Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2236 2239 [Arrest people]

Judy also quickly noticed something was wrong - Belmod and Suzuki Sonoko, her two top targets, were actually looking at the same place at this time, with different expressions. Of course, she immediately followed them.

Then I saw a strange man in a suit, with curly hair and a pair of sunglasses on his nose walking in.

Judy: "..." In the middle of the night, a handsome guy appeared out of nowhere in the deep mountains and forests. It was like the beginning of a ghost story... By the way, do you understand if you wear sunglasses at night?

No, no, that's not the point. The point is...who is this person?

Suddenly, a thought arose in Judy's mind, and her heart beat violently.

——Why does this outfit and temperament look so much like the person Akai Shuichi told her about who is suspected of being "Usa"? !

Judy: "..." Akai, have you seen it! ! If you see him, shoot him quickly... No, there are police around. Judy silently changed her mind: If you see her, follow us quickly and take the opportunity to knock on the sap and take the person away - it's rare for this guy to surface and survive this. There is no such store in the village!

...Speaking of which, why did this guy suddenly surface?

The unexpected situation was so unexpected that Judy was confused for a moment.

However, there are so many people around now that it is difficult to execute any plans, so we can only stabilize first.

Fortunately, everyone has entered the house and won't be able to run away for a while.

Judy took a deep breath and began to calmly sort out her thoughts.

Next to him, Conan also looked at the person by the door, a little surprised: Isn't this the unlucky passerby he accidentally hit when he urged Jiang Xia to ride a motorcycle? Why did you meet him again?

Suzuki Sonoko also had some impressions of this person she met by chance. While everyone was still stunned, Suzuki Sonoko's instinct had already started.

She stood up, walked towards him gracefully, and chatted with a smile: "What a coincidence, your home is also in this forest?"

Judy looked at "Uzuo" and then at the happy Suzuki Sonoko, and felt worried: "..." Why are you smiling so happily? This girl couldn't really have fallen into Uzuo's beauty trap.

...The cunning organization cadres don’t even let female high school students go!

Judy: "..." Although Suzuki Sonoko and Usa don't look very familiar now, they may be pretending together - girls who have never been out of society are so easy to deceive: as long as they make up a bizarre life experience, Suzuki Yuanzi may even take the initiative to help him cover up.

While Judy was keeping accounts of the evil cadres in the little notebook in her mind, she was also seizing the time to keep an eye on them, not letting go of any possible clues.

"Usa" was not as cold as he appeared. When Suzuki Sonoko asked, he politely responded: "I happened to be passing by."

Conan was startled, looked at his trouser legs, and then at the shoes he left in the entrance hall, his expression gradually became serious: "..." This man didn't look like he had been trekking in the woods at all.

I haven't figured out where Teacher Judy came from, but now there is another suspicious person.

Speaking of which, what is this person here for?

"who are you?!"

Suddenly, a voice that broke with surprise sounded from the stairs.

Conan was startled. For a moment, he almost suspected that he was howling out what was in his heart, but he soon realized that it was not the case - his voice was not so steady. Judging from the voice, it must be the policeman from Gunma Prefecture who spoke.

Turning around, I saw the Shancun Police Department sprinting down the stairs.

Jiang Xia was driving Matsuda Jinpei's puppet. When he saw the policeman approaching in excitement, he almost thought he had forgotten to open his vest.

But when I glanced out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the main body was still hanging up at the table. Pushing the sunglasses that came with the puppet on the bridge of his nose, Jiang Xia felt completely reassured - he was right.

Immediately afterwards, he figured out the reason for Officer Yamamura's excitement: What else could be the reason? Of course it's for...

"Suspicious, so suspicious!"

Police officer Yamamura grabbed his arm, as if to prevent the suspicious person from running away:

"On the way here, we observed the surrounding environment. There were no other houses around here. We asked, what are you doing hiding here in the middle of the night? Did you just kill someone and couldn't help but want to come back and see the scene? - It's all in the book That’s what it says!”

After saying that, Yamamura Cao looked at his subordinates proudly: "I have already said that this must be a homicide, but you still don't believe it!"

He cheered in his heart: The deceased was found, the suspect was found, and the witnesses were found. Now he could finally watch Jiang Xia's on-site reasoning!

Yamamura Cao: "..." There are no reporters here today. In other words, I have first-hand exclusive information and can show it off to other fans!

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard someone next to me say: "Yes, this is indeed a homicide."

The Shancun Police Department nodded repeatedly and turned around to see if this young man was so winking. However, when he looked around, he saw a pair of sunglasses.

Yamamura Cao: "..."

...The first person to admit his murder was the suspect himself!

Police officer Yamacun was stunned for two seconds, suddenly became alert, and asked Jiang Xia, who was wearing a vest: "You... are you going to surrender?"

...What about Jiang Xia's reasoning show? Really! The prisoner gave in too quickly today and had absolutely no principles at all.

Beside him, Belmode had already guessed what would happen: "..." I almost forgot that Uzo had unknowingly robbed... some of his subordinates.

So now someone needed to solve the case, and one came out immediately. Speaking of which, how did this guy, whose real name is said to be Xitu, find the scene?

Belmode was a little confused and felt awkward at the same time: How could peripheral members of the organization be used to solve crimes? I always feel that this usage is strange and inconsistent with the identity of their organization.

But looking on the bright side, at least she doesn't have to change her career.

With Belmode watching, "Uzo" said to Yamamura: "Unfortunately, the murderer is not me, so I can't surrender - but I do know who the real murderer is."

Yamamura Cao looked unbelieving, but still asked: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xia pushed up her sunglasses: "Of course it's the other owner of this house, Mr. Akashi Hiroto."

The mountain village police officer's eyes flashed, revealing a trace of cunning that was extremely rare in him. Then he pretended to be calm and asked: "Why do you, a passerby, know so much?"

Jiang Xia shook her phone: "Because a mysterious friend relayed to me the specific situation at the scene."

Judy was wondering who the "mysterious friend" was, and then she saw the eyes under the lenses of "Uzo" turned to her.

The two sides looked at each other and he smiled politely. Just say that Judy is the "mysterious friend".

Judy: "...?"

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