Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2242 2246 [Bus trip] Asking for a monthly ticket

The more Judy thought about it, the more she couldn't help but frown: "..." It had rained so heavily before, which could not only obscure the sight but also the sound. The rushing river seemed to be very suitable for throwing corpses...etc. Wait, when those two cars passed by the river during the day, were they really just two empty cars and not corpses hidden inside?

Judy's heart suddenly thumped, and she remembered the cases she had seen in the past: If "Uzo" found a way to kill Shuichi Akai, stuffed it into the trunk of her vehicle and dumped the body downstream, then when the vehicle was intercepted by the police, she would This car owner will undoubtedly be the first person to be investigated... This way, we can kill two birds with one stone and limit both of them at the same time!

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that was the case.

And that figure wearing sunglasses instantly became a terrifying symbol of death in her eyes.

"No, probably not. Shuichi is a very strong FBI, and he will not die so quietly... No, he will not die at all!"

Judy quickly took a deep breath and forced herself to stop imagining this horrific scene.

Then she took out her mobile phone, avoided the group of people who were about to get into the police car and returned to Tokyo, and contacted another person instead.

——James Blake, the real boss of their small group of FBI.


James, who had white hair and beard, was very busy when he suddenly received a call.

He glanced at the caller ID and picked up the call. Without saying a word, the person on the other end couldn't help but said, "I suspect Xiuyi was killed... No, I suspect he was in danger!"

"We did encounter a little... uh, not dangerous danger." James sighed, "It's not a big problem. Leave it to me. You don't have to come forward."

Judy was stunned for a full two seconds before she understood the meaning of his words: "Do you know where he is? Can you contact him?"

"This..." James said helplessly, "I'll wait until you come back to discuss the details."

last night.

After all, it was a field operation. Shuichi Akai did not come alone, but made some arrangements in advance.

After Judy and the others met the tennis coach at the outdoor tennis court, Shuichi Akai sent someone to follow the coach and quickly found out the location and situation of his home.

Although he didn't know the specific details, when he heard the key words "wife who died three years ago", Shuichi Akai immediately realized that this forest villa might be the stage chosen by Uzo today.

Although for some reason, the high school team and the tennis coach missed it just now, Akai Shuichi strongly doubted that this was actually just a cover, and those people would eventually come back here.

So he immediately arranged a formation and surrounded the villa covertly, so that he could catch suspicious people coming in and out at any time.

…but then what?

Then... the best result is to take down the suspicious person when he appears and capture him on the spot.

But considering that person's past behavior style, Shuichi Akai didn't have much hope for this outcome.

"Although we take the initiative every time, there is always a feeling of being led by the other party."

Akai Shuichi pressed his forehead and thought: "Perhaps this is because the opponent chooses the stage every time, and we can only follow. Obviously Judy said she chose the place randomly... Alas, even she ran away But what about that person’s influence? Fortunately, I didn’t tell her about this arrangement.”

The appropriate time to capture should be when the other party does not have much control over the environment. But now...

Akai Shuichi smelled strong traces of "coincidence" from previous encounters, as well as a little bit of artificial manipulation brought by Suzuki Sonoko. He always felt that the venue arranged by FBI this time was actually under the opponent's control.

If this is the case, let alone arresting Uzo, it may not be easy to get any real and useful clues.

It's not okay to continue like this. If we continue at this pace, not only Judy, but the entire FBI will become the opponent's toys.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment and confirming the positions of his colleagues with the radio, Shuichi Akai drove back to Tokyo while keeping the arrangements here.

Rather than waiting for a fruitless result, he might as well take advantage of the chaos to investigate the bus he had been paying attention to for a long time - that bus once deviated from the route because of two thieves, and during this journey, the driver asked The owner of a sports car moved his car. This incident was the opportunity for the owner of the sports car to be killed.

Among the countless "coincidences", this is more like a clue that can be actually caught.

In addition, according to Akai Shuichi's investigation, this bus is also one of the buses that Okiya Subaru occasionally rides - if he is lucky, he may run into him.

So soon after returning to Tokyo, Shuichi Akai boarded the selected bus according to the timetable he had checked earlier.

He did not rush to contact the driver, but chose a seat not far or close to the driver's seat to sit down - in this way, if the driver was disturbed by someone after he got in the car and decided to crash the car into a wall to silence himself, Akai would Shuichi was able to rush forward immediately to stop his move and take over the steering wheel.

It started to rain in Tokyo without even realizing it.

In the swaying bus, Shuichi Akai occasionally observed the driver through the reflection of the mirror and glass.

However, after many stops, the driver didn't show anything unusual, as if he didn't recognize him at all.

Akai Shuichi was not in a hurry. He continued to wait for possible situations and observed other passengers in the car.

At this moment, the bus stopped at one of the stops, and a fat old man holding a long-handled umbrella got on the bus.

The old man glanced around and walked to sit next to Akai Shuichi.

Akai Shuichi's posture did not change, but his spirit instantly returned to its sharpest state.

But he didn't have too many overreactions - there were only a few passengers in this car, and many of the passengers who got on the car just now seemed to think he had a vicious temperament and did not sit next to him, so the seat next to him was the car There are only a few empty seats.

The old man was obviously a little absent-minded, focusing more on his back. When he sat down next to Akai Shuichi, he finally saw clearly the appearance of the person next door.


His movements suddenly became a little stiff, and he seemed to want to get up and change seats immediately, but he felt that this was too deliberate, so he froze on the spot.

This reaction caught Akai Hide's eye and immediately caught his attention.

He looked at the old man vaguely and quickly, and said in a low voice: "Are you also a client of Jiang Xia?"

——When the old man bent down and sat down, a corner of the business card in his pocket was exposed.

The business card had obviously been put in his pocket for a long time. He had taken it out and returned it repeatedly, and it was a bit worn.

However, with Akai Shuichi's observation ability, he immediately recognized its source - this was the fifth edition of the business card that Jiang Xia was using a while ago.

This high school detective likes to give people business cards when he has nothing to do, and the style of his business cards can be easily found out.

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