Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2251 2255 [Organizing a party for cadres]

Akai Shuichi: "Yesterday he got into the alley, and the passenger who chased him also followed him. My friend doesn't know what happened after that."

Jiang Xia looked up and looked around: "There are no surveillance cameras here, but there should be one in the bus. Let's go to the bus terminal to look for clues. Maybe we can get photos of the kidnappers."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and hailed a taxi that happened to be passing by.

"It's not close to the bus terminal." Akai Shuichi muttered to himself, "Jiang Xia really has no burden at all in finding an organization to reimburse. Is it because Amuro Toru's teaching is too good, or is there another reason? I always feel that he is not very good. Fear of the organization, which is different from other peripheral members..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Akai Shuichi's peripheral vision fell on the taxi's reflector.

——Behind them, a car seemed to be following. Although the distance of the car was always changing, and it would use the cover of other vehicles to cover itself up, this level of tracking was inescapable in Akai Hide's eyes.

He glanced at Jiang Xia out of the corner of his eye and saw that Jiang Xia seemed to have noticed it, but perhaps to protect the taxi driver, the kind detective remained silent and continued to drive forward in the car as if he had not noticed it.

Finally, the two of them arrived near the bus terminal.

After getting out of the car, Akai Shuichi looked around casually and saw that the car that was following them was gone. He must have hidden it himself.

Jiang Xia didn't dwell on this. He quickly entered the office building and got the privilege of watching the surveillance by scanning his face.

He remembered something and looked back at Akai Shuichi: "Do you remember the time of yesterday's ride or the specific vehicle?"

Akai Shuichi responded and reported the answer.

A driver who was resting next to him heard it and said "Hey": "Isn't this the same train I drove yesterday?"

"What a coincidence?" Jiang Xia heard this and asked him, "Did anything special happen last night?"

The driver nodded with lingering fear: "I remember... by the way, at Muromachi Hospital Station, there was a gentle passenger who was about to get on the bus, but as if he was frightened, he turned around and ran away, and the book in his arms fell to the floor.

"I thought his reaction was a bit strange. I followed his gaze and saw a very vicious guy jumping out of my car and chasing him!"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Jiang Xia: "..." Huh? Why has Akai Shuichi's murderous aura increased, as if his mood has worsened? Could this matter have something to do with him?

Wait, that very vicious guy couldn't be himself.

What about the other so-called "gentle passenger"?

How could Shuichi Akai chase him down the street regardless of his disguise, and given the location... could it be Subaru Okiya who secretly went out on a rainy day?

Jiang Xia: "..." Sure enough, people's physiques are attracted to each other. The two people actually bumped into each other while he was away. Tsk, I don't know if they were wasting their murderous energy. Fortunately, I was able to make up for some today.

Jiang Xia felt pity and asked curiously: "What happens next?"

The driver was talking about sex, holding a tea cup in one hand and waving a song excitedly, describing the scene at that time: "Then the gentle passenger escaped smoothly! - The unlucky guy who was chasing him happened to bump into a group of people who had just come out of the restaurant. A plainclothes policeman, he was captured in the street by the beautiful policewoman with two moves!

"By the way, an enthusiastic waiter in the restaurant also came out to help. The waiter had bright hair, dark skin, and was wearing a black employee uniform. It happened to be night, and I thought a wig was on the street. Gone with the wind, I was shocked.

"After being stopped, something fell from the vicious passenger's body. I couldn't see it clearly through the car window, but passers-by who were nearby were afraid to avoid it. Judging from their screams, the man fell. It's a gun!

"The gunman actually sat all the way in my car. It's really scary. Thinking about it gives me nightmares."

Akai Shuichi touched the disguise on his face: "..." Fortunately, he didn't come here with his original appearance today... Having said that, how could he be captured by the police in the street? This rice flower man's words are really exaggerated.

Jiang Xia: "..." A restaurant employee with bright hair but dark skin? Why does it sound so much like Toru Amuro?

Rice flower town was so lively last night... Well, if I had known better, I wouldn't have followed Teacher Judy out.

But fortunately, at least we caught up to the end...

While Jiang Xia asked about various details in detail, he felt the murderous aura next to him that gradually thickened with his questions, and finally felt a little comfort in his heart.

"That's right." Because of his constant questions, the bus driver really remembered one thing:

"Later, when I was about to get off work, someone hurried over and asked me, 'At which stop did the man in the knitted hat get off?'

"I didn't react at the time, and there were too many passengers getting on and off the bus at each stop, so I told him that I didn't remember. But then I suddenly remembered that the knitted hat - the vicious man was wearing it. A knitted hat! But at that time, I was only thinking about him holding a gun, but I ignored his clothes, and failed to connect the questions I heard with that person in the first place."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully and was about to say something.

However, Akai Shuichi spoke first and steered the topic to the other side as if nothing had happened: "What does the person who asked you about knitted hats look like?"

The driver thought carefully: "He was wearing a windbreaker and a pair of sunglasses, and he was very tall."

Jiang Xia was stunned when he heard: windbreaker, sunglasses, tall figure, and asked someone about Akai Shuichi... Why does it sound a bit like gin and vodka?

...You murderous people are holding a party in Tokyo when I'm not around?

His mood suddenly took a turn for the worse.

But soon, as the person in charge found out the surveillance during that period, Jiang Xia's mood calmed down again.

——The man in the trench coat was wearing a white trench coat and had a shaved head. It was obviously not gin or vodka.

Fortunately, the loss was not big.

Speaking of which...

Jiang Xia dragged and played the video and found that Akai Shuichi's face was not captured in it. Even his body shape and movements were slightly out of shape when they appeared on the camera. They looked completely different from usual. Different - this FBI is quite cautious, and avoiding cameras seems to have become an instinct.

Jiang Xia simply pretended not to recognize him and continued to slowly carry out this well-rewarded commission.

At this moment, his phone vibrated and he received a call. The caller ID was Dr. A Li.

Jiang Xia picked it up easily.

"Jiang Xia, why did you accept such a dangerous commission again?" Dr. A Li sighed, "I have unlocked the password. There is a Yin and Yang account here."

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