Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2237 2240 [Good friends]

Judy: "???"

You slandered me! Who is your friend? I have never sent you an email at all!

At this time, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded next to him.

Yamamura Cao imitated Jiang Xia and touched his chin, then looked at Jiang Xia who had changed his skin:

"Have you exposed your clues? I discovered it when I came here. There is no signal here at all! You can't receive the email - to be honest, you know the whole story of the case because you were at the scene at the time, right?"

The evidence is conclusive and your reasoning is convincing!

Yamamura Cao raised his chin proudly, while secretly looking at the man in sunglasses from the corner of his eyes, guessing in his heart: The next step should be to kneel down.

Although this time it is just a simple choice, I finally have a bit of idol style, which will be a huge improvement!

...However, what was imagined did not happen.

The man in sunglasses glanced at his phone: "No signal? Are you sure?"

"Of course..." Officer Yamamura looked at his calm expression, and his confidence began to waver inexplicably. After hesitating for a moment, he turned his back and furtively took out his cell phone to take a look.

Then he stared at the two signals in the upper right corner and was suddenly startled.

Yamamura Cao: "..." When was the signal tower repaired outside? How efficient are the maintenance guys? !

Judy was also stunned, and quickly took out her mobile phone, and then found that the no signal sign disappeared - she could contact Shuichi Akai!

Others did not expect the sudden signal and were all surprised.

In the midst of taking out her mobile phone, Jiang Xia glanced at the news that Noah had just noticed, clicked on the web page, and said with a smile:

"I would also like to thank the kind-hearted Suzuki Consortium for this matter - there happened to be a construction site owned by them near the collapsed road section and the signal tower. After hearing the unfortunate news, the construction team rushed to contribute a lot. Wait until dawn , we can take the bus back to Tokyo smoothly."

Suzuki Sonoko was a little happy when she heard that she would be able to go home soon: "Not bad, not bad."

Judy: "..." Silly girl, how can you smile so happily? Your entire Suzuki family was taken advantage of by Uzo!

She originally wanted to loudly refute Uzona's so-called suggestion that "it was Teacher Judy who sent me an email to tell me about the situation at the scene."

But seeing the current situation, Judy sadly realized that this was not a wise choice.

"If I really take it seriously, I'm afraid Uzo will be surprised and change his story, saying that he is not looking at me, but at Suzuki Sonoko next to him. After all, he has a pair of sunglasses on his face. People will believe him wherever he says, and Suzuki Sonoko also I will definitely cooperate with him.”

Judy sighed inwardly: "At that time, it will appear that I was surprised, and the police department, which was already suspicious of me, will be more wary of me... Forget it, at least the signal is good news, and I can contact Xiuyi. "

"Uh, but..."

While she was writing the email quietly, she turned to look out the window at the long rain and muttered in her heart: "I hope his phone is not damaged."

Of course, Judy will not be idle while waiting for Akai Shuichi's reply.

Her attention quickly returned to the person suspected of being "Uzo". Looking at this figure dressed in black, Judy felt as if she was in a dream.

"Meeting a real person so easily?" Judy was a little confused. "Is this the real Uzo? If so...why did he come?"

"The first exclusion is to solve the case. It cannot be for such a simple reason."

"Secondly... although I'm a little reluctant, we should exclude the 'FBI arrangement has taken effect', because except for the brief moment of fishing today, nothing else is in our plan."


After thinking about it, none of them could perfectly answer her doubts. Judy couldn't help but sigh: a devil who could come up with those incredible cases, and could control people quietly, making them act according to his ideas unknowingly, was really not something she could easily figure out.

...Let’s leave it to Akai Shuichi! Isn't that what trump cards are used for?

As for myself...

Judy touched her chin and her eyes fell on "Uzo", like two awls: It was rare that this person was right in front of her, so she wouldn't guess if she couldn't figure it out - she just had to observe this person's actions truthfully and write everything down. Just fine.

Judy braced herself ten thousand times and watched every move of that person with bated breath:

"Uzo" was talking to Officer Yamamura.

Officer Yamamura began to laugh awkwardly.

Officer Yamamura started wiping sweat.

Police Officer Yamamura gave "Uzo" a doggy smile... Oh, he was indeed an organizational cadre who was good at manipulating people's hearts. He caught Officer Yamamura's wavering when his reasoning failed, and defeated the opponent's psychological defense in one fell swoop.

Judy: "..." But this police department has been targeting her from the beginning, and her identity is suspicious. His previous tit-for-tat confrontation with "Uzo" and his current change of attitude may just be a show for others to watch - he cannot let down his guard against Yamamura Cao.

She continued to observe:

"Uzo" was talking to the police officer from the forensics department.

The tennis coach who was eavesdropping widened his eyes.

The tennis coach started wiping sweat.

The tennis coach clenched his fists guiltily, showing a trace of murderous intent!

Judy: "?!"

He is indeed “that person”! A few words actually aroused the murderous intention of an adult.

The balance in Judy's mind immediately tilted in the direction of "This is the real Uzo".

...In fact, I was originally leaning towards this side, because Akai Shu, who knew the most, had already made them pay attention to the eye-catching features of this suit - black suits are very common, but paired with black natural curls and sunglasses that never leave the body, the matching shirt The numbers will obviously be significantly reduced.

After briefly wandering away, Judy continued to observe carefully.

Then the more I looked at it, the more I felt that this process looked very familiar.

...where have you seen it?

She tugged at her thick blond hair and tried to remember.

Then when I caught a glimpse of Conan out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly remembered.

——Quickly make the police handling the case fall into submission, quickly get effective information from the police officers, and at the same time make the suspect angry, make the suspect lose his cool and weaken the defense line... Isn't this the love that Jiang Xia and the elementary school students always carry with him? What to do!

This guy actually imitated detective actions. What did he want to do? provocative?

Thinking like this, Judy couldn't help but take a moment to glance at Jiang Xia, wanting to see how this keen detective would react to this and whether he could detect Uzuo's malice in time.

Then he saw the high school detective leaning on the table with his chin on his head. At first glance, he looked like he was deep in thought, but in fact his eyes were closed and he was breathing evenly - a closer look revealed that he had fallen asleep.

Judy: "..."

...It’s rare that a suspicious person surfaces, but you don’t even look!

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