: "Dad, what's wrong?"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't stand this kind of cross-age communication. When she heard that a young man was coming, she quickly raised her voice and said, "Borrow the phone! There is no signal here. We just want to borrow your phone!"

After saying that, several people at the door saw the person clearly and were suddenly startled.

The person in the room was also stunned: "Why is it you? What a fate."

Judy's eyes were fixed on him, and she couldn't believe it for a moment: This... was actually the tennis coach they met on the tennis court before!

At that time, this man invited them to sit together at home, but Suzuki Sonoko decisively refused. Judy thought that this scene had already been taken over, but who knew that now, they went directly to this person's home!

... Is this an ordinary coincidence, or a design that goes around seven times?

Speaking of which, the first person to discover this villa was Suzuki Sonoko. Is this girl really...

The question mark that faded in Judy's heart suddenly returned with a hundredfold momentum, overwhelming her.

At the same time, she had to tighten her tired body, become vigilant again, and began to think about what "that person" was planning if this was not a coincidence but a deliberate design.

Belmode didn't expect to actually eat a boomerang. Her eyes suddenly became meaningful, and she quietly added today's experience to the prevention manual in her heart.

At the same time, everything suddenly connected in her eyes - were those two cars really washed away by the water accidentally?

"My car has been following Judy, and it was Judy who chose the parking place, and Uzo was sitting in her car..." Belmod thought quickly in her heart, "Poor FBI, I'm afraid she hasn't noticed yet, she Already starting to go to Uzo’s tune.”

Belmode: "..." Having said that, I thought the stage was over when I saw Suzuki Sonoko closing the curtain. This idea was too naive.

Because of this, she just let down her guard and didn't even react when Cool Guy fell into the water. By analogy, if one day Uzo gets tired of playing and suddenly wants someone to shoot her, wouldn't she just get shot stupidly?

"It shouldn't be, this shouldn't be." Belmode reflected on himself, "But fortunately, after this experience, I won't make the same mistake next time... I really can't relax near this guy. ."

In any case, with this tennis coach who can understand human speech, a few unlucky travelers who lost their cars finally have a place to stay.

"The landline is over there."

The tennis coach pointed them to the place, then rummaged around and took out the medical kit: "Fortunately, I am a professional counterpart, and I often help myself and my students deal with sprains, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy the right medicine nearby."

He looked at Conan's swollen wrist and said, "Let me bandage it for you. It may hurt a little. Children, please bear with it and don't cry."

Conan: "Ah haha, thank you, uncle."... That's why you cry!

Belmode took a closer look and knew that Conan's wrist was fine, so he didn't try to bandage it: the tennis coach's technique was very professional and the problem was not serious.

Conan changed into dry clothes and felt like he came to life.

Suzuki Sonoko also went to the landline to make a call, and soon came back happily: "My sister happened to be on vacation nearby. She said she would send a car to pick us up. She should be there in a while!"

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief: "Great."

Belmode: "..." Innocent child, you relaxed too soon.

Judy was a little hesitant. She looked around and asked the tennis coach: "You and your father are the only two people at home now?"

The tennis coach nodded: "Yes."

Judy refused to give up: "Don't you have any friends coming over?"

The tennis coach was startled: "I would like to let my friends come over to play, but on a rainy day, no one wants to go out... Why do you ask this so suddenly?"

Judy laughed dryly: "Nothing."

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