Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2250 2254 [Come to the door]

Akai Shuichi continued: "So my friend called the police, but after the police investigation not long ago, they said that they contacted Mr. Shigeyoshi Shitara - he said on the phone that he went to Izu for vacation."

Jiang Xia listened and nodded as if he had experience: "There are many possibilities. Maybe you saw it wrong yesterday and the kidnapper was not chasing him. Or maybe Mr. Shile has been fully controlled by the kidnapper and has to cooperate. The other person lied.”

He stood up and brought a piece of paper back, placing it in front of Akai Shuichi: "Let's do it. I'll go investigate. You fill out this registration form and I will notify you if there is any news."

The mermaid was startled when she heard this, and floated over to tug Jiang Xia: It's rare that she has been sent to her door, she can't be let go easily!

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly, gesticulating and giving an idea to the psychic master: How about putting some anesthetic in Akai Shuichi's drink, and then passed the pot to Amuro Tohru, pretending that the medicine itself was put in the office's coffee or tea. , or... or push it to Maya Hashimoto, who has also entered the office and has the opportunity to commit crimes!

Jiang Xia was briefly moved, but quickly refused calmly: He couldn't let go of the long-term self-inflicted trap for the sake of temporary murderous intent.

Sure enough, after Shuichi Akai finished writing the list, his next sentence was: "I'll go with you. My friend didn't have time to stop the kidnapping yesterday, and his conscience has been very uneasy. He asked me to confirm Shitara in person." The safety of Mr. Chongyoshi."

Don't talk nonsense. Where does your friend have the conscience... Jiang Xia retorted in her heart and shook her head in response: "This is too dangerous. I am responsible for the safety of my client."

Akai Shuichi: "Take me with you. This is also part of the commission."

The high school detective hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed in line with the principle of customer first: "Okay."

The ghosts looked at the reluctant psychic master, and then at Akai Shuichi who breathed a sigh of relief: "..."

As expected of a master, he is simply unbeatable and invincible!

Now that I have accepted the commission, I have to start looking for people.

Before setting off to investigate, Jiang Xia remembered something and looked at the disk he just got from Shuichi Akai - the disk with the "confidential" label left by Shitara Shigekichi.

After taking a second look, he asked Akai Shuichi: "Have you seen what's inside?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head like an ordinary citizen: "This seems to be very confidential information, otherwise it would not be labeled like this."

Jiang Xia sighed and hesitated: "Although it is not a good habit to invade privacy, since we are looking for someone, we'd better take a look at the contents first - this is probably the reason why Mr. Shitara was kidnapped. If we can pass It locates the suspect and starts the investigation directly from the suspect, which is more efficient."

Akai Shuichi really wanted to say that it was just an invasion of privacy. There was no need to explain so much, just go straight to it... But after all, the opposite person was a serious and responsible underage detective. This was not easy to say, and it was not in line with his current status.

He didn't speak in the end and just nodded.

Seeing this, Jiang Xia walked to the office's computer, pulled out a stool, sat down, and inserted the disk.

However, this disk was worthy of the label on it. Jiang Xia clicked the mouse a few times and said, "You need to enter a password to view it."

Akai Xiu nodded, waiting for him to hack in.

However, Jiang Xia said cautiously: "I haven't learned this knowledge systematically. It would be bad if the information inside is damaged - let's do this. The boss of our office seems to have hacker skills. I asked him to come over and help crack it. one time."

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

He subconsciously glanced at the glass on the bookcase and began to think about whether this disguise could hide Amuro Toru:

Jiang Xia has almost never met him in person, and most knows about him through the photos and videos distributed by the organization, so unless he intentionally exposes him, it should be difficult for Jiang Xia to discover his true identity.

But Toru Amuro was different. This intelligence officer was extremely observant and intuitive, and he had worked with him in the organization. But they had just met last night, and Toru Amuro's memory of him was still fresh in his mind. If they met at this time...

Shuichi Akai began to think about whether to create a new identity for himself as a "computer enthusiast".

However, before he spoke, Jiang Xia had already taken out his mobile phone and pressed the dial button very smoothly - Toru Amuro was actually in his speed dial list, and he dialed it after just a few presses.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

So now should we find an excuse to leave as soon as possible and let go of this opportunity to contact Uzuo through Jiang Xia, or should we stay and adapt to changes?

He didn't want to reveal that he could disguise himself, because if he wanted to sneak into the organization in the future, he might have to rely on this... Of course, that was assuming Subaru Okiya didn't tell this.

Thoughts were racing in Akai Shuichi's mind.

But soon, he won't need to make this kind of decision anymore.

——No one answered the call Jiang Xia made. After a few rings, it automatically hung up.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment and looked at the unanswered phone: "..." Boss, do you know what you missed?

...a rare joy!

He sighed and put away his phone reluctantly.

Akai Shuichi did not expect this result. He first thought: Could it be that Toru Amuro is a little busy?

But soon, he got a clue from Jiang Xia's expression: "That Mr. Amuro often doesn't answer your calls?"

Jiang Xia nodded with implicit condemnation.

Akai Shuichi comforted him: "Maybe bosses are busy." Especially since you, the boss, love to work part-time, you often break it into eight pieces for each person.

However, on the other hand, this confirmed that Toru Amuro had eliminated the suspicion that Jiang Xia was Usa. Otherwise, how could he not answer Jiang Xia's calls, and he still failed to answer them repeatedly.

"Then let's change someone." Jiang Xia caught a boy who came to catch cats nearby and asked him to help bring the disk to Dr. A Li's house and ask him to crack it.

Then he stood up and looked at Akai Shuichi: "Let's go to the bus station first. Although disappearance cases are usually investigated from home, since you witnessed the kidnapping scene, we will start there first."

Soon, the two came to Muromachi Hospital-mae Station.

After getting out of the taxi, Akai Shuichi watched Jiang Xia put the receipt back into her wallet: "..." Is this for reimbursement? He is worthy of being a member of the organization brought out by Toru Amuro.

Jiang Xia stood at the bus stop and looked around. On one side of the street is Muromachi Hospital, on the other side is a news newspaper: "Where was he kidnapped?"

Akai Shuichi adapted to the identity of the client and pointed to the narrow alley leading to the news agency.

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