Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2252 2256 [Drama Queen? 】Please give me a monthly ticket oo

Chapter 2252 2256 [Drama Queen? 】Ask for monthly ticket o(〃▽〃)o

Dr. A Li's voice came along the receiver: "You know that Mihua Construction Company? It has been very popular in the past two years and has taken on many big orders - this Yin and Yang account belongs to him.

"One is an external account book, and the other is an encrypted internal account. The latter records various bribes they paid to politicians. The amount, time, and names are all clearly written."

As he spoke, Dr. Ali couldn't help holding the receiver and looking around, paying special attention to the windows and doors of his home:

If I remember correctly, in movies or TV series, at this time, a villain killer usually sneaks in secretly and gives him a hard blow on the back of the head.

Then Jiang Xia would hear his screams and falling to the ground on the other side of the phone. When he came back in a hurry, he would only see Dr. Ali with his head shot and the empty computer with the disk taken away...

Originally it was just to relieve the tension after seeing the secret, but Dr. Ali turned around while thinking about it, and actually found a figure standing quietly behind him!

Dr. A Li trembled all over: "Ah——!!!"

Huihara Ai, who was holding a coffee cup and curious to look at the computer screen, said: "?!"

She stabilized the coffee in her hand, looked at Dr. Ali who jumped out a few steps, and then looked at the dropped phone receiver, remaining silent.

After a moment, she sighed, walked over and picked up the receiver: "Jiang Xia?"

Jiang Xia was also startled by the sudden scream. He held the phone further away from his ears. When he heard the person on the other side was replaced, he came closer again: "What happened?"

Haiyuan Ai glanced at the dense data on the computer screen and said somewhat speechlessly: "It's nothing. Doctor has watched too many spy movies recently, and he has some side effects - will you come back for lunch? The king crab I ordered the day before yesterday has been delivered. I want to eat it as soon as possible.”

Jiang Xia looked at his watch, then looked at Akai Shuichi who was sitting next to him: "I shouldn't go back at noon, maybe at night."

...If you can't go back at night and miss the king crab, then it will be included in the commission fee and Akai Shuichi will be reimbursed together.

After briefly discussing dinner, Jiang Xia hung up the phone and returned her attention to the disappearance case.

He looked at Akai Shuichi, who was looking at the surveillance, and whispered: "The disk you gave me contains a Yin-Yang account - this may be the reason why the old gentleman was kidnapped."

Akai Shuichi showed a shocked expression, like an ordinary citizen who was inexplicably involved in a big incident.

Jiang Xia: "..." His acting skills are quite good. No wonder he can produce such magical murderous aura...

He asked again: "Did you and the old gentleman get on the bus at the same station?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head: "He got in the car much later than me... than my friend."

Hearing this, Jiang Xia seemed to have thought of something and frowned: "In this case, the people who are following Mr. Shitaku should know that you are not accomplices, just passers-by who met by chance. But even so, he still found the bus station and asked the bus driver. The news of your getting off..."

Akai Shuichi thought of the face he was wearing now and the effort he had put in to disguise himself, and couldn't help but emphasize: "He is really my friend."

"Well, okay." Jiang Xia nodded perfunctorily, and continued what he had just said, "In short, the kidnappers should have heard about your friend from Mr. Shitara who was captured by them - they probably I already know that the precious disk is in your friend's possession, so I specifically asked for news about your friend."

He glanced around with his peripheral vision: "And ever since we set off from the bus station, I always felt that someone was following us. Those people may have been eyeing your friend, and your friend is probably the kidnappers' next kidnapping target. .”

Listening to his tone, Akai Shuichi felt that he already had an idea: "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Xia said: "Although we can try to catch the nearby stalker, the stalker is probably just a gangster. This will only alert the snake and endanger Mr. Shitaku's safety. And we cannot treat the hostages like gangsters. In this way, they torture the stalkers, force them out of their stronghold, and then raid and rescue them.

"So it's better to play the long game and catch the big fish. Find someone of similar stature to pretend to be your friend. After he is taken away, you can find the den along the way."

As Jiang Xia spoke, he took a look at Akai Shuichi, and then took out his mobile phone eagerly: "How is your friend's figure? They are all adults, and they should be about the same size as my boss."

Akai Shuichi: "..." It's almost the same, I'm half a head taller than him.

Jiang Xia also knows that the two people are not the same height. In fact, he feels that in terms of body shape and temperament, the one closest to Akai Shuichi is actually Gin... Unfortunately, Gin will not agree to star. He will only act when a kidnapper approaches. He shot everyone in the head one by one.

...Sigh, both bosses are so difficult to use, and this cannot continue.

Sighing inwardly, he tentatively called out Toru Amuro's number.

However, unexpectedly but not unexpectedly, the call was not answered, and only an email came: [Infiltrating]

Jiang Xia: "..."

Akai Shuichi: "..." Bourbon didn't answer the phone again. As a person who values ​​intelligence, this is abnormal... Could it be that this fake organization leader wants to draw a clear line and keep a distance from high school students in order to weaken Jiang Xia in the eyes of the organization? exposure?

This is a good thing worth supporting.

Akai Shuichi thought for a while and decided to cooperate with Bourbon unilaterally: "How about I go."

He also owed Jiang Xia Longping a large favor. Now that his creditor was dead, of course he should help take care of his only remaining son.

Jiang Xia seemed to be hesitant, but thinking of the poor old man, he finally sighed: "Actually, I should have taken part in this kind of thing, but I was worried that they would recognize me as a detective on the way and the infiltration would fail... Alas, Then leave it to you - don't worry, I will do my best to ensure your safety."

He thought for a while and began to plan the next steps based on this: "The old man probably doesn't have a photo of your friend, and the appearance is difficult to describe clearly through words. They must not know the specific appearance of your friend.

"Now that you have come here specifically with me to investigate, the stalker will definitely think that you are your friend, which saves you the trouble of pretending - well, I'll rent a motorcycle nearby and you wait for me here. Don't walk around at will. I'll go out and seduce them when I get back."

Akai Xiu nodded in agreement.

Then not long after Jiang Xia left, he also left the office, stretched himself, and wandered to a remote place without surveillance.

——He also wanted to rescue the innocent old man who was implicated by Uzo as soon as possible, and see what was going on with the kidnappers.

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