Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2267 2271 [Uzuo’s heir] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2267 2271 [Uzuo’s heir] Please vote for me ()

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "That suspicious Uncle Kamekura must be the thief who came to the jewelry store five years ago and stole 300 million yuan in jewelry! He knew that if he sold the gems immediately after he succeeded, it would be easy to be detected by the police, and If you keep the stolen goods with you all the time, it will be easily exposed.

"So after he stole the gems, he found a place to bury the gems and hide them - that burial place was the foundation of the Rentaro family's reconstruction project!

"Five years later, the jewel thief changed his identity and sneaked into Rintaro's house. He wanted to uncover the tatami in the corresponding room, and unknowingly dug out the gems from the ground and took them away.

"However, the business of Rentaro's store was so bad that his family was not busy in the front store at all, but always resting in the back room. This meant that he had no chance to make a move.

"So the jewel thief can only teach them his cooking skills and spend his own money to repair the shop to make it lively and prosperous, and then keep Rentaro's family busy in the front shop, so that he has time to The hidden jewels have been unearthed!”

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Xia anxiously and expectantly, feeling nervous as he waited for the stern teacher to approve the answer.

Jiang Xia nodded: "It makes sense."

"It doesn't make sense." Conan sighed, "If you want to evade pursuit, you can just wait a year and a half. Why wait a full five years?"

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko had just received support from Jiang Xia, and he suddenly no longer cared about the little leader Conan. He raised his chin:

"Don't you know this? Of course it's to wait for the retrospective period to pass! The prosecution period for theft cases is five years. Rather than taking out the gems in advance and then selling the stolen goods in fear, now he can do these things with arrogance."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." As expected of the dark seedling cultivated by that person, he even thought of the retrospective period and the swaggering sale of stolen goods. But he is still a child after all...

Just as he was thinking about it, Conan's speechless voice came: "Five years is the prosecution period for criminal cases, and twenty years for civil cases. Even if he digs out those gems now, they can't be considered his property. If he wants to avoid it for five years, just Selling stolen goods so arrogantly is such a beautiful idea."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Well, children are different from children. This one has been completely contaminated and is completely in the shape of a crime textbook.

Fortunately, the other children still retained their former innocence. Genta Kojima originally wanted to laugh, but when he caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia from the corner of his eye, he weakened his voice. In the end, he just leaned next to Conan and laughed softly: "Conan, what do you want? Too many. Will the thief know something that none of us know?"

Conan's eyes twitched: "..." Don't underestimate crime, this is also a profound knowledge!

He wanted to speak sternly like this, but when he saw Maya Hashimoto, whose background was unknown, he had to take a deep breath and swallow back what he wanted to say.

Then he said calmly: "Okay, let's just assume what you said is true. What next? Don't tell me that you want to call the police. The police will not pay attention to such things without evidence."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Having such contempt and disdain for the police is indeed Uzo's true legacy. But I'm still a bit naive and don't know how to take the initiative to call the police and let the police clean up the mess.

The reaction of the three children to Conan was not surprising. They first glanced at Jiang Xia and saw that he had no objection, so they thought seriously: "Well, let's set a trap!"

Conan: "..." Although you are indeed smarter than children of the same age, the idea of ​​making a trap that can deal with criminals is too beautiful.

He sighed and followed Jiang Xia to watch silently.

Then I saw three children running back to Kamekura Yuji's door, knocking on the door, and knocking the "enthusiastic" who had retreated back out again.

Kamekura Yuuji looked puzzled: "What's wrong, you want to read palms again?"

Yoshida Ayumi mustered up her courage and said seriously, imitating Jiang Xia's aura when solving a case: "Our young detective team already knows your secret!"

Kamekura Yuji: "?!"

The other two smiled in unison, and then the three children turned around and left, looking confident.

Conan: "...?"

Maya Hashimoto: "...?"

What kind of trap is this?

Jiang Xia patted their shoulders one by one and pushed them away: "Let's take a look first and then talk."

The group of people walked around the neighborhood. When they returned in the evening, Morintaro was grabbed by his mother: "Why are you still running around here? I have packed your luggage for you. You can see what else is there." If you want to take it with you, we’ll leave immediately!”

Rintaro Mori was stunned: "Let's go? Where?"

Rintaro Mori's mother smiled happily and took out a few package tickets: "Look, a two-day trip to the hot spring! Kamekura gave it to us. He got it in the lottery last week. He had always forgotten about it. I just remembered - tonight is the first day of the trip, we have to get there as soon as possible!"

As a restaurant owner who was able to run a restaurant to the point where it was empty, Mori Rintaro's parents obviously didn't have any good intentions. Only Mori Rintaro was full of doubts, but after all, he was just a child, and he was quickly taken away by his troubled parents and grandma. .

As a result, Kamekura Yuuji was the only one left in his store.

——Kamekura Yuuji actually felt threatened by being discovered by a primary school student, so he accelerated his excavation plan regardless!

Conan looked confused: "How could this happen?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." There are many similar reserve members in the peripheral members of the organization, but they will always be reserve members...

Speaking of which, Uzo picked this stupid thief not only to cultivate three new Baker Street guerrillas, but also to make Conan return to his original nature and realize that in addition to those cunning schemes, there are such simple criminals in the world. ?

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto's eyes suddenly became complicated when looking at Conan: "..." This kid is very valued. If this goes on, even if I want to sue him, won't it be difficult to succeed? After all, children always have the privilege of making mistakes... Damn it, will I have to be bullied by this colleague from now on?

Several people returned to the restaurant. Under the guidance of the young outlaws, he climbed into the house and quietly arrived at the door of Kamekura Yuuji.

Then he pointed the camera towards the crack of the door.

Jiang Xia approached the door and took a look inside.

In the dimly lit room, Kamekura Yuuji, wearing a scarf, lifted up the tatami and started digging with the shovel placed underneath.

Not long after, he took out a heavy bag from the shallow soil. With a slight shake, there was a muffled sound in the bag. He put the bag on his lap and showed a happy smile: "My gem~!"

Conan, who was also peeking through the crack in the door, had a slight twitch in the corners of his eyes, almost making him feel murderous.

... He was actually fooled by a rough elementary school student. How could there be such a shameful thief in the world!

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