Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2268 2272 [Case closed]

Before Conan could recover from the impact, the members of the Young Detective Team had already pushed the door open with a clang and entered. With Jiang Xia behind them, the three children shouted without fear: "That's it!"

Kamekura Yuji: "?!"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya raised his cell phone: "The process of digging for gems just now has been completely recorded by us. Surrender... No, surrender!"

Kamekura Yuuji fell to the ground, shivered for a while, and suddenly sighed with abandonment: "I surrender, you can take me away."


The three children looked at each other: "..." Why is this so different from Brother Jiang Xia's case-solving process?

What about the prisoner's excuse?

What about the steps they took to explain the reasoning process with great enthusiasm?

What about the scene where the prisoner tried to escape but was knocked over with a stick and then stamped on the ground and hammered?

"How about we follow the procedure first?" Yoshida Ayumi discussed in a low voice with two classmates, "Although he didn't ask us how we saw through his trick, we can tell ourselves!"

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko touched his chin, always feeling that the two were different. One is to achieve a glorious victory after a bloody battle, and the other is to shamelessly whip the corpse of an enemy who kneels down at the speed of light.

Moto Kojima didn't think too much. He originally wanted to reason based on Yoshida Ayumi's suggestion, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't remember anything.

After hesitating for a moment, Kojima Mota scratched his head and pushed Conan: "You don't seem to have much energy today. Let me give you the highlight moment of solving the case!"

Conan: "..." What a highlight moment.

But this strange thief did give him a lot to say.

After thinking for a while, Conan pressed his forehead and put things into a familiar rhythm: "Mr. Kamekura, you are the thief who stole 500 million yuan in jewelry from a nearby jewelry store five years ago."

Kamekura Yuji nodded: "Yes."

Conan: "..."

Why don't you make excuses?

He couldn't take it anymore.

Kamekura Yuuji looked at him, laughed, and actually said proactively:

"But I'm not a fool. I knew that if I sold those distinctive jewelry immediately, I would be chased by the police, so I had already chosen a place to hide the jewelry before starting the theft. "

As he spoke, he turned to look at the house: "At that time, this family was being demolished and rebuilt. The frame of the house had been set up, and there were no floor tiles on the land to cover it. It was a very convenient hiding place, so after I got it, I immediately Buried the jewels here.

“In order to get rid of my own suspicion and appear to be an ordinary citizen who wanted to work hard and get rich, I spent the next five years working as an apprentice in a famous restaurant.

"The chef of that restaurant had a bad temper, but no matter how he scolded me or made things difficult for me, I endured it - I thought that as long as I survived the five-year retrospective period, those expensive gems would become mine. , the suffering in front of me suddenly became nothing!

"In this way, I have endured it until today. But the closer the five-year time limit was, the more excited I became. In the end, I couldn't help but come here a few months in advance.

"I originally thought that as long as I successfully applied for an apprenticeship in this restaurant, I would be able to dig out those jewelry with peace of mind. But I didn't expect that the business of this restaurant was so bad that there were almost no customers.

"Seeing his family idle around the house every day, I was so anxious that I had to teach them cooking skills, help them develop new menus, and pay them to renovate the restaurant... Finally, they became busy, and I I can also find the 'treasure' I buried back then with peace of mind."

Conan looked at his suspicious hands: "..." Unexpectedly, those calluses were just like what Jiang Xia said, they were left behind by handling pots and knives for a long time when he was a chef apprentice. but……

Conan: "Five years is only the criminal prosecution period, and the civil prosecution period is a full 20 years. Even if you dig out the gems now, you won't be able to sell them off as smoothly as you imagined."

Kamekura Yuji was startled: "Is this the case?! I, I don't know..."

Conan pressed his temples painfully, and finally couldn't help but said angrily: "You are a jewelry thief, or a jewelry thief who plans to use the retroactive period to evade legal responsibility. How can you do it without clarifying these details? - And this In the past five years, you haven’t read the relevant legal provisions at all! Do you respect your profession?”

Kamekura Yuji shrank weakly: "...I, I originally wanted to consult a lawyer, but I am a criminal after all. My legs go weak when I see them, and I don't have the patience to read such a thick law book. Anyway, there is such a person I have the impression that the five-year retrospective period will be implemented directly.”

Conan took two steps back and forth: "But you are too impatient. A few elementary school students said to you, 'We already know your secret,' and you were so excited that you took action directly? Haven't you thought about it?" Is this actually a trap?”

Kamekura Yuuji whispered: "Didn't you say that you are the 'Young Detective Team'? - Detectives are scary. Even though they are elementary school students, they are still detectives."

The three children's ears twitched and they couldn't help but raise their chins: You must be discerning!

Conan's eyes twitched wildly:

"What's so scary about us kids? When other criminals see us, they just want to silence you. Why are you different? Also, since you can think of using the 'hot spring trip' trick to take away Rentaro's family, Why not use it from the beginning?

"Instead of spending a lot of money to renovate the store and spend so much time here, wouldn't it be quicker and cheaper to give them a set of travel vouchers early? - His family had no business at all at the time, and they would definitely not mind traveling compared to spending time at home. In a few days, you would be able to escape long ago. Although you can't sell the jewelry directly, at least you won't be caught by a few kids like you are now... It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all. What are you thinking? "

Kamekura Yuuji was stunned for a while: "What you said makes sense. I should have given them a set of travel vouchers earlier... Alas, I didn't think of it at the time. It would have been better if I had met you earlier."

Conan: "..." How could there be such a stupid thief in the world! !

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but glance at the collapsed child: "..." This little scroll king must have criminal obsessive-compulsive disorder, pursuing complex tricks and perfect techniques, as well as smooth logic that can convince everyone.

Maya Hashimoto vigilantly analyzed in her heart: "This is so similar to Uzo's idea. Could it be that he was really taught by Uzo step by step?...Tsk, I may have underestimated the status of this little minion in the heart of my boss. It seems that If you want to compete with him in the future, you need to be more cautious."

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