Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2235 2238 [Uzo appears]

The police officer rushed to stop him, but at this moment, there was a "ding" sound in the curry plate, like a spoon hitting something.

Conan scooped up the hard objects on the plate - and saw a big bloody tooth lying quietly among the crispy fried rice.

"What the hell!" The police officer was startled and then realized, "Why are there teeth here?... Could it be that the deceased ate curry and chipped it?"

Another policeman touched his chin and reasoned like a detective: "An old man who was on the verge of mental collapse accidentally knocked out his tooth while eating, then his mentality collapsed and he hanged himself - then everything makes sense! "

Conan: "..." I risked being thrown out of the room by you to come here to look for teeth, just to get you to rule the case as suicide?

He sighed, and just guided him secretly like an innocent child: "..."

Conan: "???"

He touched his throat in shock: Why was he suddenly unable to make a sound? !

Belmod looked at him: "..." They all said you shouldn't use your voice too much when you have a cold. This silly kid, why don't you learn from Uzo to protect your throat?

Although she very much suspected that Wu Zuo's silence was not to protect his voice, but for other reasons - for example, he thought it was difficult to speak with a hoarse voice...

Thinking of this, Belmod was slightly startled and discovered a problem:

Cool Guy can't make a sound, and Uzo doesn't want to talk, so today...who will reason?

You don’t really want to force her, a doctor, to change her career to a detective! That would attract too much attention from all aspects, so her status as a "new doctor" would still be useful.

But soon, Belmode thought of another person.

——Isn’t there an FBI sitting downstairs?

Although that guy is occasionally not very bright, he is still a serious detective, and it should be easy to solve a case with only one suspect.

As they couldn't help thinking, the two of them were driven downstairs by the police one after another.

Conan looked a little solemn, but when he remembered that Jiang Xia was still sitting downstairs, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief - the problem was not big, it was just one less chance to solve the case. At least this case would not be dismissed as a suicide.

In the living room, Conan took out his cell phone and started typing, planning to tell Jiang Xia the new clues he just found upstairs. With these clues, it would be easy to solve the case.

When he fell into the river, Conan's right hand holding the umbrella was twisted, and he could only type slowly with his left hand.

It took a long time to write a line. Conan looked at the progress with a slightly distorted expression.

Fortunately, at this moment, a heavenly voice came from the side.

The "new doctor" sat down at the coffee table where everyone gathered, and then frowned and said: "This case is a bit strange - Conan actually found a tooth in the dinner plate. And the deceased's gums showed no signs of healing. It was simply It’s like it was freshly plucked.”

Conan, who was struggling with the keyboard of his mobile phone: "!"

...Thank you doctor, doctor, you are such a good person!

And this doctor was smarter than he thought - perhaps he realized that there was only one suspect here. The "new doctor" obviously also began to doubt the tennis coach, so he sat on his side and spoke. Shi also deliberately lowered his voice so that it was difficult for the tennis coach opposite to hear him clearly.

The tennis coach couldn't hear clearly, but Judy could hear clearly - Belmode was sitting next to her. Although it was normal for two teachers to sit next to each other, some kind of intuition told Judy that these words seemed to be specially spoken to She heard the same thing.

Judy: "..."...trap?

What does this cunning witch want to do?

In other words, what does Uzo want her to do behind her back?

Although it remains to be discussed whether and to what extent these two cadres were collaborating. But one thing is certain - they are all members of that dark organization, and each one is better at deceiving people than the other.

Judy's attention had gradually shifted to the case, but at this time, she suddenly woke up again.

Judy: "..." You can't get involved in this case!

Although I don’t know why Belmod is tempting her to solve the case, in short, it’s just the opposite of the intentions of these two dangerous people.

Next to him, Belmode talked for a long time, but only attracted comments such as "Wow! It's scary." from Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko. "Is it because the rice is too chewy?"

Among the remaining people, Judy, the only one who looked more reliable, was unexpectedly calm at this time. She sat steadily on the tatami, as if her mouth was glued.

Belmode: "..." Tsk.

She listened to the police's whispers such as "Is it a suicide?" and "It should be a suicide" and sighed silently: What can I do? Is this the case?

She didn't bother to care about the feelings of the victim and the suspect. She only knew that if Uzo's play fell to the ground and no one picked it up, or in front of her as an insider...then this willful guy might not let it go.

——Night, heavy rain, deep mountains and old forests, and a swollen river nearby...

There were so many dangerous elements, even if there were police around him, Belmode didn't want to take a chance on what he would do when he was in a bad mood.

Belmod: "..." But now no one has solved the case. Is it possible that she really wants to go into the sea and become a detective?

Or be patient and wait for Cool Guy to type the reasoning process on his phone, and then find someone to read it out?

Thinking this, Belmod glanced at Conan from the corner of his eye.

Then I found that the primary school student stopped typing for some reason, but looked at her with admiration. When she turned around, he gave her a cheerful smile.

Belmode: "..."

...Write quickly, why don’t you write anymore!

Her head suddenly got bigger.

At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko next to her said softly "Huh?"

The female high school student's voice was full of surprise and joy, and then she quietly sat upright. It was completely different from the tired look she had just slumped on the small table and was about to slide to the bottom of the table... It was as if she was filled with something weird. The blood is like resurrection.

Belmod's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that something beyond his control had happened.

She first turned around and glanced at the person she feared most on the field, only to find Jiang Xia taking a nap against the table.

She followed Suzuki Sonoko's gaze and looked toward the entrance in confusion, and then she discovered to her surprise that the door there had been pushed open a crack at some point. A man in a black suit walked in and wiped off the stains on his clothes. of rain.

Belmod was shocked: This, isn't this Uzo's subordinate who injured his brain? Why is he here? !

Speaking of which, this guy was standing in a dark entrance hall dressed in black, but Suzuki Sonoko could actually see him at a glance... This little girl's powers of observation are quite amazing.

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