Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2234 2237 [Never admit defeat]

There were so many suspicious people that Judy was a little confused.

Judy was obviously not the only one who was confused. After swaying several times, the Yamacun Police Department sighed tiredly: "Let's finish collecting the evidence at the scene first - everyone go downstairs and wait."

The group of people had no objections, turned around and went downstairs, returning to the living room.

"I didn't expect that it was actually suicide." Suzuki Sonoko sat on the tatami, stretched and murmured, "In my life, this is the first time I have encountered such a scene."

The tennis coach thought it was the first time she had seen a corpse. He apologized: "I'm really sorry. This rare day off has caused you to encounter such a thing. Everyone must be frightened."

"Uh... that's not the case." When Suzuki Sonoko first went upstairs, she was indeed startled by the dead state of the corpse, but she soon calmed down - after all, she didn't see the hanging corpse. No, it was just the first time I saw the person who hung me up.

I realize that there is some misunderstanding between the two parties, but it is a bit difficult to explain. Suzuki Sonoko simply changed the subject. She quickly glanced at something and saw something: "Eh? Do you also like fishing?"

As she spoke, she reached out and pulled out a book from the bookshelf.

The book clearly showed a fishing rod and a fish, with the title "Introduction to Fishing."

The tennis coach shook his head: "I don't know how to fish. My wife bought this book, but unfortunately before she could learn it, she...sigh."

The two of them were chatting, and next to them, Conan poked Jiang Xia and indicated with his eyes: There is something wrong with this person.

The two times Judy was asked to go upstairs to collect the dishes, it could be said that he couldn't keep his hands free. There seems to be a reasonable explanation for the short length of the chandelier cord at the death scene, but the strangest thing is their dinner - that plate of spicy curry.

The father just went to the dentist to have his teeth extracted, and right after that, he made spicy curry for his son?

This is not something a dutiful son would do.

At this time, the door was suddenly knocked twice, and then someone opened the door from the outside.

Detective from the Yamacun Police Department: "Um, I have something to ask."

He looked at the tennis coach: "We found some very thin marks on your father's hands and wrists, which were left before his death. It was as if someone had tied him up. Do you have anything to say about this matter? Any clue?"

"Strangulation marks on wrists?!"

The first one to react was actually Judy.

The mountain village police department was startled: "What are you doing! You're scared to death."

Judy was too lazy to pay attention to him. There was only one thing in her mind: clues like the marks on her wrists came out... It seemed that today's death was really not a suicide.

So that person really took action again?

Tonight she had been waiting for the foursome to gather together, but after waiting, the two of them started right away!

——The multiple-choice questions in the past disappeared. This time Uzo slapped them with a proof question.

...What is this, a provocation?

Did he notice that the FBI was controlling the flow of people to reduce the number of suspicious targets, so he took the initiative to reduce the number of suspects in order to ridicule the ridiculousness of their actions?

Judy: "..." I can't bear it, I... Akai Shuichi, give him some color!

Judy looked out of the house expectantly, calling silently in her heart.

However, it was now late at night, and the visibility was probably not even ten meters. After all, she failed to see her reliable teammate, so she had to silently look away.

No one noticed her move, only Belmode glanced out the window silently: "..." It seemed like this wasn't the first time this FBI looked outside... What's outside?

Next to him, the tennis coach said with a cold sweat on his forehead: "My father is quite frugal. When unpacking, if there is a thin rubber band on the package, he will wrap the rubber band around his hands - that may be how the marks are left. Bar."

The mountain village police officer sighed. He originally wanted to use this to defraud the tennis coach, but unfortunately he couldn't deceive anything now: "You are right - there were indeed a few thin rubber bands stuffed under the deceased's pillow."

But he was still a little reluctant and asked these witnesses: "Did you really not see anything strange? For example, a suspicious figure or strange movements?"

The Shancun Police Department was also one of the suspects in Judy's mind at the moment, and every word he said was captured and amplified.

Hearing that "strange movement", Judy actually remembered one thing: "When the 'New Doctor' and I went upstairs for the first time, we heard the deceased wailing in the bedroom."

"Crying?" The Yamacun Police Department was dissatisfied, "Wouldn't that really turn into suicide!"

Judy: "..." What, are you brushing up on your performance? Someone asked you to turn this into a murder?

She really wanted to just ask, but she still had to pay attention to her current identity, so she swallowed the words with great difficulty.

Conan seemed to suddenly think of something from "crying" and sat upright excitedly: "On the ground, ahem... did anything special fall on the ground?"

Yamamura Cao didn't know why he asked, but he still answered: "No. If you have to say what was dropped, there was indeed a handkerchief. But it should have been used by the deceased to wipe his mouth - it had some curry on it, And saliva.”

Conan: "!!"

He jumped up and ran towards the crime scene upstairs.

Mao Lilan hurriedly followed, but Belmode hesitated, then got up and followed her - after all, she still had the title of teacher, so it wasn't too weird to follow her students everywhere.

Then Conan was seen walking straight towards the deceased, looking down at the old man's teeth carefully.

Mao Lilan was still a little afraid of corpses and didn't dare to get so close, so she had to stand at the door and said: "Conan, don't cause trouble, come back quickly!"

Belmode pretended to catch the naughty child running around, and also walked over to take a look.

Then his eyes paused.

Belmod: "..." Today's case is indeed a homicide. My previous idea that "Uzo would call in sick" was too naive.

The missing tooth in the deceased's mouth was definitely not extracted by the dentist two or three days ago. Because the gums underneath showed no signs of healing - judging from the shape of the gums, this tooth was clearly extracted tonight, and the adjacent teeth were also loose. This was probably part of the modus operandi.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Conan suddenly turn to the small table next to him, pick up a spoon and dig into the curry rice.

The police were checking at the window for signs of intrusion. When they turned around, they unexpectedly discovered that someone was causing trouble at the scene of the crime. Moreover, that person was not Jiang Xia, who had been blown away by the Mountain Village Police Department, but a strange kid.

The young police officers in Gunma County were immediately alert: "What are you doing! Don't disturb the scene!"

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