Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2238 2241 [Tragic Stand] Please vote for me

Judy's eyes were twitching, and she had the urge to move over and push Jiang Xia awake - Akai Hideo had been reliable again and again, but he was not at the scene after all. Water far away could not resolve the fire nearby, but Jiang Xia was right there. And with Jiang Xia's keenness, maybe he can find some important clues that he can't observe?

But as soon as this thought came to mind, Judy became motionless.

Judy: "..." How could you drag a high school detective into trouble just because the enemy is scary? Wouldn't this make her no different from Usa who took advantage of Suzuki Sonoko?

...As an adult, I should shoulder the heavy burdens given by life and work.

Of course, if Jiang Xia wanted to offer help, she would certainly not refuse, but now...

Judy stared at Jiang Xia for several seconds, but unfortunately no one responded to her expectant gaze.

Recalling the experience of this day, Judy could only sigh silently: Everyone traveled long distances all day today, and were forced to stay up all night because of the case. Jiang Xia also happened to have a cold, and her voice was hoarse just now. It is already very unscrupulous to force this patient to go on a trip. Do you want to wake him up while he is catching up on his sleep?

Judy: "..." Forget it, forget it. Observe carefully first, and then say if it doesn't work - she is an FBI after all, so she can't belittle herself. Maybe she can deal with Uzo alone!

Then Judy discovered that under her keen observation...Uzo really started to solve the case.

Judy: "..."

This guy is too comfortable. What does he regard today's collision with the FBI as an ordinary trip?

...That's so arrogant, Xiuyi, give him some color!

Speaking of which, why hasn’t Shuichi Akai replied?

Judy glanced at her phone quietly, thinking that maybe the signal had fluctuated, so she continued to watch and wait.

"I have confirmed the situation at the scene, and it is indeed very consistent with what my 'mysterious friend' said."

With that said, "Uzo" glanced in Judy's direction again.

Then got a murderous handful of crispy fries.

Jiang Xia looked back with satisfaction and said casually in a tone he didn't usually use: "Then let's start solving the case now."

Judy: "..." He spoke plainly. As expected, the impostor was different from the serious detective. He didn't have the vitality of a high school detective when solving crimes.

Next to him, Belmod had completely different feelings: "..." Apart from the different tone of voice, the impostor in front of him was a bit like Jiang Xia in the "Uzo" state.

Is this a deliberate imitation? As expected of the shield and scapegoat trained by Uzo... Well, worthy of the substitute trained by Uzo.

Moreover, this fake Uzo's suit is very neat, without a trace of mud, and he really doesn't look like a person who is passing by on a rainy day. It can be seen that this "Xitu" has either been waiting in this villa for a long time, or he has brought a change of clothes.

If it was the former, it meant that Uzo had known for a long time that they would eventually come to this villa today, and her car was indeed poisoned by him.

And if it's the latter... Uzo, this guy, just cares about his image, but he has such strict requirements on the image of his subordinates.

But no matter which one it is, one thing is certain: Uzo really does not treat his subordinates as human beings for the sake of his stage.

The former meant getting here before it rained, and then carefully hiding for more than twenty hours without being discovered by the homeowner.

And the latter... There was no signal here before, which meant that Xitu had to be tracked nearby at all times and then shine when he was needed.

“In this kind of rainy forest where visibility is not high, you have to keep a short distance to avoid losing track, but I didn’t find anyone following me at all.”

Belmod murmured in his heart: "Is it because my vigilance is too poor, or is his tracking skills too good? - By the way, I remember that he seemed to have stayed in Myanmar for a while. In this case, the woods will be a threat to him on rainy days. It’s a familiar tracking environment.”

On the one hand, he was a little afraid of this fake Uzo, but on the other hand, Belmode was also a little sympathetic.

——Standby and tracking, neither method is easy.

Belmode: "..." Uzo is really a devilish boss. Just judging from the working hours, Gin is not as busy as his subordinates.

However, it was just an ordinary case, why would Uzo specially send this substitute?

She glanced at the fake Uzo who was solving the case, and then glanced at Judy with her peripheral vision: Could it be that there was something inside this seemingly simple one-choice case that she didn't know about?

What the FBI and organization members are thinking about has nothing to do with the psychic and detective next to them.

Anyway, the road is not open yet, so I am idle. There is a shikigami hanging on someone else's leg in front of me, so of course I have to pull it down easily.

Jiang Xia pushed up her sunglasses and said calmly: "My friends came here by chance to borrow a phone and stay overnight because they encountered an unexpected incident, but what was waiting for them was a large pot of already hot curry, and There’s enough curry to feed them all.”

Judy: "..." Stop looking at me! Who is your friend?

Suzuki Sonoko was very cooperative, and her enthusiasm seemed unusual. She thought about it seriously and quickly realized the problem: "Mr. Akashi only has two people at home, but he heats up so much curry... Eh? Did he already know that we were coming?"

Judy: "..." You are pretending to be ignorant and reasoning, but you must have known the script for a long time. The unconcealed positivity in your eyes completely exposed you. The cunning little girl actually took us off the stage on purpose before, causing me to let my guard down and lose a car... Damn it, my reimbursement limit.

Police officer Yamamura also suddenly realized, and asked Akashi Hiroto: "Why did you cook so much curry? Even if it is leftover from yesterday, wouldn't it be enough to only heat it for two people today? But you actually even heated the guests' curry..."

Akashi Kanto sweated on his forehead: "Well, there is a tennis court near my home, and I am a tennis coach, so many students have a good relationship with me. They often stop by my house for dinner after practice, and those curries are prepared for them. "

Yamamura scratched his head when he thought about the mud puddles on the road: "But it's raining today. Can the tennis court in the woods be used? Is anyone really going to go?"

Hiroto Akashi was just about to lie and say that he met some passionate students playing basketball in the rain, but unfortunately they didn't come to his home. However, before the words came out, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: This excuse won't work.

——The only people he met when he went to the tennis court were the ones in front of him.

This excuse had been sealed half a day ago. Even if I dare to say it now, they will only expose it ruthlessly and increase my suspicion!

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